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The renovation of historical parks near the small feudal residences on the example of the study of the renovation of the castle garden in Doudleby nad Orlici in Eastern Bohemia.
Faltysová, Lenka ; Buttry, Ivana (advisor) ; Jakub, Jakub (referee)
The aim of this work is the processing methodology and presentation process how to restore monuments of garden art. On the example of the revitalization of the castle garden immovable cultural monument Castle Doudleby nad Orlicí, based on the study of literature, similar interventions and the analysis and interpretation of various types of archival material the current quality of historic garden was evaluated. It is based on field survey, which consists of dendrological research, analyzing the authenticity of trees and appreciation of all the collected documents, historical sources and professional literature. Concept recovery of castle garden is based on the expert authority´s binding point of view of the state care of historical monuments. Renaissance castle in Doudleby nad Orlici is located in the eastern part of the town on a slightly raised hill on the right bank of the River Divoká Orlice. There was a wooden medieval fortress with the farmyard on this place in the 13th century. Sr Mikuláš from Bubno started to build a hunting lodge in the Renaissance style as villa in 1588, which was finished in 1590. The significance of Renaissance residence, which complement the early Baroque elements from the late 17th century, is enhanced by the opulent and impressive sgraffito - carpet pattern covering all external and internal frontage, restored in 1886 by Kirchner. The tall chimneys are the part of decoration in the courtyard decorated with sgraffito as well. The chateau complex is formed along its circuit of farm buildings and residential buildings. Building of castle itself is separated by a park with old trees and newer lawns (Hieke, 1984). Castle park in Doudleby nad Orlicí was founded in 1809 in compositional continuity of the Renaissance castle building. The park forms one organic complex with the castle. The promoter strived, like in the castle rooms, to demonstrate here his wealth, his sense of art and his botanical-dendrological knowledge. The park is designed as a narrow disposition in landscape style and it is composed as a long vista to the castle. The area of the landscape park is 3.76 hectares nowadays. The literature search is especially dedicated to the Renaissance and its relationship to the garden art. The monument care in the Czech Republic and the activity of professional organization of the monument care of the National Heritage Institute in Josefov is introduced in this section. The methodological guide describes the used bolsterings and resulting outputs on the basis of them are implemented of such measures, which will help to improve the health and vitality of existing promising trees and new plantings of trees, which are consistent with the original composition with emphasis on the rehabilitation and upgrading of historical value of the object. Treatment of trees and supplementary planting will be done within the frame of total revitalization of the castle park. The practical unit describes the current status of vegetation monuments of garden art. The inventory trees is the essential tool for analyzing the current status of vegetation monuments of garden art. Inventory, which should provide quality base for a draft recovery, should also be addressed in certain parts with characteristics of individual species (Krejčiřík, 2015). The results of field investigation were completely recorded in the graphical output.

Winter Density of House Sparrow in Different types of Rural Settlements along the Czech – Austria Border
Oberpfalzerová, Michaela ; Zasadil, Petr (advisor) ; Šmejdová, Lucie (referee)
From the point of view of the Czech Republic in the last 80 years we can specify two periods, which had a significant impact on the general character and development in agriculture. The first period can be traced to the 50s of the last century, in which the concentration of agricultural production headed towards to factory farming. The second one began at the beginning of the 90s. At that time a sharp downtown of animal production occurred and the sooner concentrated production began, after the regaining by previous owners, to erode into what it is today private agriculture. This thesis aims tocontribute to a confirmation of rejection of the hypothesis that the above described changes have a negative impact on the selected avian species. These species are represented by significantsynanthropic birds: house sparrow (which is a crucial representative in this thesis), tree sparrow and collared dove. Thirty municipalities were chosen to emphasize the differences in quantity of these species, half of them located on each side of the border with the Czech Republic and Austria. The comparison of quantities of bird populations took place in the surroundings of the cities Znojmo and Retz.In this thesis the Republic of Austria acts as a country which has not been burdened by a substantial economic development and which has applied the continuous market economy since the end of the Second World War. In the individual squares the numbers of the representatives of the studied species and the environmental characteristics were recorded during the winter period. The significant differences in the numbers of birds at selected locations were demonstrated using a multifactor ANOVA STATISTICA 12. Moreover, the impact of selected environmental variables on the abundance of observed species was also analysed. It was found that the selected species depend on an inclusion into the individual states as well as on a classification into various biotope types. Finally, the dependence on the area of trees and bushes, the proportion of new buildings and the presence of poultry in the square were also observed. The most numerous species in the Republic of Austria was the house sparrow, the most abundant species in the Czech Republic was the collared dove. A slight increase in the occurrence of the collared dove was recorded in both states. Tree sparrow as a species occurred in relatively large numbers, but only locally. It was found that the populationsof the above mentioned species were generally more numerous in the Austrian municipalities. An interesting fact is that most of the observed individuals in the Czech Republic occurred in village built-up areas rather than in agricultural premises, as it was initially estimated.

