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Filípková, Valentýna ; Václavková, Maria Nina (referee) ; Tobola, Ondřej (advisor)
The online platform, created as the output of the thesis, provides sources for possible conscious approaches to design. It consists of a database of innovative materials, research texts, related links and interviews with designers, material specialists, scientists and technologists. The website can serve as a starting point for students and designers who are interested in current possibilities and new ways leading to design that is responsible to nature and humans.
Minimising Emission Footprints in Circular Economy by Process Integration
Fan, Yee Van ; Dr DSc. Eng. Paweł Ocłoń, prof. CUT (referee) ; Nižetić, Dr Sandro (referee) ; Klemeš, Jiří (advisor)
Tato práce prezentuje metodologii snižování emisních stop v souvislosti s přechodem na obhovou ekonomiku aplikováním integrace procesů při analýze a projektování při zohlednní výzev, které ztěžují praktické aplikace. Udržitelnost životního prostředí se vyznačuje snahou o snižování emisí a zlepšení hospodaření s odpady a hraje rozhodující roli při přechodu na obhovou ekonomiku. Byly navrženy tři metodiky založené na bezztrátovém konceptu a rozšiřujících metodiky Pinch Analysis a P-Grafů. Aplikovatelnost je demonstrována šesti případovými studiemi transportu a nakládání s odpady. Mé příspěvky v této oblasti jsou následující: (i) Nový bezztrátový rozhodovací nástroj paralelní s klasickým fázovým diagramem, který napomáhá rychlému rozhodování o procesech (např. výběr druhu dopravy pro danou vzdálenost a náklad) při nejnižší možné environmentální zátěži. (ii) Systém kvantitativního vyhodnocování emisí, který agreguje a vyhodnocuje celkové environmentální zatížení způsobené sklemíkovými plyny, SOx, PM a NO2. (iii) Rozšířená analýza nakládání s odpady pro regionální plánování s přihlédnutím k zatěžování i odstranní zatěžování emisní stopou, dále rozhodování o způsobu hospodaření s odpady a výběru způsobu zpracování odpadu s cílem nejnižší možné emisní stopy. (iv) Model posuzování pomocí nástroje P-grafu pro identifikaci optimálních integrovaných systémů zpracování odpadu různého složení, který identifikuje a vyhodnocuje stav udržitelnosti procesů před a po zpracování. Navrhované metodiky v grafickém znázornění s podporou sady komplexních základních rovnic transformují problematiku nakládání s odpady a výběru dopravy do snadno srozumitelné formy řešení vyznačujících se nízkými emisními stopami. Jako příklad v jedné z případových studií analýza provedená podle nového přístupu využívajícího E-WAMPA naznačuje, že celkového snížení emisí o 10% (2, 568 kt CO2 ekv.) Lze dosáhnout provedením přechodu odpadu na Maltě (-25.75 kt CO2 ekv.), Řecko (-1,602.71 kt CO2ekv), Kypr (-178.52 kt CO2ekv) a Rumunsko (-761.16 kt CO2ekv). To jsou země, v nichž lze dosáhnout co největšího zlepšení, vzhledem k kombinovanému účinku čistých emisí (zatěžujících i nezatížených stop) stávajícího systému nakládání s odpady, vzniku odpadů a obyvatelstva. Následující studie budou umožňovat komplexní vyhodnocení ekonomické proveditelnosti tak, aby lokální data mohla být použita pro konkrétní případy v již předpřipravených schématech s výstupem kvalifikovaného řešení.
Utilization of wastewater sluge to green infrastructure
Kozová, Barbora ; Ševčík,, Jan (referee) ; Hlavínek, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor thesis discusses the issue of use of wastewater sludge in green infrastructure in relation to the circular economy. Firstly, it summarizes wastewater treatment technologies and specifications of green infrastructure such as green roofs, walls, and others. Secondly, the thesis compares the affordability of different types of green roofs and green parking. The paper concludes with a final evaluation of the findings.
Risk Asessment of Construction and Demolition Waste
Repka, Matej ; Láník, Jaromír (referee) ; Hrabová, Kristýna (advisor)
Master’s thesis deals with the assessment of risks associated with construction and demolition waste. These are risks mainly related to environmental protection, safety and health protection of workers handling construction waste on the construction site, as well as technical aspects of the use of recyclates. The tools selected for this thesis to identify and analyse the risks are cause and effect analysis (Ishikawa diagram) and bow-tie type analysis. For the assessment of the identified risks, the methods selected are the risk matrix and then the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), which also deals with the design of measures for each problem, which aim to minimize the probability of occurrence and impact of the identified risks. Thus, the aim of the thesis is to identify, assess and analyse the risks and determine simple measures to eliminate or mitigate them.
