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Non-invasive methods for sex and steroid homones determination in gibbons of the genus Nomascus
Bolechová, Petra ; Bartoš, Luděk (advisor) ; Pavel, Pavel (referee)
The gibbon primates of the family Nomascus are classified as critically endangered species, and, to date, basic understanding and information about their biology is missing. With regard to the status of these animals in the wild and captive populations in zoos, being familiar with their reproduction, may improve captive breeding programs. Data collection in this study was to be carried out by the practical use of non-invasive methods (polymerase chain reaction for DNA extraction and enzyme immunoassays), using faecal samples for analysis. The first method, polymerase chain reaction, was used for sex determination in juveniles, because of their coat colour and visual similarity of secondary sex characteristic in both sexes; it is not possible to determinate sex without handling the animal. Another main purpose of this study is to try and answer the hypothesis regarding the ovarian cycle of females, factors influencing their hormone concentration and also the onset of sexual maturity in females and the timing of their fur colour change. Hypotheses were checked by monitoring the concentration of progesterone and oestrogen faecal metabolites and by evaluation of the composition of breeding groups of gibbons with the ZOO influence. During a four year period (from 2010 till 2014), there were a total of 51 animals analysed from 16 different zoos with a faecal sample count totalling 1618 samples. The results confirmed the use of noninvasive methods for sex determination, and thus ensuring the maximum welfare standards. Endocrinological analysis confirmed the hypothesis of the influence of the environment (ZOO) to the hormone concentrations and female´s pregnancy effect in conjunction with her age on the final results of the male - father hormone concentrations. The initial information in this study is the confirmation of the onset of ovarian cycle in young females without connection to their fur colour change and a significant factor of a mother´s impact and her territoriality. This study is the first to present a long term monitoring of ovarian cycles in females and hormone concentrations of other individuals, both male and female, and from various age groups. The results allow us to understand the possible impact of zoo environments on the reproductive status of these gibbons and contribute to the general improvement of breeding management.

I/O Aerosol in Kindergarten - Case Study.
Ondráček, Jakub ; Talbot, Nicholas ; Cusack, Michael ; Vodička, Petr ; Ždímal, Vladimír ; Schwarz, Jaroslav
In last decades, people spend more and more time indoors. When various indoor sources are present, the indoor air quality is driven mainly by these sources. Without the presence of significant indoor sources, the situation is very different and the concentration of aerosol particles in indoor environment follows behavior of outdoor particles (taking into account losses of aerosol particles due to deposition on indoor surfaces and during penetration indoors. Many epidemiological studies show direct link between dose/exposition to fine (< 1µm) and ultrafine (< 100 nm) particles and adverse health effects. With regards to the fact that indoor environment is besides the adults occupied usually also by kids in longer time periods, it is very important to study the indoor environment in a great detail and to understand the behavior of aerosol particles indoors. In the case of the kids being exposed to the indoor aerosol particles, the adverse health effect can be more pronounced and the consequences more dangerous. Nevertheles, at the same time it is necessary to monitor the outdoor environment as well by observing its changing daily pattern and trying to identify the possible sources of outdoor air pollution.\n
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Plný tet: SKMBT_C22016102412233 - Download fulltextPDF

