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Parametric 3D Models
Ondrejó, Michal ; Kolář, Martin (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
The aim of this work is to propose possibilities of interconnection of objects in parametric model. Individual options are implemented in the parametric three-dimensional modeling system. This system allows the creation of models using various geometric operations, change parameters at any time, animate the created model, and save the parametric model in a human-readable format. The proposed solution was implemented and evaluated on simple example.
The Proposal of Marketing Management of Software Company
Rient, Walter ; Neveselý, Marek (referee) ; Petráš, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis has analysed current strategy of company AKI-Sport s.r.o.. Main objective was to search and classify parts of the strategy and based on this research to formulate proper recommendations. All recommended steps would have positive and straight impact on improvements of company solid position.
Comparison of Shadow Methods
Kiss, Marcel ; Milet, Tomáš (referee) ; Tóth, Michal (advisor)
This thesis talks about comparison of shadow casting techniques within a scene. In the theoretical part, it describes and compares possible solutions of shadow casting and more detailed about Shadow Mapping and Shadow Volumes, which are among the most commonly used real-time shadowing techniques. The main part is about design and implementation of these two shadow methods using the OpenGL library. In the measurement part it compares methods based on measured values. The outcome of my measurements can be found in the final part of my thesis.
AeroWorks - Flight History Reconstruction
Pribula, Ondrej ; Kršek, Přemysl (referee) ; Chudý, Peter (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis deals with processing and visualization of flight data. It contains description of flight variables, airplane motion and of the equipment used in visualization. Significant part of the project deals with the description of the application used for flight path reconstruction and visualization of the flight variables. It describes its design, calibration, tools and procedures used.
Game in OpenGL
Hranáč, Pavel ; Milet, Tomáš (referee) ; Starka, Tomáš (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to create a custom game with an AI opponent. The theoretical part of the thesis deals mainly with artificial intelligence in games in general. The game's graphics are three-dimensional and use the OpenGL API and the GPUEngine graphics library. The created game is a turn-based strategy game similar to chess, offering computer opponents of various difficulties using a custom modification of the Minimax strategy with a complex heuristic. The game also offers local multiplayer. The results of this thesis can serve as inspiration or a basis for the study of artificial intelligence in games.
Action Game for GearVR
Mladý, Jakub ; Špaňhel, Jakub (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
This thesis deals with the study of technologies and techniques for creating virtual reality for mobile devices.  It includes a description of the design and implementation of an action game, using Unity Game Engine, which demonstrates Gear VR's capabilities well. The thesis describes the obstacles that arise in the creation of games for virtual reality as well as their possible solutions. Graphic elements of the game were developed based on the results of continuous user testing. Particular attention was paid to exploring the impact of visual effects and game elements used in games on a user in virtual reality.
Business Cards Generator
Krúg, Tomáš ; Vlk, Jan (referee) ; Chudý, Peter (advisor)
Vizitka je široce používaný nástroj pro předávání kontaktů mezi jednotlivci. Vizitka je většinou používána v podnikatelském sektoru, ale může být také použita pro osobní účely. Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vytvořením on-line webové aplikace pro tvorbu vizitek. Uživatel si může vybrat předdefinované šablony, nahrát obrázky, přizpůsobit prvky a nakonec převést požadovanou kartu do formátu PDF, a tím připravit pro tisk. Webová aplikace bude držet stanované typografické zákony, protože určité typografické pravidla jsou zásadní pro tuto aplikaci.
Creating 3D models supporting Modern computer graphics course
Silber, Marek ; Frenštátský, Petr (referee) ; Rajmic, Pavel (advisor)
This thesis is divided into two parts, where the first part is focused on an overview and work with 3D software at Czech universities, it includes a comparison of the different programs and description of history of Blender programme which was the one chosen as support for teaching the Modern computer graphics course. The second part of the thesis is more focused on practical matters and describes the basic workings of the programme from the first start up, orientation in the different sections and the settings of the work space for the work itself. The thesis details basic transformation commands of change of location, rotation and change of scale of objects and editing commands like copying, deleting, hiding and duplication of individual objects including their theoretical descriptions. Work with lightings continues after the transformation commands including practical examples of different types of lighting. Work with materials and textures is described in the last two chapters. The goal of this thesis is to describe how to work with the Blender programme and basic work with objects and assigning individual materials and textures for objects and the lighting in a scene for people unfamiliar with the programme.
Key Differences Between Japanese and Western Video Games
Agazhanova, Anara ; Rujbrová, Šárka (referee) ; Krhutová, Milena (advisor)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na identifikaci rozdílů stejně jako nalezení podobností v prvcích designu role-playing videoher. Rozdíly mezi západními a japonskými role-playing hrami ilustrují, jak kulturní aspekty ovlivňují proces vývoje her. Teoretická sekce práce se zaměřuje na základní principy japonského umění, jeho formy a estetiku, což jsou faktory, které stojí za současnou japonskou herní tvorbou. Je popsán jedinečný charakter japonských her ve srovnání s hrami v západním stylu, stejně jako důvody vedoucí k těmto rozdílům. Tři RPG herní tituly jsou porovnány z hlediska uživatelského rozhraní, grafického designu a vlastností postav.
The Journey, A Reason for the Painting
Cílková, Kristýna ; Jiřele, Miroslav (referee) ; Mikyta, Svätopluk (advisor)
My Master´s thesis is based on my personal experience from one year staing in West Sumatra. Journey was the reason for arising of my thesis and it´s content although little bit inarticulate in the first wiew. My thesis is not travelogue. I deal with it which for many years - women, decoration and "something" what is hidden behind the picture - soal and atmosphere. The name of my thesis is - Journey, reason for picture. Theme of my work is Indonesian tradition - folk versus contemporar. My work takes place on two levels - Wedding and Beauty competition. In boath I deal with formal celebration situation and it's dress code - dress, decor and jewel.

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