Circular economy and the goals of sustainability
Goswami, Sanya
In recent years, the idea of a circular economy has drawn more and more attention as a means of advancing sustainable development and minimizing waste. The conventional linear economy, which is founded on a "take-make-dispose" concept, is opposed by the circular economy. The circular economy, in contrast, is focused on the ideas of minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency by reducing, reusing, and recycling resources. This diploma thesis will give a general overview of the circular economy and some of its possible sustainability advantages. It will cover the main forces behind the circular economy, such as the lack of resources, environmental issues, and business potential. It will address the role of policy and legislation in creating a circular economy as well as the difficulties and hindrances to its implementation. Overall, the thesis will emphasize on the circular economy's potential to support sustainable development and advocates for further study and cooperation to advance this idea. A research agenda for advancing the circular economy will be presented, outlining the necessity of interdisciplinary study, empirical research, and policy intervention evaluation.
Upcyklace a motivy vedoucí k uvědomělé spotřebě
Fričová, Dominika
The diploma thesis deals with motives that lead consumers to conscious consumption. The goal of the work is to design a communication campaign that will support the concept of upcycling among consumers and increase awareness of this issue. The theoretical part approaches the topic of circular economy, upcycling and waste management. The practical part examines the behavior of consumers and their motivation in the upcycling process. Based on the results of the quantitative and qualitative investigation, marketing communication is designed, which aims to support the concept of sustainable consumption and upcycling among consumers.
Sediment management in reservoirs – methods of sediment handling, sediment reevaluation to product - stabilized solidificate
Vrzák, J. ; Borovec, Jakub ; Jan, Jiří
As part of the research work, a semi-operation was set up and a test polygon (''island'') was built on central Novomlýnská reservoir (Věstonická reservoir). The sediment excavation and its transformation into different type of ''products'' in a special mixing plant. The stabilised solidified product was subsequently used in the construction of the new island. The new island will be used this year for monitoring, including, among other things, the behaviour of the new sediment structural elements, its shape stability and other parameters. As part of the protection of the island from wave action, also from solidified sediment, experimental constructions of submerged breakwaters have also been created. Another way of using the stabilised solidified sediment is outside the reservoir, for example in earthworks and to create a stock of ''soil'' for other construction activities.
Possibility of sediment reuse for coastal protection and littoral development
Vrzák, J. ; Borovec, Jakub
A comparison of different approaches to solving the problem of excess sediments and the need to implement anti-abrasion measures shows the advantage of using modified bottom sediments in protective structures.
Návrh nábytkového prvku s využitím materiálu vyrobeného z morskej trávy
Bellayová, Veronika
The bachelor thesis focuses on exploring the possibilities of using the material from seagrass Posidonia Oceanica for production of furniture. The aim was to design a furniture element made of this material that would meet the criteria for sustainable products to the maximum extent possible. For a better understanding of the concept of eco-design, a literature review on the subject was developed, summarising its practices, tools, and strategies. For the production and exploration of seagrass materials, it was also important to develop a literature review on the topic of bio composite materials, seagrass materials and an overview of their use in furniture design.Two types of adhesives were used in the production of the material and the resulting material was tested for bending characteristics, Brinell hardness and tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the board. The properties of the fabricated material were compared with particleboard. In the process of designing a furniture element from the tested material, review on seagrass side tables was carried out. Subsequently, a custom design was created with construction solution and visualizations. Finally, a FEM analysis was created for the designed element to verify its stability.
Návrh nábytkového prvku s využitím recyklovaného plastu
Obůrková, Pavla
The diploma thesis deals with the innovation of recycled plastic. With increasing production and consumption of plastics, awareness of their recycling also increases, which is causing discussion in the society. The aim of this thesis is to design and ma-nufacture an interior product using recycled plastic. The theoretical part is devoted to issues related to plastics, recycling technology, sustainability and the circular econo-my. It also illustrates the use of plastic and sustainable materials in product design. The thesis includes individual tests on selected types of recycled plastic focused on surface resistance. The project part deals with the comprehensive solution of a piece of furniture from development, across materials and procedures used, to the production itself.

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