National Repository of Grey Literature 18,939 records found  beginprevious18930 - 18939  jump to record: Search took 0.78 seconds. 

Effect of Institutions on Economic Growth in SE Asia
Jonáš, Josef ; Mládek, Josef (advisor) ; Loužek, Marek (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on institutional quality and impact of institutional quality on economic growth and quality of life. The thesis describes the influence of institutions on economics, problems with measuring the quality of institutions and building high-quality institutional environment. It is also engaged in effect of democracy and state planning on economic growth. Subsequently, the work describes the political and economic situation of three countries from the region of Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia). Finally, institutional quality in these countries, their GDP growth rates from 1960 to the present and quality of life of their inhabitants are compared in the thesis.

Contribution to the Studies of the Adapatation Strategies of the Hunter-Gatherer Communities in the Late Paleolith and Mesolith
Čuláková, Katarína ; Matoušek, Václav (advisor) ; Pauknerová, Karolína (referee)
This work is concerned with changes in settlement strategy of the hunther-gatherer communities throughout late paleolith and mesolith. The aim of the thesis is to present the changes of settlement strategy in the relation to the sharp changes in natural environment at the turn of the pleistocene and holocene period. The thesis examines this issue in a wider context of Bohemia, whereas particular locations of the sites are illustrated on the example of Sloupnice region. In the region of Eastern Bohemia, we can verify through observation our postulate that the mesolithic locations had changed significantly, in comparison to late paleolithic, because usually the sites with late paleolithic settlement show no signs of mesolithics settlement (exceptions notwithstanding). The thesis presents a base for creation of a predictive model of appearance of preneolithic settlement, using a Geographic Information Systems. The work also includes phenomenological observation of the landscape, enhancing our insight about hunther-gatherer landscape. As an example of possible public presentation of this research, the final chapter describes a proposal of a footpath with informational boards on the topic of this thesis.

The problem of hazardous waste disposal {--} The case study of battery collection in the region of Písek
Annotation The bachelor thesis deals with the problem of recycling of waste in selected location (the town of Pisek). The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis is created by a review, dealing with the legislation related to waste and its relation to pollution of environment. In the practical part I deal with the problem of recycling of batteries in primary schools in Pisek, where ECOBAT firm organized the contest in reversibility of batteries in 2008. Altogether, 2129,7 kg of batteries were returned in all schools, which increased the whole amount of returned batteries in all town from 1,5 t in 2007 to 4,15 t in 2008. The competition was won by the 9.B class from Thomáš Šobr{\crq}s school with an amount of 379.7 kg of batteries. The last was the 5.A class from Edvard Beneš{\crq}s school, which picked up 139.2 kg of batteries. By the survey via questionnaire I found out, that the main motivation of successful classes was the effort to win the contest. Both the girls and boys sorted the batteries not only because the competition, but also because they wanted to do something for environment, but this tendency was higher by girls. Parents' education did not affect the environmental feelings of the children. The campaign has achieved its purpose, because there was an increase in the amount of returned batteries and also the ecological education of children was positively affected. Almost the third of them continue to return batteries even after the closure of competition.

Metodika manažera IT při čerpání finačních zdrojů EU
Brotan, Daniel ; Basl, Josef (advisor) ; Novotný, Ota (referee)
Ve vyspělých zemích je běžné, že firmy využívají veřejných podpor podnikání. Pomocí politiky finančních podpor se Evropská unie snaží o snižování rozdílů ve vyspělosti regionů. S novým programovacím obdobím se malým a středním podnikům v ČR otevřely větší možnosti čerpání finanční podpory ze strukturálních fondů na financování svých projektů, které by se jinak třeba ani nepodařilo realizovat. Cílem této diplomové práce je přiblížit koncept CRM, problematiku jeho financování ze strukturálních fondů, získání přehledu o programech, a zejména metodický postup jak získat podporu. Práce je rozčleněna do následujících sedmi kapitol. V úvodní kapitole je seznámení s tématem práce, zdůvodnění výběru tématu, definování cílů práce a omezení práce. Ve druhé kapitole je podána charakteristika CRM včetně situace na trhu, trendů a významu pro malé a střední podniky. Třetí kapitola se zabývá možnostmi spolufinancování z fondů EU. Další kapitola se soustředí na metodický postup spolufinancování z fondů EU a to včetně přípravy, záměru, žádostí, pokynů či hodnocení. Pátá kapitola detailně popisuje náležitosti projektu. V následující kapitole se nalézá anketa. Závěrečná kapitola shrnuje a hodnotí výsledky celé práce.

Mesuring of economic performance of regions
Pešl, Dmitrij ; Musil, Petr (advisor) ; Kahoun, Jaroslav (referee)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to cover the catching up with the economic level among the countries of middle and eastern Europe. More accurately it analyses GDP per capita and household income per capita as one of the key economic indicators. The thesis concretely focuses on analysis of beta and sigma convergence and cluster analysis of the mentioned regions and concurrently at the background of the analysis explains some theoretical terms from areas of economics, econometrics and statistics. The analysis was concluded in IBM SPSS programme which belongs to the most complex, user friendly and professionally often used expert tools. The data for the analysis were used from Eurostat.

