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Criminality in traffic as a part of special section of criminology
The issue of car accidents associated with committing crime is quite wide and current topic. From this issue results goal of this work, to chart the crime in traffic and in this context to review, if crimes in traffic effected the policemen and the participants of the car accident in their life. The work is divided in two parts the theoretical and the practical. In the theoretical part I focused on what are car accidents, how they are divided and what are their reasons. I was also dealing with how it goes on with search of premises of the car accident and if the traffic participants hold back the accidents and how they do it. The aggressive acting of the drivers is also why the accidents happen so often that is why I deemed necessary to deal with this sphere. I focused on what are the signs and prevention of the aggressive drivers and I also mentioned so much discussed campaign "You don't think - You will pay" (Nemyslíš - zaplatíš). The car accidents have tragic effects, that is why I also referred how it is with casualties and survivors of these car accidents. I also added to my work what are the crimes, their dividing, signs and definition. Many people don't know the difference between crime and penal offence, that is why I thought it will be useful to mention the differences and also the common feature in my work. At last I divided the crime in the most common which appear in traffic frequently and the others which come under traffic however they are not the most frequent. I was also interested what is the procedure on investigation of crime and how proceeds the trial by court. I couldn't leave out what are the punishments and their execution of a punishment in traffic. In the second practical part I have used qualitative analysis. I have collected the information through the use of questioning technique semi-controlled interview. The interviews were implemented with ten communicative partners five of which were the Policemen of the Czech Republic from the car accidents department and the others five communicative partners were traffic participants who took part in a car accident. These two groups of communicative partners I have chosen by method snowball sampling. The questions were divided in three major ranges. The ranges covered car accidents, crime and the mental impact on intervened policeman and the participant after the car accident.For completion of the goal were provided two questions. The first question was investigating what is the most frequent crime in traffic. The second question was addressed to what is the mental impact of the car accidents on intervening policeman and the participant of the accident in their life. The results illustrated that both the groups the policemen of the Czech Republic and the participants of the car accident were in accord with commission of crime in traffic where they indicated as the most frequent crime Threat under the influence of drugs and Bodily harm by negligence. Among the others most frequent crime the policemen introduced Obstructing an officer verdict and the participant of accident Unauthorized use of another's property and Public safety threat. The second investigative question showed that the accidents effected both the groups mentally in connection with commission of a crime in their life. The participants are more worried about their relatives and they are afraid of the roads since they experienced serious accident. Some of them mentioned that they are afraid to be driven by someone else in the car and some of them are afraid of driving because they don't trust themselves. The accidents affect the policemen mentally because they face them and in the place of the accident they recall the tragic scene. Thanks to their profession they are more careful on the roads, they drive carefully because they can see effects which can occur. They are more concern for their relatives since they work as policemen.

Issues of punishment for traffic offences
Antošová, Ivana ; Novotný, Oto (advisor) ; Gřivna, Tomáš (referee)
Résumé This thesis is focused on issues of punishment for traffic offences. Road traffic is an inherent part of our daily life and influences all its aspects. A number of factors can contribute to the risk of collision: vehicle design, speed of the drive, traffic conditions, driver's impairment or alcohol. Motor vehicle collisions and other traffic accidents often lead to death, permanent disabilities or injuries and cause damage which means significant financial losses to both society and the individual. Almost each of us gets to witness a traffic accident or (sadly) become its victim. Individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents can be held financially liable for the consequences of the accident, such as material damages, injuries or death of passengers and drivers. The aim of this thesis is to describe the causes and the course of traffic accidents, the types of driving offences, crimes that can be committed and especially the penalties which can be imposed in different cases. It also reflects the way the society reacts to respective penalties and deals with punishments for those who caused the accident. In the introduction I focused on definition and characteristics of traffic offences. Furthermore I determined the notion of traffic accident and its causes. The following part introduces respective...

Reconstruction of Captured Traffic from Communication Tools
Ambrož, Tomáš ; Matoušek, Petr (referee) ; Kmeť, Martin (advisor)
Text and voice communications increase more and more now and sending of multimedia datas with the help of communication applications. There is a need of security services of our state this communication to monitor and analyse for purpose detecting of offence and following use of gained informations from communication in the action in court. Therefore, in my Bachelor's thesis I attempted to analyse and reconstruct of intercepted communication of two very popular communication applications, Viber and WhatsApp. Following extension for application Netfox Framework, which is determinated just for reconstruction of intercepted communication of various communication reports, was implemented on based of my informations about communication reports.

Criminal offences against road traffic code
Zronek, Josef ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Tlapák Navrátilová, Jana (referee)
The doctoral thesis deals with the states of facts of the criminal offences against road traffic code with focus on the breach of an important obligation. Proving, penalization and use of diversions in criminal offences in the road traffic with respect to its specific features and problems of application are also included in the thesis.

Methods of investigation of drug-related crime
Čermák, Jakub ; Štourač, Petr (advisor) ; Musil, Jan (referee)
The methodology for investigation of drug-related crime is the topic of this thesis. There are a few reasons why I have chosen this topic. The issue of drugs, drug-related crime, drug addiction and also illegal drug traffic has become recently the worldwide problem which intervenes into many areas of human life and therefore we must constantly pay attention to it. Especially this fact, together with other reasons as my personal connection with drug issue (few-year-long involvement in the program focused on the primary prevention from drugs at secondary schools) made me to choose this topic. My thesis is divided into 6 parts. In the first two chapters I define the general notions related to the drug issue and I provide with the division of drugs into groups under chosen criteria. For the better orientation in this issue I have listed the most common types of drugs with the description of their effect on the organism of humans. In the third part of my thesis I focus on the criminal prosecution of drug offences and the historical development of the legal regulation of this issue. More deeply I analyze the Act No. 140/1961 Coll., the Criminal Act, as amended and the actual legal regulation governing the prosecution of drug offences, the Act No. 40/20096 Coll., the Criminal Code, as amended. The forth...