Analysis of the development of the selected villages in relation to the Czech Republic´s entry to EU
Baitoukou, Renáta ; Svatošová, Libuše (advisor) ; Petr, Petr (referee)
This translated thesis is focused on use of tools for local level development.Main goal of thesis is to point out the ability of local self-government and how to strive to realization of goals and sustainable development with help of european and regional politics.This thesis analyses the influences of european politics on villages with population of less than 1000 inhabitants.Problematics delve into the are of specifications of villages,funcions of self-governments in small villages and points out individual factors of influencing the development. Analysis of development of chosen village in correlation with admission of Czech Republic to EU is based on detailed characteristic of area of interest. For better clarity more significant areas were chosen which we can safely judge with the development in certain time period how and if the area became to worse,started to stagnate or became generaly better and what was its cause.In relation of admission if Czech Republic to EU the results will be evaluated if this act had any significant benefit on this specific ocasion.

The marketing strategy of the business entity
Vlasák, Matouš ; Vokáčová, Lucie (advisor) ; Michal, Michal (referee)
The thesis focuses on the marketing strategy of commercial division Žirafa Stavebniny, which is a part of the construction company MAO a.s. Žirafa Stavebniny deals with sales of building materials, renting of construction machines and with a haulage. The aim of the thesis is to design appropriate marketing strategies for retail sale that would result in achieving the objectives set by business divisions. The theoretical part studies the concepts and the issues of strategic marketing planning and analyses that are needed to create a marketing strategy. The writing of this part was preceded by the studying of professional literature in order to compose a bibliographic search by means of description and comparison. The theoretical part is followed by a chapter that describes basic information about the company MAO a.s. and its business division Žirafa Stavebniny. The external environment is evaluated through a PEST analysis, which is the analysis of competition in the industry, and market analysis. The internal environment of the business division was analyzed by means of the financial analysis, the marketing mix analysis and the analysis of competitiveness. Thanks to the analyses, several opportunities and threats to the Žirafa have been revealed. What is considered as the most significant opportunities for the Žirafa are the low mortgage rate, the departure of a major competitor Raab Karcher from the market and last but not least the new owner of retail chain Baumax. Conversely, the most imminent threats are the unfavourable development of the construction industry and building production, the action of the Žirafa in a perfect competitive market, the withdrawal of the main competitor Raab Karcher from the market and the new owner of retail chain Baumax. The analyses also helped to find the strong and the weak points of the Žirafa. One of the most important strong points is an access to customer service quality. Furthermore, other plus points are the reputation, a long-term activity on the market and good relations with suppliers. However, there are considerable weaknesses that are worth mentioning, such as an inadequate use of communication media, poor sales and communication skills of employees, low-level websites and a weak retail environment. By means of the SWOT matrix, there were generated different marketing strategies that are used to achieve the objectives of the Žirafa. In particular, it is a strategy to streamline marketing communication, a strategy focused on a quality of service, a strategy that deals with broadening of the assortment and a strategy which would improve the professionalism of the employees. Consequently, a draft action program for the marketing year of 2015/2016 is conceived on the basis of the results of analyses and the created marketing strategies.

An analysis of land fund of Domažlice district
Hovorka, Jan ; Janků, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
This thesis analyzes the land in Domažlice. In this border region is experiencing significant changes in land use and thus to changes in the structure of the landscape. The work focuses mainly on the protection of soil and landscape structure in that region. It deals with not only trends in land, but the whole system of processes that changes in land fund raises. Therefore, it is also engaged in the wider context of spilling over into other areas. In the introductory section readers outlines the social significance of soil and land resources, but also the landscape and its structure. The following describes some of the processes that occur in the country, including their impact. The following section is devoted to real estate records (katastrům), their importance and fundamental historical changes in the register of real estate. He also records of agricultural land. Subsequently also describes factors that affect the status of the land fund of the Czech Republic, including state policy and the European Union. There is described a land market and the price of land in the Czech environment. The whole chapter is concluded by a brief description of the historical development until now. The literature search should provide an overall view of issues, including relations with adjoining areas. Another part is devoted to the identified region Domažlice. There are analyzed the conditions and diversity of this region and its historical development, because only with such knowledge can achieve an objective assessment of the issue. It also established a methodology for the job. Part of the results is devoted to the results of background and results of individual investigations, which are in the following section compared with current scientific knowledge and partly to the socially accepted attitude. The conclusion summarizes the results of this thesis and provided the achievement of hypotheses that have been identified in the introductory part. There are also problems outlined and possibly offered the best solution. Part of the annex is devoted to image the documents, which illustrate the text part.