New Methods for Increasing Efficiency and Speed of Functional Verification
Zachariášová, Marcela ; Dohnal, Jan (referee) ; Steininger, Andreas (referee) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
Při vývoji současných číslicových systémů, např. vestavěných systému a počítačového hardware, je nutné hledat postupy, jak zvýšit jejich spolehlivost. Jednou z možností je zvyšování efektivity a rychlosti verifikačních procesů, které se provádějí v raných fázích návrhu. V této dizertační práci se pozornost věnuje verifikačnímu přístupu s názvem funkční verifikace. Je identifikováno několik výzev a problému týkajících se efektivity a rychlosti funkční verifikace a ty jsou následně řešeny v cílech dizertační práce. První cíl se zaměřuje na redukci simulačního času v průběhu verifikace komplexních systémů. Důvodem je, že simulace inherentně paralelního hardwarového systému trvá velmi dlouho v porovnání s během v skutečném hardware. Je proto navrhnuta optimalizační technika, která umisťuje verifikovaný systém do FPGA akcelerátoru, zatím co část verifikačního prostředí stále běží v simulaci. Tímto přemístěním je možné výrazně zredukovat simulační režii. Druhý cíl se zabývá ručně připravovanými verifikačními prostředími, která představují výrazné omezení ve verifikační produktivitě. Tato režie však není nutná, protože většina verifikačních prostředí má velice podobnou strukturu, jelikož využívají komponenty standardních verifikačních metodik. Tyto komponenty se jen upravují s ohledem na verifikovaný systém. Proto druhá optimalizační technika analyzuje popis systému na vyšší úrovni abstrakce a automatizuje tvorbu verifikačních prostředí tím, že je automaticky generuje z tohoto vysoko-úrovňového popisu. Třetí cíl zkoumá, jak je možné docílit úplnost verifikace pomocí inteligentní automatizace. Úplnost verifikace se typicky měří pomocí různých metrik pokrytí a verifikace je ukončena, když je dosažena právě vysoká úroveň pokrytí. Proto je navržena třetí optimalizační technika, která řídí generování vstupů pro verifikovaný systém tak, aby tyto vstupy aktivovali současně co nejvíc bodů pokrytí a aby byla rychlost konvergence k maximálnímu pokrytí co nejvyšší. Jako hlavní optimalizační prostředek se používá genetický algoritmus, který je přizpůsoben pro funkční verifikaci a jeho parametry jsou vyladěny pro tuto doménu. Běží na pozadí verifikačního procesu, analyzuje dosažené pokrytí a na základě toho dynamicky upravuje omezující podmínky pro generátor vstupů. Tyto podmínky jsou reprezentovány pravděpodobnostmi, které určují výběr vhodných hodnot ze vstupní domény. Čtvrtý cíl diskutuje, zda je možné znovu použít vstupy z funkční verifikace pro účely regresního testování a optimalizovat je tak, aby byla rychlost testování co nejvyšší. Ve funkční verifikaci je totiž běžné, že vstupy jsou značně redundantní, jelikož jsou produkovány generátorem. Pro regresní testy ale tato redundance není potřebná a proto může být eliminována. Zároveň je ale nutné dbát na to, aby úroveň pokrytí dosáhnutá optimalizovanou sadou byla stejná, jako u té původní. Čtvrtá optimalizační technika toto reflektuje a opět používá genetický algoritmus jako optimalizační prostředek. Tentokrát ale není integrován do procesu verifikace, ale je použit až po její ukončení. Velmi rychle odstraňuje redundanci z původní sady vstupů a výsledná doba simulace je tak značně optimalizována.

Exposure of children to atmospheric aerosol in school gyms
Šafránek, Jiří ; Braniš, Martin (advisor) ; Holcátová, Ivana (referee) ; Heller, Jan (referee)
Research into indoor environment has shown that schools are buildings with high- levels of particulate matter concentrations. This is especially the case of schools situated in high-density traffic or in industrial areas. Several studies have also proven the impact of PM on the teenage generation's health. So far no detailed study has been performed to cover the environment of school gyms where the PM dynamics are different from other indoor microenvironments. This different dynamics relates to the gym environment heterogeneity and to the human activities taking place in it. Due to higher pulmonary ventilation, the exposure of the exercising pupils can reach levels possibly noxious to their health. Size resolved mass concentrations of aerosol were measured in three elementary Schools in Prague. One school was situated in the city centre with high traffic density. The second school was situated on a plateau on the periphery with a medium level traffic. The third school can be found in Prague south-western suburbia, in an open landscape, with low traffic density. PM concentrations were measured simultaneously in naturally ventilated gyms and outdoors ajacent to the particular school building. Two pairs of monitors were used throughout the study: A DustTrak Aerosol Monitor and a Personal Cascade...

The Role of Nurse in the Prevention of Disease of Civilisation
PAVLOVÁ, Martina
The current state Prevention is a complex care of a patient when we are trying to prevent from the occurrence or development of a disease, or when we want to prevent from its consequences and mitigate them. Recommendations for prevention set by a doctor must be on a scientific basis, and they must be a part of all branches of medicine. Their effectiveness depends on the cooperation between patients and medical staff. The basic and most efficient method of prevention is the health promotion and health education, which is closely associated with it. The term health promotion involves a set of activities and precautions for the purpose of making health better and sustaining it. Diseases of civilisation (hereinafter "DoC") are groups of diseases which are distinguished by their association to our lifestyles. Human body is more and more threatened from unfavourable influences of external environment, such as the quality of atmosphere, work environment and environment itself, the lack of physical movement, unhealthy diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption. The list of diseases of civilisation varies and changes together with our society and the development of our lifestyles. Among the most common or frequent diseases of current time are cardiovascular diseases, which involve atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary artery disease and obesity. Furthermore, between civilization diseases include diabetes mellitus type 2 or cancer, etc. The goal of the thesis There are two goals set for this paper. The first goal was to find out what the role of a nurse in the prevention of diseases of civilisation was. The second goal was to find out what the above mentioned role of a nurse was from the point of view of patients. Methodology For the purpose of the research part of this thesis, qualitative research using semistructured interviews was carried out. Respondents were divided into two groups; the first one consisted of eight nurses working at internal medicine and neurological department of the hospital in České Budějovice and a nurse working in a private office of a general practitioner for adult patients. The second group consisted of eight patients of the above mentioned health facilities. Results According to our findings, nurses and patients have different oppinions on the role of a nurse. Nurses in disease prevention see themselves as an equivalent to a doctor when undertaking this practice and giving guidance. The patient speaks only to the nurse who emphasized what they were told by the doctor and reiterated the main points. They make available to them leaflets and brochures or Internet resources. In contrast, most patients see a nurse as a more important source of information than the doctor. Patients have the feeling that the doctor does not have enough time or does not want to be botherd with questions. Rather the patient turns to his nurse, which they sees as more appropriate and someone to whom they can confide in without bothering. Summary The goal of the thesis was to focus on prevention, DoC, and the role of a nurse in the prevention of such diseases, as well as to study this issue, look at it from the point of view of patients and nurses via the interviews carried out in this paper, and to analyse such information. Based on this analysis are published recommendations for nurses and patients.

