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Current issues of crime committed against young people
LEVÁ, Dominika
The bachelor thesis on a topic ?Current issues of crime committed against young people? deals in its theoretical part with basic information about the problems of crime. It explains psychological and legal standpoints to a concept of the youth, it describes international documents related to the issue and analyses perpetrators of these crimes. With regard to the aim of the thesis, it carries out an analysis of the new criminal law protection of young people effective from January 1st, 2010 with a brief comparison of a previous legislation and possible solutions (help to victims). The empirical part of the bachelor thesis contains objectives, hypotheses, a research method and characteristics of the research sample. The data collection was carried out by a method of a quantitative research using a questionnaire survey consisted of 15 questions. The research sample consisted of pupils from 6th to 9th classes (young people aged 11 ? 15 years) at two elementary schools in the district of Český Krumlov (Elementary School Velešín and Elementary School Linecká). The aim of the practical part was to find out in which representation men and women commit crimes against the young people, whether a victim knows an attacker or he/she is a very stranger. The research showed that among the perpetrators of crime committed against the young people the male population outweighs the female population. The perpetrator is in most attacks of an approximate age or from a close social environment of the victim. The bachelor thesis can be used as an informational material for school counsellors, parents and teachers of elementary and secondary schools.
Legitimisation of the proceeds of the crime
Šefčík, Igor ; Žák, Květoslav (advisor) ; Spirit, Michal (referee)
The diploma thesis aims to the problem of money laundering in Czech's law. At the beginning are explained the most frequent terms that are used in this work. The next part is dedicated to the analysis of law environment, institutions and international treaties. The last part contains information about actual methods used in legitimization of the proceeds. The aim of the thesis is to analyze methods of money laundering used in present and assess the quality of instruments used against it in the Czech Republic.
The investigation of narcotics and psychotropics abuse in the context of following aspects of criminal offence
The dissertation work entitled "The Investigation of narcotic and psychotropic substances' misuse in the context of related offence" is a report focused on current situation in drug abuse in the Czech Republic. Social, health, economic and criminal consequences of narcotic and psychotropic substances' misuse are serious social-patologic phenomenon. The drug abuse is a threat to the social status of individuals as well as their communities, and results in separation from major society. They gradually lose contact with their natural social environment, give up any possibilities to obtain, improve or just keep their qualification, lose job together with economic independence and their family life breaks down. The life failure culminates in psychical or fysical problems. The risk of addiction permeate through the whole population; narcotic and psychotropic substance's abuse threaten particularly working people. According to the author, the most threatened groups are children and teenagers between 13 and 18 followed by young people who have just reached civil competence, and specific professions such as prostitutes or artists {--} with their problems, fashion eccentricity, extreme stress, drugs accessibility and financial security. This dissertation work deals with a lot of aspects of drug abuse: definition of the addiction, start and development of the addiction, stages gradually culminating in the addiction, specification of the notions of the addiction, specification of every single drug, global view on drug abuse as a world problem, health consequences, infectious diseases prevention, drugs in public places of entertainment, impact of criminal law, therapy, solutions in prison conditions, students' opinions survey. The survey searched for secondary-school-students' attitudes to the risks of drug abuse and investigated their personal ways to cope with those risks.
Regional Differencies in Crime Rates of Children and Adolescents ( A Teplice - České Budějovice Comparison)
Regional differencies in crime rates of children and adolescents (a Teplice {--} České Budějovice comparison) Abstract This problem of crime rates of children and adolescents is very actual in these days, we can read about it also in scientific literuture or magazines. Important is also the lowering age of first time alkohol and drug users. In my project I firstly summarized the most important topic that are connected with this problem such as basis terms, causes and structure of criminality and typical traits of crime rates of children and adolescents and others. Based on the study of specialized literature there are two hypotheses that have been suggested: H1) The criminal activities of children and adolescents young people are in Teplice often than in České Budějovice. H2) The boys commite crimes more than girls. Based on the analysis of datas provided by police statistics and self-report survey the structure and development of criminal activities of children and young people in two Czech regions was analysed. Inference is determined at the conclusion of this work. Current internet sources and available printed literature sources were used by setting the practical and the theoretical parts of this bachelor work. The work could help like a point of view to the general problem of deliquency children and young people and it also could provide basic information about criminal activities children and young people in these two Czech regions {--} Teplice and České Budějovice.