The Chosen Destination Question on the Tourist Industry Market in the Czech Republic - Sevilla
Žídková, Denisa ; Navrátilová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Hricová, Daniela (referee)
The subject of the thesis is an analysis of the selected tourism destination, in this case the city of Seville on the Czech market. The first part deals with theoretical approaches concerning the issue. Furthermore, a brief characteristics of the territory in several respects are described. The following chapters deals with the research itself. Within the tourism destination there are discussed various specific factors which are creating a significant influence.In the following chapter the behavior and preferences of tourists are analyzed based on the survey. The survey of the market of the Czech Republic is made following the replies of the respondents. Offers from various travel agencies are summarized at the end of this work. The result is an evaluation of the status of the selected destination on the Czech market, and the proposal of possible recommendations for tourism businesses which are operating in the given destination.

Mophological and molecular diversity of a tropical tree species Guazuma crinita in the Peruvian Amazon
Tuisima Coral, Lady Laura ; Lojka, Bohdan (advisor) ; Helena, Helena (referee)
Fast growing tree species Guazuma crinita (Malvaceae) was selected as a priority species for domestication in the Peruvian Amazon due its important contribution to the livelihood of local farmers. Its domestication process is still in an early age as for many tropical tree species little is known about its genetic variability and we dont know anything about the impact of domestication on its genetic resources. The main objective of this research was to assess the genetic variability of G. crinita within and among populations in the Peruvian Amazon by the use of morphological (wood physical traits) and molecular (ISSR and AFLP) markers. Wood physical properties among six G. crinita provenances were evaluated. Wood samples were drilled from the base middle and top of the stem of 12 randomly selected eight-years-old trees for determination of wood measurement. Pearson correlations between physical properties were also determined. All wood physical properties except green density differed significantly among provenances. We also found statistically significant variation due to stem level position. The moderately dense wood and the coefficient of anisotropy (1.6) suggested that G. crinita has stable wood; they represent important advantages in terms of costs for transport and transformation process. The results suggested potential to select provenances with desirable wood properties for further breeding and domestication. Due to the variation found even in limited tree samples it is recommended further analysis with more extensive number of samples from different provenances and planting zones. This research presents the first assessment of genetic variability based on inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers for 44 G. crinita genotypes from a clonal garden multiplication established in the Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP) in Ucayali region. Ten ISSR primers amplified a total of 65 bands of which 61 were polymorphic (93.8%). The range of DNA amplification varied from 260 to 2200 bp. Among the provenances overall genetic differentiation (Gst) was 0.03 indicating 97% of genetic diversity within provenances. Gene flow (Nm) was 12.9 alleles per generation. Cluster analysis was not related with geographic origin suggesting a common gene pool which was supported by calculation of weak positive correlation was found between genetic and geographic distance. With the use of AFLP markers an insight on how domestication process does impact G. crinita genetic resources is also reported on this research work. I was able to generate fingerprint for 58 leaf samples representing eight provenances and three population types, 19 from a natural regenerated population 15 cultivated in home garden nursery and 24 from a collection of genotypes considered as semi-domesticated population. Seven selective AFLP primer combinations were used. A total of 171 fragments were amplified with 99.42% of polymorphism at species level. Each type of population generated fragments with 72.51% 49.12% and 54.39% of polymorphic fragments respectively. Neis genetic diversity and Shannon index information were found to be higher in the population of natural regeneration compared to overall semi-domesticated population (He = 0.10 and 0.9; I = 0.19 and 0.16 respectively). The analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) showed higher variation within provenances rather than among (84% and 4% respectively). UPGMA clusters analysis and PCoA did not showed correspondence between genetic and geographic distance in addition their correlation was not significant. There was a significant genetic differentiation among types of population suggesting slight genetic bottleneck in semi-domesticated populations yet with relatively high levels of genetic variation. In situ conservation for populations with high levels of genetic diversity was recommended. In addition proper management of natural regeneration and ex situ genotype collections might be a good conservation strategy to maintain G. crinita genetic resources. The use of morphological (wood physical traits) and molecular markers were successful to reveal genetic variability of G. crinita and they could be used for other tropical tree species. For further researches it is emphasis to extent the number of samples and geographic scale.

