National Repository of Grey Literature 16,491 records found  beginprevious16482 - 16491  jump to record: Search took 0.89 seconds. 

3D Game Editor
Knut, Peter ; Rohlík, Jindřich (referee) ; Žára, Jiří (advisor)
Every larger computer game uses special editor for creating its sources, especially 3D games. The whole scenes from the game objects are allowed to assemble from the editor, together with all properties which are important for the given type of the game. For example, objects can be affected by physical simulation, or they can be important from the artificial intelligence point of view, or they can have a particular role in virtual world etc. The object of this diploma is the implementation of the editor for 3D game based on the Nebula Device library. The application is able to create simple graphic user interface by configuration files. This interface is connected to script functions written in Lua language. XML technology is used for storing the configuration of the editor. Creating the graphic user interface is provided by the MFC library. The application also allows to show the invisible game objects (cameras and sources of light), to select and manipulate with game objects by the mouse in the scene directly. It supports three working modes: scene editing, prototype editing and play mode.

Functional and structural study of thermally activated TRP ion channels: The role evolutionarily conserved motifs in the TRPA1 modulation
Kádková, Anna
Ankyrin receptor TRPA1 is an ion channel widely expressed on primary afferent sensory neurons, where it acts as a polymodal sensor of nociceptive stimuli. Apart from pungent chemicals (e. g. isothiocyanates, cinnamaldehyde and its derivatives, acrolein, menthol), it could be activated by cold temperatures, depolarizing voltages or intracellular calcium ions. TRPA1 channel is a homotetramer in which each subunit consists of cytoplasmic N and C termini and a transmembrane region. The transmembrane part is organized into six alpha- helices connected by intra- and extracellular loops. The N terminus comprises a tandem set of 16 to 17 ankyrin repeats (AR), while the C terminus has a substantially shorter, dominantly helical structure. In 2015, a partial cryo-EM structure of TRPA1 was resolved; however, the functional roles of the individual regions of the receptor have not yet been fully understood. This doctoral thesis is concerned to elucidate the role of highly conserved sequence and structural motifs within the cytoplasmic termini and the S4-S5 region of TRPA1 in voltage- and chemical sensitivity of the receptor. The probable binding site for calcium ions that are the most important physiological modulators of TRPA1 was described by using homology modeling, molecular-dynamics simulations,...

Advanced trajectory management techniques for model station in the OPNET Modeler environmen
Ludvíček, Pavel ; Mácha, Tomáš (referee) ; Vajsar, Pavel (advisor)
The aim of this work is to study and theoretically process existing movement options of station in OPNET Modeler environment. These options are described in first part. Furthermore to design and implement function to display path obtained from real-world conditions and done to station following this route during simulation. Coordinates used to move station are obtained by GPX format, which is used to store clearly the GPS coordinates. Second part is devoted to describing creation of this function, first using PHP script, then direct implementation into OPNET Modeler environment using C++.

Flow sensor
Symerský, Tomáš ; Psota, Boleslav (referee) ; Kosina, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In its first, theoretical part, deals with the theory of fluid and gas flow, heat transfer and diversification of sensors for flow measurement working on the electrical principle. It also deals with thermodynamic principle, which can be used for measuring very small flow and low-temperature ceramics that is used to implement microcanals for sensing very low flows. The practical part of the thesis deals with the very simulation of the entire structure in the program “COMSOL Multiphysics” - both in 2D and 3D views. Then there is shown the implementation and measurement of the flow sensor in a low-temperature ceramics, working on a thermodynamic principle.

Accelerated Neural Networks on GPU
Tomko, Martin ; Zachariášová, Marcela (referee) ; Krčma, Martin (advisor)
This thesis deals with the implementation of an application for artificial neural networks simulation and acceleration using a graphics processing unit. The computation and training of feedforward neural networks using the Backpropagation algorithm are the main focus of this thesis, but the application also supports other network types, and it makes it possible to extend the application with different training algorithms. Next, the application allows us to create neural networks with structural anomalies, and thus, to test the neural network's fault tolerance. The application is implemented in the C++ language, using OpenCL to manage GPU computation. The Backpropagation acceleration results were compared with the free open source library FANN.

