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Nájem bytu manželi a užívání družstevního bytu manželi v nové úpravě po 1.1.2014
Prantlová, Soňa ; Kadlecová, Eva (vedoucí práce) ; Pavla, Pavla (oponent)
Diplomová práce se věnovala tématu nájmu bytu manželi a jeho užívání tak, jak je to zakotveno v nové zákonné úpravě občanského zákoníku č. 89/2012 Sb. Ten nahradil do té doby fungující občanský zákoník z roku 1964. V nové právní úpravě je zakotvena řada nových institutů, jejichž cílem je především ochránit slabší stranu, v tomto případě nájemce. Diplomová práce byla rozčleněna na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části byla věnována pozornost základním pojmům, které zde byly definovány. Byla zde charakterizována práva nájemce a pronajímatele. Byla rozebrána právní úprava bydlení dle nového občanského zákoníku. Praktická část se věnovala interpretaci výsledků dotazníkového šetření. Byli osloveni nájemci několika bytových domů ve městě Kralupy nad Vltavou. Na základě dosažených zjištění byla navržena některá doporučení pro zvýšení informovanosti o právech a povinnostech nájemců, jakož i o celé problematice bydlení z právního hlediska.

Evaluating a Structural Model Forecast: Decomposition Approach
Brázdik, František ; Humplová, Zuzana ; Kopřiva, František
Při prezentaci výsledků makroekonomické prognózy musí prognostici často vysvětlovat příspěvky revizí dat, podmiňujících informací nebo expertních úprav k aktualizaci prognózy. V této práci představujeme obecný způsob, kterým je možné rozložit rozdíly mezi dvěma prognózami vytvořenými lineárním strukturálním modelem do příspěvků prvků informační množiny prognózy při aplikaci podmiňujících informací provedené v očekávaném i neočekávaném módu. Prezentovaný systém rozkladu je založen na souboru podpůrných prognóz, které rozklad aktualizace prognózy zjednodušují. Vlastnosti tohoto systému demonstrujeme ukázkou rozkladu rozdílu dvou prognóz se stejným počátečním obdobím predikce, avšak založených na rozdílných předpokladech. Plné možnosti navrženého způsobu rozkladu prezentujeme pomocí příkladu hodnocení prognózy ze Zprávy o inflaci České národní banky III/2012, která je vyhodnocena vzhledem k aktualizované prognóze ze Zprávy o inflaci III/2013.
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Retargetable Analysis of Machine Code
Křoustek, Jakub ; Janoušek, Jan (oponent) ; Návrat,, Pavol (oponent) ; Kolář, Dušan (vedoucí práce)
Program analysis is a computer-science methodology whose task is to analyse the behavior of a given program. The methods of program analysis can also be used in other methodologies such as reverse engineering, re-engineering, code migration, etc. In this thesis, we focus on program analysis of a machine-code and we address the limitations of a nowadays approaches by proposing novel methods of a fast and accurate retargetable analysis (i.e. they are designed to be independent of a particular target platform). We focus on two types of analysis - dynamic analysis (i.e. run-time analysis) and static analysis (i.e. analysing application without its execution). The contribution of this thesis within the dynamic analysis lays in the extension and enhancement of existing methods and their implementation as a retargetable debugger and two types of a retargetable translated simulator. Within the static analysis, we present a concept and implementation of a retargetable decompiler that performs a program transformation from a machine code into a human-readable form of representation. All of these tools are based on several novel methods defined by the author. According to our experimental results and users feed-back, all of the proposed tools are at least fully competitive to existing solutions, while outperforming these solutions in several ways.