Optimization of microclimate parameters in dairy farms, while reducing the energy consumption of selected technological systems
Češpiva, Miroslav ; Pecen, Josef (advisor) ; Ján, Ján (referee)
Thesis is focused on the measurement and evaluation of microclimate parameters in barns for dairy farming and the determination of the energy consumptions of selected technologies in these barns. The aim of this work was to design and eventually to implement adjustments in order to improve the parameters of cowshed microclimate and reducing the energy consumption of selected technologies in depends on results of the measurements. Three structurally different cowsheds with different slurry clearing technologies were selected for monitoring. I focused on the measurement of temperature and relative humidity in relation to temperature- humidity index and its impact on heat stress on dairy cows. I measured airflow in the cowsheds and I determinate concentrations and emissions of ammonia and methane in the cowsheds in different seasons. I monitored light intensity in the cowsheds and I determined the dependence of building solutions on the use of outdoor light to illuminate the interior of the barns. The energy consumption of the lighting system depending on the season and the consumption of additional fans on the air temperature were studied. On the bases of results of the experimental part I designed and implemented lighting system, controlled by light intensity in a cowshed and energy-saving ventilation in the cowshed - type K105. I suggested a system of continuously monitoring of climatic parameters in the cowshed with immediate calculation of temperature- humidity index. Measurements have shown the dependence of gases concentrations on the way of slurry clearing technologies. The building solutions of cowsheds and type of ventilation proved a significant influence on the temperature- humidity index during the summer.

The spatial final cut optimisation
Kašpar, Jan ; Marušák, Róbert (advisor) ; Lstibůrek, Milan (referee)
For more than 150 years, timber indicators have been used for forest harvest scheduling in the region of current Czech Republic. With social changes and increased importance of forest yields and functions, there has been significant changes in forest management during this time. The changes in ownership structure after 1989 are most problematic from a sustainability standpoint. Also, the timber indicators cannot consider forest age structure, which is not ideal because even small changes related to abiotic and biotic disturbances may inhibit forest planning efforts. These changes to forest ownership and structure combined with current timber indicators make it difficult to ensure sustainable harvest levels over long time horizons. Methods of operations research, such as mathematical programming and heuristic methods, provide alternatives to historical harvest scheduling methods because they can account for forest age structure and spatial relationships over long scheduling horizons.

Structure, development and growing spruce-beech stands in the western Giant Mountains
Bulušek, Daniel ; Vacek, Stanislav (advisor) ; Michal, Michal (referee)
The subject of dissertation is to evaluate the structure, development and silviculture spruce-beech stands in the western Giant Mountains and design of differentiated silviculture of these stand in similar environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to describe the structure of trees natural regeneration and the structure of tree layer, evaluate their current development and to predict future developments and based on detailed analysis of habitat and stand conditions to propose a framework directive management of the studied stands and stands located in similar habitat and stand conditions in the Giant Mountains. For this purpose were used primarily permanent research plots (PRP) 1, 2, 8, 9 and 35 with the dimensions of 50 × 50 m, which were established and regularly monitored since 1980 (PRP 1, 2, 8 and 9), PRP 35 were established in 2004 and a number of other sub-plots. For the evaluation of natural regeneration was on each research plot marked transects 50 × 5 m (250 m2). Measurement of the natural regeneration included all individuals present at the individual transects, whose diameter breast-height diameter was smaller than 7 cm. After measuring all the data was evaluated spatial, species, height and thickness structure. To evaluate the tree layer were measured all individuals on permanent research plot with breast-height diameter greater or equal than 7 cm. The measured data were subsequently evaluated by mathematical-statistical methods. Visualization of the tree layer and development simulation was performed using the growth simulator biodynamic of forest SIBYLA. The results show that the structure stands was on individual permanent research plots very variable. Variability occurred in natural regeneration even within individual transects. Significant differences are evident in the development of stands that provide space for a wide range of near natural differentiated care within of stands type and individual types and subtypes of forest development.