The reflection of František Bakule's work in a relation to a current special educational practice
František Bakule was a significant Czech teacher during the first half of the 20th century. He was known as the first director of the "Jedlicka Institute in Prague" as well as the founder of so-called "Bakule´s Institute" as well as one of the few representatives of the "Czech alternative approach towards education" which is very well recognized all around the world. His legacy and teachings, however, are currently not being developed on the systematic level and neither they are being put into practise by Czech professional mainstream educational community. We also need to mention that is not used by even the stream of special education, in contrast to many foreign alternative pedagogical trends, which are gaining popularity and are generally applied with success. The aim of this thesis is therefore to analyse the work of Frantisek Bakule through the prism of contemporary school educational environment with emphasis on the education of students with disabilities. The first chapter is devoted to outlining the life journey of Frantisek Bakule, particularly focusing on the major milestones that influenced the formation of his personality, his ideas, inspiration and motivation which was reflected in his teachings and then in his very own coherent concept of education. To be specific, we are introduced to his family background and a significant part is then devoted to description of Frantisek´s experience as a teacher, including stages of operating in Jedlicka´s Institute and in his own "Bakule´s institute". The second part is then focused solely on Bakule´s specific educational concept. First, the core principles of the concept are defined. Later parts then talk about Bakule´s original curriculum and a his proposal of an ideal classroom environment. The text also contains a detailed description of how Bakule approached several subjects, which were at the core of his teaching concept, namely "Work activities", "Music education" and "Arts". Original teaching practices are analysed by using current teaching methodology and terminology. Due to the identified aim and goals of the thesis, the third chapter analyses the current concept of education of the above, according to Bakule´s core areas and principles. The text is designed specifically to be subsequently reflecting the work of Frantisek Bakule from the perspective of today's teaching methods, namely the methods of special education. The idea is to define common points and possible differences and uncover hidden inspirational potential, which is then the main content of the fourth and final chapter. Based on the analysis and all its subsequent reflections, the final chapter tells us that although Bakule´s educational goals don´t differ too significantly from the current concept embedded in the relevant framework of educational programs, to achieve such goals we are currently using very different techniques and methods in comparison to Bakule´s ways. Even though Bakule himself tested and verified all of his concepts in practice, which can be very simply described as "do not teach students about life and work, but through life and work", and these concepts also have been proven correct by various subsequent results of psychological researches, the current system still doesn´t draw from them too much. From all the above it is quite obvious that the legacy of life´s work of Frantisek Bakule is currently not utilized nor it is being appreciated by our professional pedagogical community. On the other hand, we need to note that it may also be due to the level of fragmentation in which his concept and materials were preserved to the present days.

Palliative care is provided by patient's family at home
The thesis, titled Palliative Care Provided by Patient's Family in Home Environment, discusses the specific care needs of a terminally ill patient in his/her own home. Caring for an ill person in a home environment is beginning to be a growing trend in home care, but also it is an increasingly common wish of the patients themselves. The family is therefore required to have enough theory and practical knowledge in order to deliver a highly demanding personal care for their close family members. The aim of the thesis is to summarize the current situation of delivering palliative care in home environment in Czech Republic whilst concentrating on the specific needs of the patient and the needs of their family. The objectives of the research were to determine whether family members were introduces to the specifics of palliative care of terminally ill patients; to map their skills in delivering palliative care in home environment and to reveal the most common issues that family members come across in that home environment. The final objective was to map out services in regions of Central Bohemia and Liberec that are accessible to family members whilst caring for a terminally ill patient. The research part of the thesis was completed employing a method of qualitative investigation using semi-structured interviews with patient's family members and nurses providing hospice care in home environment. It emerged from the analytical interviews that the family's knowledge level regarding support for palliative care in home environment is very limited and in hospitals families are only given minimal or no support or information. As a final document for the thesis an informative educational brochure was created based on the results of aforementioned research, primarily targeting patient's family; its core objective is to improve information and collate the specifics of care that would allow the patient a dignified end to their life.