Vliv vstupu do Schengenského prostoru na ekonomiku České republiky
Tabáková, Veronika ; Klosová, Anna (advisor) ; Gullová, Soňa (referee)
The aim of this work is to determine whether an entry into the Schengen area changes in the areas of immigration and crime in the country. The work describes the process of accession to the Schengen area, analyzes the impact of entry on crime and immigration workers, not least in analyzing the impact of these factors on economic development and provides solutions to the CR. The thesis compares the situation before, commenting on what caused the movement of these indicators and outlines their development. Comparing statistical work completely refutes the belief that the mere release of the border for the movement of these factors, either upwards or downwards.
Criminal activities of juvenile in the region of Znojmo
The issue of juvenile delinquency is one of the key areas on which the attention of criminologists and the entire society is focused. Despite the public debate over this issue, brutality among the youth, extremism and drug addiction are growing. Child crime, and especially that of juveniles, is becoming, to an increasing extent, a socially significant problem over time. The topic of the thesis is juvenile crime in the Znojmo region. The thesis will deal with the development of juvenile delinquency in the Znojmo region and in the Czech Republic in 2005-2009. In the theoretical part, I will deal with crime-producing factors that affect the emergence of juvenile delinquency. I will focus primarily on the influence of family, inheritance, schools, peers and media. Furthermore, I will focus on the types of the crimes that are committed by juvenile offenders. Another chapter is devoted to the methods of repressing juvenile delinquency. At the end of the theoretical part, the crime prevention in Znojmo is discussed. The practical part of the thesis analyzes and evaluates statistical data in order to find out about juvenile crime in the Czech Republic and in the Znojmo region for the period of 2005 - 2009. The data resources used include the following: police statistics from the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, the regional police department in Znojmo, the Czech Statistical Office, and the documentation from the department of social and legal protection of children. To facilitate comparison, the resulting data was converted to the same measurable unit, i.e. the crime index.
A development and trends of crime committed by Czech Police staff.
The crime committed by policemen is a topic which in recent years starts to be highlighted especially thanks to media scandals. Media show only one side of the thing, namely, what crime was committed. The second often much more serious side, concerns above all the fact, why policemen commit the crime, why people who should protect the law, break it. I consider this issue to be an up-to-date, serious and interesting topic, and that is why I chose it for my bachelor thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis was focused on Police tasks, on possible reasons for committing the crime and its causes, then who solves the problems and last, but not least, the thesis deals with a particular analysis of that crime. The goal of the thesis is to inform about the issues and to show, that there exists a very serious problem which should not remain on the sidelines, because mainly citizens´ safety is in question. The research method was based on interviews with the staff of Police Inspection, from those I subsequently created case studies, concerning various types of policemen crime cases. Because of the Privacy policy, it was necessary to respect guidelines for an implementation of case studies. Two research questions were set for the practical part. The first one solves, whether the crimes are being committed especially by younger policemen, who, for the lack of experience and a lower salary could commit the crimes. The second question was to find out, in which section of the Police service comes about the commitment of the most of crimes. The thesis can be used as a source of comprehensive information for students or people dealing with those issues. It can also be used as an inspiration for another research.
About the prostitution and related attendant phenomena
Graduation Theses is focused on the problem of prostitution. The theoretical part deals with theoretical concept of prostitution, the characteristics of the prostitution-behaviour participants, the reasons of the existence of prostitution, prostitution in the Czech Republic, criminal activity, psycho-pathological phenomena and social-pathological phenomena associated with prostitution, the impacts of prostitution-behaviour and the prevention of prostitution. The practical part is focused on the interpretation of the in-depth interview. In this part there was given more space to the practical experiences with work with prostitution practicing persons and the comparison of practical knowledge and theoretical resources.

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