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SW for balancing rotary machines
Dúcky, Martin ; Jankových, Róbert (referee) ; Zuth, Daniel (advisor)
This thesis deals with balancing of rotary machines in one plane. It is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part is deals with the basics of vibrostatics and operational balancing, with emphasis on the evaluation of machine vibration. The practical part deals with SW solution in Matlab environment. It explains the functionality of individual parts, their arrangement, connection and mutual continuity, and layout of the program. The programmed solution is tested on a series of measurements in which the balancing itself is evalated and compared with the classical method used in balancing rotary machines in one plane.
Possibilities of Determining NVH Parameters of the Seat Track Release Mechanism in a Passenger Car
Ondriska, Viktor ; Řehák, Kamil (referee) ; Prokop, Aleš (advisor)
The focus of this thesis is the noise produced by a seat track release mechanism used in road vehicles. The goal of this work is exploring the possibilities of determining the radiated sound through experimental and computational means. The introduction is dedicated to different seat track designs. In the next chapter is a summary of computational means used to determine vibrations and noise. Further on, measurement methods of NVH parameters are described. Near the conclusion of the thesis there’s a breakdown of a newly developed seat track mechanism and the results of measurements that were carried out.
Effect of stress on pilot performance
Dedinský, Miroslav ; Zikmund, Pavel (referee) ; Šplíchal, Miroslav (advisor)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to find out whether it is possible to measure stress during piloting. If so, it would be possible to develop systems that could help pilots in stressful situations and thus alleviate the stress, this would have great impact and possitively improve work performance. There are few similar studies in the field, the stress factors that affect the pilots and what physiological changes are observable in such situations. Finally, an experimental measurement is performed during three flights, which is aimed to demonstrate the information obtained and thus the possibility of measuring stress and the metod to do so.
Optimization of Run Configurations of k-Wave Jobs
Sasák, Tomáš ; Jaroš, Marta (referee) ; Jaroš, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis focuses on scheduling, i.e. correct approximation of configurations used to run k-Wave simulations on supercomputers from the IT4Innovations infrastructure. Especially, for clusters Salomon and Anselm. A single work is composed of a set which contains many simulations. Every simulation is executed by some code from the k-Wave toolbox. To calculate the simulation, it is necesarry to select a suitable configuration, which means the amount of supercomputer resources (number of nodes, i.e. cores), and the duration of the rental. Creation of an ideal configuration is complicated and is even harder for an inexperienced user. The approximation is made based on the empiric data, obtained from multiple executions of different sets of simulations on given clusters. This data is stored and used by a set of approximators, which performs the actual approximation by methods of interpolation and regression. The text describes the implementation of the final scheduler. By experimenting, the most efficient methods for this problem has found out to be Akima spline, PCHIP interpolation and cubic spline. The main contribution of this work is creation of a tool which can find suitable configuration for k-Wave simulation without knowing the code or having lots of experience with its usage.
Vehicle speed estimation
Roštek, Martin ; Kumpán, Pavel (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
Rýchlosť vozidla je jednou z kľúčových stavových premenných, ktorej znalosť je potrebná v reálnom čase a s vysokou presnosťou, aby mohla slúžiť ako vstupná veličina pre systémy kontroly dynamiky vozidla. Jej priame meranie vo vozidle je však finančne náročné. Riešením tohoto problému môže byť použitie meraní zo senzorov bežne dostupných na palube vozidla a ich následný prepočet na rýchlosť vozidla. Tieto merania sú však veľmi zaťažené procesným šumom, čo vyplýva z komplexnosti pohybu vozidla. Preto je nutné vyvinúť algoritmus so schopnosťou vysporiadať sa s týmito negatívnymi vplyvmi. Algoritmus prezentovaný v tejto práci odhaduje pozdĺžnu rýchlosť vozidla s použitím meraní uhlových rýchlostí štyroch kolies, pozdĺžnej akcelerácie, momentov motora, rýchlosti otáčania okolo zvislej osi a natočenia volantu. Algoritmus bol testovaný na veľkom počte situácií považovaných za kritické na odhad rýchlosti vozidla, ako napríklad prudká akcelerácia na vozovke s nízkym koeficientom trenia, núdzové brzdenie s aktiváciou ABS, či jazda v kopci s kolesami v preklze, prinášajúc uspokojujúce výsledky.
Automated Hydroponic System
Borsuk, Adam ; Kolařík, Martin (referee) ; Číka, Petr (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to study the design and creation of an automatic hydroponic system for plant cultivation and to solve the creation of components of the system according to the basic conditions for plant growth and subsequently to test and verify their properties, to evaluate their functionality. The second goal is to create a communication interface for sending and storing data from the system while creating a transparent display of stored and up-to-date data. The third objective is to verify the functionality and stability of the selected microcontroller as a control unit.
Measurement of three-wire transformer parameters
Kováč, Frederik ; Bukvišová, Zuzana (referee) ; Wasserbauer, Vojtěch (advisor)
Thebachelor’sthesisdealswithmeasuringsymmetriccomponentalimpedanciesofthree winding transformer. Thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part is described principle of transformer operation, its parameters, open-circuited and short-circuited measuring, measuring of zero-sequence impedance and connection schemes. Practical part deals with design of workplace in laboratory, description of used instruments and practical measurements with real connection schemes. For measuring parameters of three winding transformer is created a laboratory instruction manual.
Comparison of Shadow Methods
Kiss, Marcel ; Milet, Tomáš (referee) ; Tóth, Michal (advisor)
This thesis talks about comparison of shadow casting techniques within a scene. In the theoretical part, it describes and compares possible solutions of shadow casting and more detailed about Shadow Mapping and Shadow Volumes, which are among the most commonly used real-time shadowing techniques. The main part is about design and implementation of these two shadow methods using the OpenGL library. In the measurement part it compares methods based on measured values. The outcome of my measurements can be found in the final part of my thesis.
Development of a system for measuring sheet-metal offcuts
Ďurkovský, Jaroslav ; Huliaček,, Ľubomír (referee) ; Bastl, Michal (advisor)
This thesis describes design and testing of a device for automatic measurements of sheet metal offcuts of rectangular shape. Resulting device must have measuring accuracy, speed and reasonable price requested by company. Outcome of following project should lead to development of real device for application in industry production.
Influence of rotor slots number on a small induction motor losses
Palsovics, Norbert ; Hájek, Vítězslav (referee) ; Mach, Martin (advisor)
The aim of this semester work is to analyze the losses of induction motor, according to their measure, use programs using the finite element method for the detection of the motor and the subsequent evaluation and comparison of the results obtained. The first part deals with the general AM, losses and measure their losses. The next section is very Lossmeasurement submitted asynchronous motors. The measured two machines have different characteristics in the sheet. The following section is calculating the losses using the finite element method using ANSYS Maxwell and RMXprt.The next part is the analysis of motor losses with a different number of rotor bars. This section is addressed to the models developed and validated by measuring the actual machine.

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