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Options and use of multimedia communications in the corporate practice
Veselý, Petr ; Krsek, Libor (advisor) ; Horný, Stanislav (referee)
This work puts a number of objectives, describe the potential uses, examples of software and hardware solutions and highlight the trends and innovations in the field of multimedia communications. The reader will be given to the problems of multimedia communication and multimedia, including a description of the components of multimedia. In the next chapter we will find the description of the means of multimedia communication, where a brief description of the possibilities of products and their facilities and most of the chapters focuses on virtual reality. Another part is devoted to the use of multimedia communication in a company, especially how it should be used effectively. The final part deals with modern technologies and trends in the area of control, imaging and miniaturization. The work is written in a way that the reader does not require previous knowledge of advanced technologies which are described, except of a general overview of information technologies.
Languages Courses Based on Computer and Internet
Čermák, Jaromír ; Pokorný, Pavel (advisor) ; Bělohlávková, Marta (referee)
This thesis concerns by alternatives usage pc and internet in education of languages. The aim of thesis is summary of alternatives, which computer engineering offers during foreignlanguage education today. This bachelor thesis is classified into two main parts. In the first part the theoretical introduction is defined to electronical education and his infiltration to education of foreign languages. The second part is aimed for education of foreign languages in the component areas electronical education. These areas are analyzed to details in component sections. In fine of these sections is covered up summary of influence multimedial elements for particular area of education.
Financial project of multimedia laboratory equipment at the University of Economics
Seko, Martin ; Krsek, Libor (advisor) ; Sušánková, Martina (referee)
Objective of this thesis is to analyze funding possibilities of hardware and software equipment in the multimedia laboratory at the University of Economics and create project of funding this equipment. The document will be conceived as well arranged view of funding situation in the Czech Republic. It will be usable as directions as well to those who will try to find a solution of similar situation in the future. Technical utilities in laboratories and scientific workplaces in general are often very expensive. The simplest way how to fund this equipment is to use university financial sources. However, financial position of academic subjects is not simple. Subjects don't work out about amount of their budgets and subsidiary gainful activity is very complicated. They must seek for financial support of their projects generally. There are number of funding possibilities, from academic grants and funds of Ministry of Education up to European Union purpose-built capitation grants. Assignment of these coffers is governed by strict rules and especially depends on subject activities, which will be financed from them.
The Role of Multimedia in Educational Support Systems
Řezníček, Jan ; Šedivá, Zuzana (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
The aim of the diploma thesis "The Role of Multimedia in Educational Support Systems" is to analyze the current role of multimedia in information systems and to explore the existent use of multimedia in the educational process at VŠE. By doing so, the reader will be presented with a comprehensive roundup of the current technological tendencies concerning multimedia and their use in the educational environment. Among the topics analyzed within the scope of the technological foundations establishing chapters are the current role of multimedia, data types, transmission channels and the digitizing process. In the subsequent section, multimedia is being perceived as a concrete tool supporting the educational process. Based on the research conducted at VŠE that analyzed the technological, financial and personnel conditions, a concept of multimedia learning model was proposed in the eighth and final chapter. The current state analysis and the proposed multimedia education model at VŠE constitute the author's principal contribution to the educational field and at the same time a starting point for a future melioration of multimedia education deployment at VŠE.
Possibilities and usage of multimedia communication instruments in practice
Malý, Michal ; Krsek, Libor (advisor) ; Horný, Stanislav (referee)
The main purpose of my work is to describe and chart the possibilities and use of the means of multimedia communication as the title prompts. In the work there is shown their broad variability in use in many different areas. My work is divided into several chapters. At first the reader is introduced into the broad issue of multimedia including definitions and descriptions of individual elements. Then follows an overview of areas where the multimedia material is possible to apply such as in education, households, as well as in work and public places. There is also a sub-chapter about virtual reality. Next my work deals with the ways how the multimedia content is presented to people by which I mean with what technologies and equipment it is spread. An overview of today's trends, new technologies together with a prediction of future development is not missing. The closing part of my work is dedicated to a comparison between theory and practical situation in particular the use of multimedia in the chain stores Baumax.