Problems of insurance fraud in the Czech republic
Šlemar, Jan ; Hejda, Jan (advisor) ; Luštický, Martin (referee)
Topic of this thesis is "Problems of insurance fraud in the Czech republic". This thesis deals with one of the most common types of frauds. The main goals is to analyze the most common ways of committing this crime mainly in the automobile and traffic accidents and review the current state of insurance fraud situation in the Czech Republic from the view of insurance companies and law enforcements. At the same time this thesis will suggests some possible preventive tips to help prevent insurance frauds.

Analysis of the engine cooling down process
Schmidt, Drahomír ; Rozlivka, Tomáš ; Frydrýn, Michal
This article deals with the traffic accidents, especially deals with the fake accidents and the insurance frauds. It describes the method of the analysis of the engine cooling down process as a method for detection of these criminal activities.

Productive working teams.
This graduation thesis is concerned with the role of a psychologist in the work team building. The organisation where I did the qualitative research work was Police of the Czech Republic. I wanted to confirm or rebut the assertion that the role of psychologist in police teams buliding is irreplaceable. I used methods of questioning, interview and observation. Police teams are created to solve some issues (e.g. drug-traffic) or a concrete crime (e.g. a murder). I found out that police teams are built by supervisors. They are choosing team members in accordance with their specialization, skills and experience. The police psychologists have no dealing with the team building. Police psychologists pick new policemen {--} they test their memory, reactions (this test examines functions of celebral cortex) and intelligence. New policemen also have to pass a test of personality. All these tests are necessary, because police work is extremely exacting. Next police psychologist´s task is policemen training. Psychologists teach them the assertivity, how to cope with stress and how to deal with a suicide. Very important part of police psychologists´ job is a consulting service, which can involve policemen, their wives and kids. Police psychologists offer the post-traumatic care as well. This care is established for policemen who used a gun, who are investigating death of a child or some grave murder. Police psychologists are working as investigation´s consultants, especially by investigation of self-murders, rapes, maltreatment with children. They help to ease the situation, to calm down the sufferer, they also help by the questioning and they instruct policemen how to behave to the sufferer.

Needs to increase the psychological competencies of employees of the IZS, the design of educational activities.
This bachelor thesis focuses on the need to increase the psychological skills of integrated rescue system workers and then to the proposal of educational activities. The first part concerns the competence theory; there is a description and definition of competence and its classification and division. Next section deals with the mechanisms of psychological adaptation to stressful situations which employees of IRS may experience. Another section is focused on mental functioning in stressful situations and at different steps as all above phases of activation, stages of coping with mental stress and consequential phase. In the subsection about police stress is mentioned psychological stress in the investigation of violent crime, especially with extreme corpses, death of a child or death under tragic circumstances. Attention is also paid to the psychological result of firearm use, police work-related stress and coping with stress in police practice. Mental health workers of IRS describes the resistance of integrated rescue system workers to stressful situations, also protect the mental health of these workers and, ultimately, burnout syndrome. The work also provides a simple overview of psychological care intended for IRS workers and effective means for the prevention of post-traumatic stress symptoms in people working in the IRS. The main options to prevent the crisis intervention - professional method of working with people in a situation they experienced from their perspective as stressful or threatening. Another option is supervision - counseling method that helps workers in their professional development, aims to increase their professionalism. A separate sub-chapter focuses on communication with people and its rules. Principles of dealing with mentally disturbed individuals, principles of dealing with victims of crime, also dealing with a suicide, a communication with the elderly, the principle of communicating bad news and communication with aggressors are elaborated in detail. The last subchapter of the theoretical part concerns the crisis communication, communication with affected persons and the specifics of crisis communication in the security forces - the Police of Czech Republic, Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and Emergency Medical Services. The research part begins with chapter objectives of the thesis, which sets out the three main goals. The first goal is to characterize the educational system of the Police of the Czech Republic - basic training and the possibility of subsequent training. It includes a mention about the Code of Ethics of the Police of the Czech Republic, which is a standard for all police officers. The next purpose is to characterize the educational system of the Italian police, which is divided into three modules - security and defense, weapons and their legitimate use, transport and traffic regulations. The education of police officers in Italy comprises special modules, which are further divided into five sub-modules - communication between the police officer and a citizen or group of citizens, the process of communication, nonverbal communication, communication problems and the management of anxiety and stress. The final objective is the design of educational activities, which was created based on the comparison of educational systems Police and Italy. The first focuses on communication - communication training complex situations using model situations and training of reading nonverbal communication. The second proposal concerns the increase in the education of police officers in the field of ethnic differences between people living in the Czech Republic.The last proposal is the education of police officers in sign language - the basic features for initial communication and understandings with hearing impaired people. These designs can be used for the practice of police training.

Study of Mechanical Damaging of Car Bodies with Different Tools in Context of Insurance Fraud
Bednářová, Lucie ; Tylšar, Vladimír (referee) ; Semela, Marek (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with a problem of insurance frauds in context with manipulated events. It describes the possible causes of committing this crime and the possibility of detection. In conjunction with the objectives of this thesis was carried out extensive experiments of mechanical damage of car bodies with defined tools. Origin of damage and its character were assessed in mechanoskopical terms. After that intentional damage of vehicles was compared with the declared traffic accidents and similar damage occurring at parked vehicles. This part can be used to create at a comparative database of intentional damage to vehicles in solving the technical acceptability of damage that is suitable material for use as an expert activities.