Three chapters from the late aeneolithic and the early bronze age transition in the Central Europe
Limburský, Petr ; Jiráň, Luboš (advisor) ; Bátora, Jozef (referee) ; Ernée, Michal (referee)
AnotaceEN Petr Limburský: Tři kapitoly z problematiky konce eneolitu a počátku starší doby bronzové ve střední Evropě. / Three chapters from the Late Aeneolithic and the EarlyBronze Age Transition in the Central Europe/ Encompassing the inconsistence of period of the Late Aenelithic and beginnings of the Early Bronze Age that has been widely discussed in its entirety in the literature is limited on one side by the detailed analyses of archaeological materia! at the levels of regions or find collections, and by the existence of supra-regiona! models and interpretative schemes on the other. By using detailed insights into the above-mentioned issues, the submitted thesis can draw its attention mainly to the topics of chronology based on Radiocarbon dating, testimony of change of the grave equipment in the observed period of time, and properties of burial inventories. Moreover, results of field excavations conducted by the author of so-far the most extensive cemetery of the Bell- Beaker culture in Bohemia at Vlíněves, Mělník district, have been a!so introduced and utilized in this thesis. Three distinct milestones can be highlighted in development of the Radiocarbon dating method. Without questions, the fust one is represented by the enforcement of credibility, applicability, and relative universality of this...

A Contribution to the History of the Locality of Zátoň
The diploma thesis called A Contribution to the History of the Locality of Zátoň deals with mapping of the historical background of this Šumava village. The opening chapters of the thesis concern the description of the history of Šumava and Sudety in general. The study of the particularities of this region and its development in the history puts the occurence into the period-context. The thesis deals with the events of the 20th century, when the German population was transfered out of their homes. The region was changed significantly by this step. The technical literature and memories of the contemporary witnesses were used in the thesis.

Analysis of tourism development in Europe and its perspectives
Hluší, Karolina ; Procházková, Radka (advisor) ; Marcela, Marcela (referee)
The diploma thesis is focused on the development of tourism in Europe during a time period of years 1995-2015. The aim is evalution the development of tourism in European countries using statistical methods - cluster analysis and time series analysis. Review of literature contains a description of the development and importance of tourism, factors affecting tourism in Europe and the definition of European tourist areas. In the first of practical part of the thesis is analyzed tourism in European countries, according to the indicator of total contribution to GDP and total employment for the years 1995 and 2015, according to indicators, the share of international arrivals and the share of revenues from international tourism in the European region. The second part examines the evolution of tourism in selected European countries - the Czech Republic, Croatia and Poland, according to the indicators, the share of tourism in GDP, the number of arrivals of residents and non-residents and a number of accommodation establishments in the years 1995-2013. In conclusion, the results of all analyzes and determine the prospects of European tourism in the coming years.

Influence ot the Income from Oil Industry on the Economies of United Arab Emirates and Algeria in the years 2000 - 2015
Weiss, Tomáš ; Pikhart, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Pekárek, Štěpán (referee)
The thesis is concerned with the influence of the income from oil industry on the economies of Algeria and the United Arab Emirates in the years 2000-2015. The topic is analysed from the point of view of the resource curse theory. This theory is defined as a negative relationship between excess of a non-renewable resource and economic performance. Alongside with the negative economic growth, the experts defined other factors linked to the resource curse. The method used in the thesis is an analysis of these indicators on the example of Algeria and the UAE, and subsequently the dangers of resource curse are identified. The thesis evaluates, based on the comparison of the performance of selected factors, the economical and institutional development of the chosen countries. In the conclusion the diversification efforts of the UAE in the economic field and relatively safe economic development of Algeria are commented. More or less positive tendencies may be observed also in the development of most of the institutional indicators of both countries.

Dostupnost přímých finančních podpor ze strukturálních fondů pro podnikatele
Rajdlová, Dana ; Zvánovcová, Helena (advisor) ; Pavlů, Marie (referee)
Česká republika získala svým vstupem do EU právo čerpat prostředky z jejího rozpočtu rozpočtu k odstraňování regionálních disparit, především v oblasti infrastruktury, ale i rozvoji podnikání, zejména malého a středního. Práce analyzuje dostupnost dvou forem přímých finančních podpor (dotace a zvýhodněný úvěr)ze strukturálních fondů pro malé a střední podnikatele, zejména pak dostupnosti informací o těchto podporách. Jako představitel poskytovatele podpory je uveden podnikatelský subjekt Českomoravská záruční a rozvojová banka, a. s. Jádro práce je soustředěno na zhodnocení administrativní náročnosti přípravy žádosti o podporu v rámci Operačních programů v období 2004 - 2006. Závěrečné shrnutí obsahuje návrhy na opatření ke zlepšení přístupu podnikatelů k podporám, a to zejména v podobě snižování administrativní zátěže žadatelelů o podporu.