Acceleration of Object Detection Using Classifiers
Juránek, Roman ; Kälviäinen, Heikki (oponent) ; Sojka, Eduard (oponent) ; Zemčík, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
Detection of objects in computer vision is a complex task. One of most popular and well explored  approaches is the use of statistical classifiers and scanning windows. In this approach, classifiers learned by AdaBoost algorithm (or some modification) are often used as they achieve low error rates, high detection rates and they are suitable for detection in real-time applications. Object detection run-time which uses such classifiers can be implemented by various methods and properties of underlying architecture can be used for speed-up of the detection.  For the purpose of acceleration, graphics hardware, multi-core architectures, SIMD or other means can be used. The detection is often implemented on programmable hardware.  The contribution of this thesis is to introduce an optimization technique which enhances object detection performance with respect to an user defined cost function. The optimization balances computations of previously learned classifiers between two or more run-time implementations in order to minimize the cost function.  The optimization method is verified on a basic example -- division of a classifier to a pre-processing unit implemented in FPGA, and a post-processing unit in standard PC.

Network-wide Security Analysis
de Silva, Hidda Marakkala Gayan Ruchika ; Šafařík,, Jiří (oponent) ; Šlapal, Josef (oponent) ; Švéda, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
The objective of the research is to model and analyze the effects of dynamic routing protocols. The thesis addresses the analysis of service reachability, configurations, routing and security filters on dynamic networks in the event of device or link failures. The research contains two main sections, namely, modeling and analysis. First section consists of modeling of network topology, protocol behaviors, device configurations and filters. In the modeling, graph algorithms, routing redistribution theory, relational algebra and temporal logics were used. For the analysis of reachability, a modified topology table was introduced. This is a unique centralized table for a given network and invariant for network states. For the analysis of configurations, a constraint-based analysis was developed by using XSD Prolog. Routing and redistribution were analyzed by using routing information bases and for analyzing the filtering rules, a SAT-based decision procedure was incorporated. A part of the analysis was integrated to a simulation tool at OMNeT++ environment. There are several innovations introduced in this thesis. Filtering network graph, modified topology table, general state to reduce the state space, modeling devices as filtering nodes and constraint-based analysis are the key innovations. Abstract network graph, forwarding device model and redistribution with routing information are extensions of the existing research. Finally, it can be concluded that this thesis discusses novel approaches, modeling methods and analysis techniques in the area of dynamic networks. Integration of these methods into a simulation tool will be a very demanding product for the network designers and the administrators.

Analysis and Testing of Concurrent Programs
Letko, Zdeněk ; Lourenco, Joao (oponent) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
The thesis starts by providing a taxonomy of concurrency-related errors and an overview of their dynamic detection. Then, concurrency coverage metrics which measure how well the synchronisation and concurrency-related behaviour of tested programs has been examined are proposed together with a~methodology for deriving such metrics. The proposed metrics are especially suitable for saturation-based and search-based testing. Next, a novel coverage-based noise injection techniques that maximise the number of interleavings witnessed during testing are proposed. A comparison of various existing noise injection heuristics and the newly proposed heuristics on a set of benchmarks is provided, showing that the proposed techniques win over the existing ones in some cases. Finally, a novel use of stochastic optimisation algorithms in the area of concurrency testing is proposed in the form of their application for finding suitable combinations of values of the many parameters of tests and the noise injection techniques. The approach has been implemented in a prototype way and tested on a set of benchmark programs, showing its potential to significantly improve the testing process.