Technologie pro podporu přenosu videa ve vizuální komunikaci
Řezníček, Jan ; Šedivá, Zuzana (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
Cílem práce je poskytnout čtenáři hlubší přehled o technologiích a standardech, které se uplatňují při šíření obrazových informací v podobě klasického TV vysílání, ale také v rámci multimediálních informačních systémů a poukázat přitom na jejich výhody a nevýhody, s přihlédnutím na aktuální trendy vývoje. Cíle je dosaženo prostřednictvím teoretických srovnání a praktických testů, ze kterých jsou vyvozeny závěry, vedoucí k subjektivním úvahám a doporučením. Vlastní obsah práce je rozčleněn do 9 kapitol, přičemž každá z nich se zabývá užší oblastí v rámci těchto technologií, má své dílčí cíle a různé metody jejich dosažení. Součástí práce je více než 40 obrázků, srovnávací tabulky, názory odborníků, rozsáhlá příloha a rovněž terminologický slovník, obsahující použité technické pojmy a zkratky. Práce je psána takovým stylem, který od čtenáře nevyžaduje pokročilou předchozí znalost žádných, zde popisovaných, technologií.
Application of metadata for distribution and use of multimedia files
Lukeš, Ondřej ; Šedivá, Zuzana (advisor) ; Švecová, Jarmila (referee)
Práce se zabývá způsobem, jak by se dalo vylepšit ukládání a vyhledávání multimediálních souborů pomocí vhodně strukturovaných metadat. Je rozdělena na dvě logické části. První obsahuje analýzu současného stavu a jejím výstupem, je kritické ohodnocení současného používání a popisování multimediálních souborů. Druhá část obsahuje návrh možného vylepšení tohoto stavu a to využitím standardu MPEG-7, technologie XML a nativní XML databáze.
Silverlight technology and its practical use
Bürger, Michal ; Buchalcevová, Alena (advisor) ; Skoupý, Radek (referee)
This diploma thesis brings a look at the relatively new technology Microsoft Silverlight, which is a new platform for developing Rich Internet Applications (RIA). It contains features and principles of Silverlight technology in a context of several other technologies. As a part of this work, there is a practical project developed in Microsoft Silverlight 2.0, which is used as a demonstration of described principals and techniques in a theoretical part. The goal of this work is to provide the best possible and complete description of Silverlight's features, advantages, but also limitations. In the thesis there can be also found comparisons with related technology Microsoft Windows Presentation Framework (WPF) and also with other competitors on a RIA market.
Digital postproduction of multimedia
Krist, Antonín ; Horný, Stanislav (advisor) ; Dlabač, Karel (referee)
Práce se zabývá digitálním zpracováním audiovizuálních multimedií. Diskutuje postprodukci v závislosti na zpracovávaném médiu, navrhuje postprodukční workflow a srovnává postprodukční metodiky, využívající informační technologie. Popisuje a srovnává digitální formáty zpracovávaných audiovizuálních souborů, jejich strukturu a způsob digitalizace. Praktická část se věnuje práci v nelineárním střihovém sytému, zaměřuje se na jeho základní prvky a funkce. Na závěr srovnává současné nelineární postprodukční softwary na základě specifikovaných kritérií a výsledky této analýzy prezentuje formou doporučení.
Multimedia Data Types in Database Systems
Louthan, Oldřich ; Šedivá, Zuzana (advisor) ; Zlonická, Helena (referee)
Tato práce má za úkol zmapovat možnosti ukládání a práce s multimediálními daty v databázích. Cílem je poskytnout přehled o problematice multimediálních databází a možnostech manipulace s MM daty v systémech Informix, DB2 a Oracle. Hlavním výstupem práce bude porovnání těchto tří vybraných systémů z hlediska práce s multimediálními daty dle vybraných kritérií.

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