Statistical image analysis in quality control
Legát, David ; Antoch, Jaromír (advisor) ; Dohnal, Gejza (referee) ; Tunák, Maroš (referee)
Title: Statistical image analysis in quality control Author: David Legát Department: Department of probability and mathematical statistics Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jaromír Antoch, CSc. Abstract: Currently, necessity to handle unstructured data rises significantly. One important area of unstructured data manipulation is signal processing such as audio and video, for which there exist many procedures. This work deals with the statistical approach to image processing, in which the image is interpreted as a representative of a random field. It describes two problems: removing noise from an image which facilitates better interpretation of the image, and image classification, in which we try to identify and recognize objects displayed. Part of the work aimed at eliminating of noise deals primarily with the use of MCMC simulation methods. These procedures can be tested in software that is included. Part of the work dealing with the classification of the image describes various modifications of classification trees methods. An example of image processing, which is the identification of defects in woven fabrics, is presented at the end. 1

Real-Time Rendering of a Scene With Many Pedestrians
Pfudl, Václav ; Milet, Tomáš (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
The aim of this thesis was to implement a software that would be able to render, simulate and record a scene with walking pedestrians in real-time, with emphasis on rendering level of realism. The output of the application could serve as an input test data for people counting systems or similar systems for video recognition. The problem was divided into three major subproblems: character animation, artificial intelligence for character movement and advanced rendering techniques. The character animation problem is solved by the skeletal animation of the model. To achieve the characters moving in a scene autonomously path finding(A* algorithm) and group behaviors(steering behaviors) were implemented. Realism in a scene is added by implemented methods such as normal-mapping, variance shadow-mapping, deffered rendering, skydome, lens flare effect and screen space ambient occlusion. Optimaliaztion of the rendering was implemented using octree data structure for space partitioning. Rendering stage of a scene can be easily parametrized through implemented GUI. Implemented application provides the user with easy way of setting a scene with walking pedestrians, setting its visualization and to record the result.

Development of solar diffuser.
Pintr, Pavel
Theoretically attainable productions of photovoltaic plants depend on the quality of solar sensors. We can determine an effeciency and reliability of photovoltaic plants with them. We introduce optical simulation of the original solution of solar sensor in software Optic Studio 15.5 Zemax. We propose new diffuser shape of solar sensor according to our analyse. We\ndescribe a development of first prototypes and their testing in the real conditions.

New Approaches in Airborne Thermal Image Processing for Landscape Assessment
Pivovarník, Marek ; Pokorný,, Jan (referee) ; Štarha, Pavel (referee) ; Zemek, František (advisor)
Letecká termální hyperspektrální data přinášejí řadu informací o teplotě a emisivitě zemského povrchu. Při odhadování těchto parametrů z dálkového snímání tepelného záření je třeba řešit nedourčený systém rovnic. Bylo navrhnuto několik přístupů jak tento problém vyřešit, přičemž nejrozšířenější je algoritmus označovaný jako Temperature and Emissivity Separation (TES). Tato práce má dva hlavní cíle: 1) zlepšení algoritmu TES a 2) jeho implementaci do procesingového řetězce pro zpracování obrazových dat získaných senzorem TASI. Zlepšení algoritmu TES je možné dosáhnout nahrazením používaného modulu normalizování emisivity (tzv. Normalized Emissivity Module) částí, která je založena na vyhlazení spektrálních charakteristik nasnímané radiance. Nový modul je pak označen jako Optimized Smoothing for Temperature Emissivity Separation (OSTES). Algoritmus OSTES je připojen k procesingovému řetězci pro zpracování obrazových dat ze senzoru TASI. Testování na simulovaných datech ukázalo, že použití algoritmu OSTES vede k přesnějším odhadům teploty a emisivity. OSTES byl dále testován na datech získaných ze senzorů ASTER a TASI. V těchto případech však není možné pozorovat výrazné zlepšení z důvodu nedokonalých atmosférických korekcí. Nicméně hodnoty emisivity získané algoritmem OSTES vykazují více homogenní vlastnosti než hodnoty ze standardního produktu senzoru ASTER.

Valuation of PEBAL s.r.o.
Turza, Vladimír ; Brabenec, Tomáš (advisor) ; Keselý, Ladislav (referee)
The thesis aims to determine the equity value of the company PEBAL s. r. o. as of January 1st 2016. It is not separated into theoretical and practical part, because it is considered as fake appraisal of an expert. That is the reason why the whole thesis is practical with occasional theoretical background explanations. In the first part there is basic information provided about the appraised company along with its characteristics. Then financial analysis is carried out which will provide an overall picture of financial health of the company along with determination of competitors. Followed by strategical analysis which deals with the market as whole and predicts its future development as well as development of sales of the valued company. The next part consists of analysing and predicting value drivers and the overall financial plan. Result of the last part is the valuation itself applying discounted cash flow (DCF) method using discounts rate calculated earlier in the chapter. The final chapter also contains market valuation using method of comparable companies along with Monte Carlo simulation, that provides probability distribution of the value of the company.