National Repository of Grey Literature 19,423 records found  beginprevious19414 - 19423  jump to record: Search took 1.40 seconds. 

Combining temporal logic and behavior protocols
Mandys, Petr ; Kofroň, Jan (referee) ; Adámek, Jiří (advisor)
In this thesis we consider one of the weaknesses of temporal logic - the fact that the temporal formulas specifying complex properties are hard to read. We introduce new temporal logic "BP-CTL", that originate from Computational Tree Logic (CTL) extended with operators partly taken from Behavior Protocols (BP) and partly newly defined. Text of the thesis is divided into several parts. First we introduce reader to the context of the issue. Next we describe new operators and show their usage on small examples. Then we formally define the resulting language (BP-CTL). In the next part we demonstrate the usability of BP-CTL and introduce the tool - called bpctl - for checking properties written in BP-CTL. Finally we evaluate and conclude our work. The text is extended with appendixes including detailed description of used formalisms, mapping tables of patterns collected in Property Specification Patterns project for BP-CTL and bpctl user manual.

Home for the Seniors
Knapčíková, Šárka ; Bartolšicová, Eva (referee) ; Matějka, Libor (advisor)
The aim of diploma thesis is elaborate the project documentation to execution of a new building home for the elderly. The building is detached and situated in a sloping terrain on the selected piece of land in the cadastral area of Smíchov in Prague 5. This new building is designated for permanent housing for persons of retirement age with a good level of their ability to perform routine daily tasks and take care of themselves, but also for people without this ability. Home for the Elderly offers a 40 beds in single and double rooms. The building has three above grounds and one underground floor. The entire building is expected movement of persons with reduced mobility. Entry to the first functional part is located on the north side of the home. It consists of a reception room and each floors with rooms. In the home for the elderly is 30 rooms with private bathroom. The second function of the operation home is located in the basement floor, entrance is possible from the south or staircase or elevator from the first floor. All floors are connected by two staircases, and three elevators. The object is designed in a technology of Porotherm system. Roof structure consists of single-layer flat roof with a classic sequence of layers, combined DUO and extensive green. The project documentation which is needed for a realization of a new home for the elderly is worked up with eight structural details including in a computer program AutoCAD.

The Indication of Earth Faults in Overhead Lines
Pospíšil, Zdeněk ; Topolánek, David (referee) ; Toman, Petr (advisor)
This master´s thesis deals with the indication and localization of earth faults in overhead lines. Earth fault is the most frequently occurring type of fault in medium voltage overhead lines – it covers approx. 95% of all faults and is very difficult to indicate and localize them correctly and in time with currently available methods on the market. Therefore is very important to study earth fault and its indication, localization. The thesis consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with faults in overhead networks with different type of neutral grounding, mainly with one phase to the ground fault in the compensated, ungrounded, solidly grounded and via resistance grounded networks. Most of the theoretical part is dedicated to one phase to the ground fault in the compensated and ungrounded networks, where this type fault is called the earth fault. In the compensated and ungrounded networks is described in details behavior – voltage and current relations during both steady state and transient state earth fault. The theoretical part is further dedicated to detection methods of earth faults and their preconditions for use. There is described also in details the complete procedure of earth fault detection, which includes indication, unhealthy feeder determination and exact position or line section localization. End of the theoretical part is then focused on determination of accuracy requirements for measurement of basic quantities and computation of other parameters. The practical part deals with a work at medium distribution network model, which includes familiarization with the model, detailed verification of its functionality and behavior during the earth fault, obtaining faults records and algorithmization of methods: method of qu – diagram and method of first half - period, which are able to detect unhealthy feeder. This part of the thesis was put together based on a demand of company Mega, corp., which wanted to verify function of both above mentioned and by them not yet tested methods.

Intermitence factor evaluation by bypass boundary layer transition in flows on rough surface on flat plate
Skála, Vladislav ; Antoš, Pavel
Bypass boundary layer transition in flows on rough surface on flat plate was investigated experimentally. It was measuered cases with combination of roughness of surface by different free stream turbulence intenzity. Hot wire anemometry technique was used. Measuerement were made on flat plate in closed wind tunnel. Flat plate was covered by different roughness foils (sandpapers). Adverse pressure gradient was set by diffuser in tested section of wind tunnel. Grid turbulence of free stream was controlled by grid. Hot wire anemometry technique was used, intermitency factor was evaluated.