Acceleration Methods for Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits
Vašíček, Zdeněk ; Miller, Julian (oponent) ; Zelinka,, Ivan (oponent) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (vedoucí práce)
Although many examples showing the merits of evolutionary design over conventional design techniques utilized in the field of digital circuits design have been published, the evolutionary approaches are usually hardly applicable in practice due to the various so-called scalability problems. The scalability problem represents a general problem that refers to a situation in which the evolutionary algorithm is able to provide a solution to a small problem instances only. For example, the scalability of evaluation of a candidate digital circuit represents a serious issue because the time needed to evaluate a candidate solution grows exponentially with the increasing number of primary inputs. In this thesis, the scalability problem of evaluation of a candidate digital circuit is addressed. Three different approaches to overcoming this problem are proposed. Our goal is to demonstrate that the evolutionary design approach can produce interesting and human competitive solutions when the problem of scalability is reduced and thus a sufficient number of generations can be utilized. In order to increase the performance of the evolutionary design of image filters, a domain specific FPGA-based accelerator has been designed. The evolutionary design of image filters is a kind of regression problem which requires to evaluate a large number of training vectors as well as generations in order to find a satisfactory solution. By means of the proposed FPGA accelerator, very efficient nonlinear image filters have been discovered. One of the discovered implementations of an impulse noise filter consisting of four evolutionary designed filters is protected by the Czech utility model. A different approach has been introduced in the area of logic synthesis. A method combining formal verification techniques with evolutionary design that allows a significant acceleration of the fitness evaluation procedure was proposed. The proposed system can produce complex and simultaneously innovative designs, overcoming thus the major bottleneck of the evolutionary synthesis at gate level. The proposed method has been evaluated using a set of benchmark circuits and compared with conventional academia as well as commercial synthesis tools. In comparison with the conventional synthesis tools, the average improvement in terms of the number of gates provided by our system is approximately 25%. Finally, the problem of the multiple constant multiplier design, which belongs to the class of problems where a candidate solution can be perfectly evaluated in a short time, has been investigated. We have demonstrated that there exists a class of circuits that can be evaluated efficiently if a domain knowledge is utilized (in this case the linearity of components).

Code Characterization for Automated User Interface Generation
Kadlec, Jaroslav ; Slavík,, Pavel (oponent) ; Sochor, Jiří (oponent) ; Zemčík, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
This work presents novel approach to automation of user interface creation. A taxonomy based on data characterization was adopted and new taxonomy for code characterization is proposed. Taxonomy points most important aspects of data and code so that it can be used in a process of automated user interface creation. The taxonomy is platform independent and can be stored as a metadata in the application file or in a separate external file. A process of automated user interface creation based on the taxonomy is proposed and individual parts of the process are described in more detail. Presented taxonomy and process of user interface generation are demonstrated on examples.

Synchronous Formal Systems Based on Grammars and Transducers
Horáček, Petr ; Janoušek, Jan (oponent) ; Yamamura,, Akihito (oponent) ; Meduna, Alexandr (vedoucí práce)
This doctoral thesis studies synchronous formal systems based on grammars and transducers, investigating both theoretical properties and practical application perspectives. It introduces new concepts and definitions building upon the well-known principles of regulated rewriting and synchronization. An alternate approach to synchronization of context-free grammars is proposed, based on linked rules. This principle is extended to regulated grammars such as scattered context grammars and matrix grammars. Moreover, based on a similar principle, a new type of transducer called the rule-restricted transducer is introduced as a system consisting of a finite automaton and context-free grammar. New theoretical results regarding the generative and accepting power are presented. The last part of the thesis studies linguistically-oriented application perspectives, focusing on natural language translation. The main advantages of the new models are discussed and compared, using select case studies from Czech, English, and Japanese to illustrate.

Physically-based Modeling and Simulation
Dvořák, Radim ; Racek, Stanislav (oponent) ; Šujanský,, Milan (oponent) ; Zbořil, František (vedoucí práce)
The thesis deals with the modeling of air pollution transportation and dispersion processes in the atmosphere, more precisely with the numerical approaches to solve such models. The modeling of air pollution has a great importance for prediction of the contaminations and it helps with understanding of the process and with elimination of its consequences. The models which are described by partial differential equations, namely advection-diffusion equations, and thus they can be solved by numerous analytical/numerical methods are in the scope of the thesis. In particular, well known method of lines (MoL) and several models based on it together with the possibility to accelerate the computation are studied in the first half of the work. It is shown that MoL approach is still suitable for many concrete models and it has a great potential for parallelization on graphics cards. Quite young ELLAM method and its application to solved atmospheric advection-diffusion equations is the second objective. A concrete form of ELLAM method and its proposed adaptation approaches are evaluated and it is shown that it overcomes the current state of the art methods in many cases.