National Repository of Grey Literature 26 records found  beginprevious17 - 26  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Personal status of legal entities in private international law
Doula, Sufjan ; Pfeiffer, Magdalena (advisor) ; Pauknerová, Monika (referee)
In today's world, where globalisation and internationalization becomes part of our daily life, international entrepreneurship turns into a more actual and important issue. The role of law in this system is to set borders and give directions, which reflect the current state of global society. The aim of the diploma thesis Personal status of legal entities in private international law is both to clarify the actual legal situation of determining the personal status of legal entities and to find out the current grade of global legal integration in these aspects, that either encourages or prevents legal entities from international activities. In order to achieve that, firstly, a theoretical definition of the historically evolved theories for determination of personal status of legal entities is given. Subsequently, their main be- nefits and drawbacks are analysed. The first part is concluded with a definition of the scope of the conflict between the two main theories - incorporation theory and real seat theory. Additionally possible ways, how to solve this conflict together with their potential impact, are sought. Further parts of the thesis deal with such terms as recognition of foreign legal entities and cross-border transfer of seat. These all are essential terms that are bound with the per- sonal status of...
The Reflection of the Nobility on Servants in the Early Modern Resources
Marková, Zuzana ; Šedivá Koldinská, Marie (advisor) ; Holý, Martin (referee)
The aim of Bachelor thesis is analysis of relationships of Czech nobility with its servants, disputes between them and their life in the aristocratic residence. Although the Czech historians are interested in Czech early modern nobility, they haven't devoted to this topic. The thesis is based on analysis of published sources (primarily of the ego-documents) and specialized literature (mainly literature of "the South-Czech historic school"). The aim is to focus on people, who didn't perform bureaucratic functions, so, the main task is the analysis of the reflection of the nobility on Servants, who were socially unequal with it. Powered by TCPDF (
Lords of Valdek and their residences up to first half of 14th century
Gerleová, Jana ; Žemlička, Josef (advisor) ; Doležalová, Eva (referee)
Nowadays, study of Czech and Moravian nobility is very popular in Czech historiography. There are many studies, which are dealing with this phenomenon in the social, genealogical, economic and cultural context. From modern monographs of important noble families, we can name for example monographs of Hrabišici, Ronovci, Vítkovci etc. The Lords of Valdek, who have not been deeply studied yet, could be undoubtedly added to this line as well. Their domain occupies territory between the Valdek castle and the Žebrák castle. The main part of this work will be the structure of the history of this family and its members. The family residence, already mentioned Valdek Castle and Žebrák Castle, will also be the part of the research. Attention will be given also to the Lords's of Valdek pious foundation, to the monasteries called saint Benigna near Zaječov village. The main goal of this bachelor thesis will be to describe the role of the genus from Valdek on the royal court, which culminated in the 14th century. Key words: Middle Ages, Valdek, Žebrák, Hořovice-region, castle, residence, czech nobility, fundation, colonization
Arbitration procedure within international business transactions
Šteflová, Iva ; Růžička, Květoslav (advisor) ; Dobiáš, Petr (referee)
The diploma thesis on Arbitration procedure within international business transactions focuses on the place of arbitration procedure and its relation to the national system of law. The first chapter is concerned with the dispute resolutions within international business transactions. The thesis characterises the alternative dispute resolutions and defines the term of arbitration procedure within international business transactions. The basic characteristics thereof are specified and the theories which attempt to explain nature of arbitration are described - contractual, jurisdictional, mixed and autonomy theory. The term of the place of arbitration is defined in the second chapter as the real place situated in the territory of a particular state. This place is distinguished from the arbitration seat and from other terms which used to be confused with the place of arbitration. The arbitration seat is deemed to represent legal domicile of the arbitration. The system of law of the seat determines the legal regime of arbitration procedure. The thesis further describes two main theories dealing with the relation between the place of arbitration and the national system of law - seat theory and delocalization theory. The relation between the place of arbitration and the national system of law is also...
