National Repository of Grey Literature 19,307 records found  beginprevious19302 - 19307  jump to record: Search took 1.70 seconds. 

Employment and Its Impact on Health
The diploma thesis called ?Employment and Its Impact on the Health? consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on definition of the basic terms which are related to work and its influence on the health. Then the thesis is engaged in working environment, in occupational load and optimization of conditions of employment. The thesis also deals with social work as a help profession, characterize occupation of social worker and define the terms ?health? and social determinant of health. The practical part includes the evaluation of gained figures and statistical result´s processing. Collecting of primery data was realized by quantitative way, it was chosen the method of questioning, specifically the method of questionnaire. Research agreggate is constituted by social workers from four regions in the Czech Republic (South Bohemian Region, Central Bohemian Region, Vysočina Region and Prague, the Capital City) regardless of age, type of the institution where they are employed and target group they work with. The questionnaires were distributed by electronic way through the Internet or personally by visiting the institution and then they were handed or sent on social workers. On the whole there were 184 questionnaires returned for research, but eight of them couldn´t be used due to incorrect or insufficient completing. Finally there were used 176 questionnaires for result processing. In the diploma thesis there were two targets set. Map the influence of work on the health condition of social workers and find out to which changes of health condition by physical or psychological point at social workers is being gone. Together with the targets there was set following hypothesis: H1: Social workers feel the health problems more by psychological then by physical point. This hypothesis wasn´t on the basis of statistical testing confirmed. From the gained results is possible to come to a conclusion that in spite of the significant psychological difficulty of this profession, the social workers don´t feel psychological problems more than physical problems. The conclusions of the research can´t be generalized because of non-representativeness of research agreggate and region. It is necessary to look at the results with this regard. Statistical testing brought a few interesting findings. For example the link between the target group of clients and evaluation of satisfaction with working conditions, team and general satisfaction with the social worker occupation. The diploma thesis can be used as a insight into issue of the work influence on individual health and then specifically of the influence on social worker occupation to their state of health. Obtained figures can be useful not only for social workers but also for the heads of institutions providing social services. The results of the thesis can create the base or inspiration for other researches which will occupy with this theme.

Evaluation of State Employment Policy in the Countryside Prachaticko
The region of Prachaticko belongs without doubts, with its small density of population and absence of big centres, to countryside regions. Changes after November 1989 caused essential turn in structure of employment on countryside. Huge amount of inhabitants was released from agricultural production and they remained unemployed. At the same time there was not expected restoration of family farms, which were supposed to continue with tradition of Czech agricultural production. On the countryside also arose a question about investors, who had no interest to invest there, which caused another absence of working positions. Major part of countryside inhabitants is now forced to travel to work to the cities every day. These and another factors often decreases chances of countryside inhabitants to gain a job (opposite to inhabitants of cities) which could cause to the countryside inhabitants impression, that they are somehow handicapped on the labour market. The state should (as part of employment policy) accept targeted steps against issue of increasing unemployment and the countryside should have been one of the places, where these steps should have been realised with priority. In theoretical part of my bachelor Thesis I define actual state of problematic of unemployment on the Prachatice countryside. For the collection of data was used quantitative research in form of questionnaire research. Secondary was analysis of data and half-structured dialogues with people interested in the issue. The goal of questionnaire research was confirmation following hypotheses: Unemployed town people from Prachaticko region are more satisfied with state employment policy than unemployed inhabitants of Prachaticko region. Bigger dissatisfaction with state employment policy was proved within unemployed countryside inhabitants of Prachatice by 3 of 5 questions. However differences between both groups are not very big and none of the question ended with conclusive result. Secondary analysis of data showed, that the most problematic area by the point of view of unemployment is on south-east of region. There are also minor amount of working positions on the Prachaticko countryside than in the regional towns. In the context of average amount of unemployed people in Czech Republic is Prachatice region in relatively good position, but against town areas of Prachaticko region is Prachaticko countryside without doubts handicapped. Respondents most commonly think that interventions of state policy lead to the decreasing of unemployment, but not sufficiently.

Oskar Wiener and his creation for children
Adeltová, Helena ; Tvrdík, Milan (advisor) ; Hadwiger, Julia Nina Vanessa (referee)
The subject of this thesis is the German writer and Prague citizen Oskar Wiener, one of the city's lesser known authors from the turn of the 20th century. Special attention is paid to the author's writing for children, works that play a significant role is his overall creative output. The first chapter formulates the subject matter and establishes the goals of the thesis. The second chapter takes a look at the life of Oskar Wiener through the use of archive material, the recollections of friends and autobiographical elements in Wiener's work. The third chapter discusses German literature in Prague at the turn of the 20th century, including the historical background and a presentation of the literary groups of this period, especially the Jung Prag group and its literary tendencies. The fourth chapter is devoted to the Prague neo-romantics, a group to which Oskar Wiener belonged. The fifth chapter provides a brief overview of Wiener's overall work, with an emphasis on his activities as collector and agent. The sixth and seventh chapters then take a closer look at Wiener's writing for children: chapter six introduces his specific works and chapter seven places them in the general context of modern pedagogy. The final chapter summarises the results and insights of the thesis. Keywords Oskar Wiener,...

Flyover bridge over the Bečva river
Pidima, Jan ; Pachl, Radek (referee) ; Panáček, Josef (advisor)
The thesis deals with a design of a highway bridge with multiple spans. The bridge is constructed for highway D1 and goes across the river Bečva close to the city Přerov. Two different solutions were carried out from which a solution with subsequently prestressed box girder was chosen. Static model and load actions were modelled in program Scia Engineer 2016.0. Design checks were done manually according to corresponding Eurocodes. Load actions from wind, uneven support settling and horizontal actions from transit were neglecte.

Brno – Žebětín Bypass - Technical Study
Misiarzová, Vendula ; Polesná, Kateřina (referee) ; Radimský, Michal (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the technical study of the bypass in the city part Brno - Žebětín, which will be situated in the corridor of available urban land. As part of the study I will resolve the bypass connection to the existing road III / 3842 and the Hostislavova street around its intersection with Chrpová street. The proposal also takes into consideration the necessary connection to the possible residential area and the pedestrian access from the Hostislavova street. The project includes two alternatives, which differ in type of intersection designed for Hostislavova street. In the option - A a T-junction is designed, in the option - B it is a roundabout. The thesis also contains an assessment of these two options and more detailed technical study of the option – A.

Krásnopolská and Opavská streets intersection
Kocurek, Ondřej ; Kotas, Roman (referee) ; Všetečka, Martin (advisor)
This final thesis focuses on the intersection of Krásnopolská and Opavská Streets in Ostrava. The present intersection provides a main traffic connection between the city districts of Krásné Pole and Poruba. Opavská Street is part of the road I/11, a major traffic route between Opava and Ostrava. This final thesis focuses on the design options for a better connection of Krásnopolská Street with Opavská Street. The existing junction is technically unsatisfactory, mainly because the view for traffic is not ideal and previous adjustments to the corners of the intersection are inappropriate. All options are proposed in accordance with the applicable standards and regulations.