Hoder, T. ; Bonaventura, Z. ; Prukner, Václav ; Šimek, Milan
An accelerating streamer in barrier discharge is generated in 10 torr pressure air. Using the complex voltage waveform, the stable and reproducible discharge is triggered. From the ratio of two spectral bands of molecular nitrogen the electric field is determined in 2D. These results are well resolved in time and space thus suitable as a benchmark for computation of the streamer initiated plasma-chemistry in air.

Flow Parameters Simulation Technique in Annular Turbine Cascade INLET
Jelínek, T. ; Němec, M. ; Uruba, Václav
This article summarizes the concept of equipment which produces the required flow parameters at the inlet of annular turbine cascade. The investigation of inlet flow parameters - the boundary layer on hub and tip inlet channel end-walls and the inlet flow turbulence are part of a project intent on a flow in multistage steam turbine arrangement. This variable inlet can produce the laminar or turbulent boundary layer, respectively the laminar or fully turbulent velocity profile in the inlet channel. The change of inlet turbulence level is controlled by the grid. The detailed measurement of inlet flow: the turbulence and the total pressure distribution across the height of inlet channel were performed by HWA (hot wire anemometry) probe and by total pressure probe, respectively. The measurement results characterize the inlet flow for several inlet channel arrangements and are used for the experimental investigation of the flow field inside the stage and as the inlet parameters for CFD simulations.

Some results of simulations of flows with internal permeable walls
Louda, Petr
The work deals with the numerical modelling of compressible flow in a domain containing permeable walls in its interior, i.e. submerged in the fluid. The aim is to exclude direct simulation and find a model approximating the flow through a permeable plate driven by the static pressure difference between the sides of the wall. The numerical experiments so far enable to understand better forming of parasitic wave structures in the measuring section of the wind tunnel. The model of permeable wall needs further verification.

Development of Boundary Layer on a Heated Flat Plate
Antoš, Pavel ; Kuznetsov, Sergeii
An experimental study of boundary layer on a flat plate with heat transfer was done. Temperature and velocity boundary layer development was studied on a uniformly heated flat plate with zero pressure gradient by means of hot-wire anemometry. Several levels of heat flux at the wall were used. The difference between the wall temperature and free-stream temperature was set up to 180 K. Measurements were performed in the closed-circuit wind tunnel with zero pressure gradient at free-stream velocity of 3-5 m/s and turbulence intensity of 0.8 percent. The velocity and the temperature profiles of mean values and fluctuations are presented.

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of clay soils
Šašek, Petr ; Viani, Alberto ; Mácová, Petra
Smectite-to-illite conversion is an important mineralogical reaction that occurs during the diagenesis ofargillaceous sediment. Illite–smectite clay minerals are ubiquitous in sedimentary basins and they have been linked to the maturation, migration and trapping of hydrocarbons, rock cementation, evolution of porewater chemistry during diagenesis and the development of pore pressure. But, despite the importance of these clays, their structures are controversial. By combining layers of octahedra and tetrahedra several types of layered structures may be produced, which can form various types of clay minerals in nature. Clay minerals are divided into three main groups: kaolinite, smectite and illite. The aim of the study was to qualitatively and quantitatively analyse the clay minerals in soil samples and identification of unknown mineral found by exploration works. For this purpose XRD, Raman spectroscopy and SEM were employed.

Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium in Diluted Polymer + Toluene Systems
Bogdanić, Grozdana ; Wichterle, Ivan
Vapor–liquid equilibrium data were determined for five polymer plus toluene systems at isothermal conditions between 60 and 100 oC. Polymers comprise copolymers and terpolymers of octadecyl acrylate, acrylic acid, styrene, and 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone because of their practical importance as flow improvers for crude oil and/or derivatives. All-glass micro-ebulliometer with circulation of liquid phase was used for measurement of total pressure over polymer + toluene mixtures. Two predictive group contribution models (the Entropic–Free Volume and the Group Contribution–Flory) were applied to estimate phase behavior of two polymer solutions; good agreement with experimental data was achieved.
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