Analysis of Social and Economic Development of the Municipality Vysoká
Nováková, Helena ; Husák, Jakub (advisor) ; Martina, Martina (referee)
This thesis deals with the social and economic development a village Vysoká which is located in the Central Bohemian Region, north of the town of Melnik. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part briefly introduces the concept of regional and sustainable development, spatial planning and strategic management. The following describes the principles of regional policy. The attention is also paid to the issue of settlements, urbanization and the basic principles of functioning of municipalities. The basic characteristics of the community and its territorial-administrative arrangement in the practical part, is processed first. This is followed by a summary of a historical development of socio-economic as well as a description of external relations of the village in the microregion. Then the thesis analyzes results of research on the population of the municipality (employment, education, age structure, etc.) and housing. Detailed processing concerns economic issues such as labor market, entreprise and unemployment. Due to its geographic position, the question of tourism is important for the village Vysoká. Transport and technical infrastructure and management of the municipality is also examined. Research findings were taken into account when processing SWOT analysis and in the proposal of key development directions.
Sídlo, stavba, zahrada a krajina
Hodonický, Petr
Thesis Settlement, Building, Garden and Landscape deals with wider relationships between these aspects and its goal was to investigate the moments of these relationships creating the environment for life. The topic of this text is a description, definition and analysis of the context and relation between landscape and garden. The reason and focus of the analysis is to find, define and evaluate the substance and to emphasize its importance, with respect to the landscape enhancement aspect of garden. Before the dissertation definitions were formulated, the areas were learned about, a survey was made, data about places collected, movement in the areas depending on the nature of their use was performed. The next stage was the perception, thinking over the evaluation of the given examples based on personal judgments and theses, from subjective point of view but with well-founded experience, study of the issue and sensitivity. For the assessment and conclusions of the results, several questions were determined common to all topics of the dissertation. The questions were linked among the individual topics of the settlement, buildings and gardens. The relationship between them and the landscape was the foundation. What is the place for a settlement, building and a garden? How are they functionally connected with the landscape? How are they located in the landscape? How are they seated in their environment, how are they inspired by it and how do they affect it? How do they use the properties of the area? How does landscape with its aspects enter the settlement, building and garden? What are the boundaries and character of the garden with reference to countryside? The basic principle and conclusion of this study is that the garden, located in the landscape, or in context with it, should get inspired by the specific qualities of the place where it is located.
Rozhraní krajiny a sídla
Kratochvíl, Ivo
Urban periphery space, its contemporary image and transformation possibilities.
Nožnosti kultivace komerčních zón v okrajových částech sídel
Šabata, Ondřej
Cultivation of Shopping Center spaces and it's alternatives in peripheral urbs is a complex theme, which is devided into theoretical part and a study of a particular situation in practice. The origin, development and context of the peripheral urbs related on development of regional planning is described at the first part of this paper. Then current situation is described, standardized and demonstrated on several examples of Shopping Centers in Europe, focused on landscape continuality. Second part of this paper is focused on landscape study in practice on example of Cerna Pole Shopping Center in Brno, CZE. Process of analyzing and creating of a solution is described, including pictures of the area and examples of particular architectural design. In conclusion, the sumary is completed by several options of cultivation of commercial zones and public spaces. Plans and designs of an architectural study are included separately at the end of this script.
Identification of urban axes in settlement system of the Czech republic
This bachelor thesis deals with urban axes of the settlement system of the Czech Republic. Before the analysis of urban axes the evolution of spatial and relational organization within settlement systems is described. Periodization of the development of the settlement systesms is made by three-stage model, wich generalizes their evolution into three stages: pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial stage. A part of this chapter is also and outline of the some specifics and controlled deformations in the development of the Czech settlement structure. Another chapter discusses the theoretical basis of the spatial inter-urban interactions with an emphasis on commuting to work and transport interactions. The methodology part presents the methods of the spatial urban axes definition and also describes the data base including its shortcomings. The first analytical part deals briefly with nodal interactions of the settlement system and defines basic attributes of the Czech settlement structure. The main empirical part of the bachelor thesis then analyzes "overnodal" relations in the Czech settlement system. These relations are followed up in the form of daily transport and commuting interactions between settlements. Based on its reciprocal inter-urban intensity are in the final phase of work defined main urban axes with the complex interdependence.
The development of the territorial order of Public Administration in the south Bohemia from the half of 19th century till present time
This thesis shows the development of Public Administration of the south Bohemia in its territorial and structural form. The main target is to make a preview of territorial changes of the structure of authorities in the south Bohemia pointing to a wider context based on its change according to particular parts of development in time. It is also important to point out the role of the territory and demographic situation of particular regional place as a center of Public Administration. Therefore the main target is to explain whether the territorial location of places as a centres of regional authorities and development of the structure of authorities have some influence to development of this places. Development of these authorities in the past with all the territorial changes may help us to understand the present state of regions and connections among particular regional centres.

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