Coping strategies in children´s fear and pain in relation to nursing care
For the nurse, taking care of hospitalized children is important not only pediatric nursing knowledge, personal and social preconditions, but also the theoretical and practical competency of methods and techniques, which are used for identification and effective influencing of pain and fear. The aim of this thesis was to identify the main sources of fear of the hospitalized preschool and young school age children and to find out the effective methods and principles of the cooperation with children, alternatively with their accompanying parents in order to moderate the fear of the small patient. Then the thesis tried to chart the nursing diagnostic and evaluation procedure of the pain and get the most used nursing methods of non-pharmacological pain relief. To obtain the necessary data, the qualitative research was used with a semi-structured interview as a research instrument. The first research group consisted of 12 nurses, the second group consisted of 12 children ´s patients of preschool and young school age. The majority of the asked nurses thinks, that children´s patients are afraid especially of non-familiar environment, then of the awaited pain and of the solitude without parents. However, the most patients said, that they were afraid especially of pain, then of non-familiar environment, restriction of their needs, hostile attitude of the medical staff and of the other neighbouring patients. They were also frightened of the death and of the darkness. Most reported nurses mean, that the most effective solution of the children ´s fear is the friendly attitude of the medics. They also mentioned the fact of taking the focus off the fear and the presence of the parents is also beneficial. The nurses ´ answers were in conformity with patients opinion in two fields - friendly attitude of the medics and taking the focus off the fear. Then the children mentioned abiding of their specifics in connection to falling asleep and the demand of beying treated by the same sister or by few same sisters. All respondents also talked about the benefit of parents presence. Regarding the principles of the cooperation, nurses answered the importance of united medical procedures, especially the proper way of information transfer. Then the respondents nurses mentioned the psychical and emotional support for children and their accompaniments, the atmosphere of confidence and the value of well done education. Also the need of calm, silence and privacy was stated. Unlike nurses, children and their parents regarding to principles of the cooperation prefer the psychical and emotional support, then the importance of enough information was mentioned. The fourth research question bears on the methods used for children pain monitoring. The nurses said, that the intentional interview with the patients or with the parents was used as a main technique, that was stated by patients as well. Research question number five said: What are the most used nursing methods of non-pharmacological pain relief at children? Most responded nurses mentioned the distraction of children attention from the painful incentive, then the importance of physical methods, relief position and purposeful preparation for the unpleasant intervention. Nurses also named the helpful contribution of the parents, relaxing exercises and the method of imagination. Regarding the pain treatment, it was noted, that all patients prefered the analgesic therapy. Then they quoted the distraction of their attention from the painful incentive, the friendly attitude of the medics, using the ice compress and the relief position. In the pain acute phase, children required mostly calm, comfort and privacy. All children also considered the presence of parents as very helpful. The theoretical and empirical part of the thesis are suitable for being studied by nurses taking care of children and it can be helpful for nursing quality improvement at children ´s wards in hospitals.

Algae and cyanobacteria colonizing toxic soils on coal-mining dumps
HRČKOVÁ, Kristýna
Species composition of soil algal and cyanobacterial communities was investigated in thirteen sites of different toxicity of spoil material on dumps in the Sokolov mining area (Czech Republic). The adaptation ability of various algal and cyanobacterial species to live in toxic environment and the effect of different amendments (wooden coal, organic matter, dolomitic limestone) of toxic soils were tested both in laboratory and field experiments. According to results, species composition corresponded to environmental characteristic (pH, conductivity, substrate type). Some green unicellular algae grew successfully in extracts from the most toxic substrate and seemed to be well adapted to low pH conditions. Results indicate that increase of pH is a basic precondition for the establishment of more diverse and abundant algal flora in highly acidic sites.

Smoking in restaurants in the center of Pilsen
The topic of this diploma thesis is ´Smoking in restaurant facilities in Pilsen city center´. Smoking in restaurant facilities harms not only their visitors but especially their employees. This group of citizens becomes passive smokers for the entire working time which may have negative health consequences. The main goal of this thesis was to map out the problem of smoking in restaurant facilities from their employee´s point of view. Three research questions have been determined towards fulfilling this goal. The research was implemented with the help of qualitative survey. Semi-structured in-depth interview was carried out with 13 respondents who had been chosen through the snowball sampling method. Information was evaluated through the open coding method and it has responded to the research questions. The first research question - What are the smoking habits of smoking restaurant facility employees? The research has proven that the amount of cigarettes smoked by the smoking restaurant facility employees has raised. The second research question - How do the employees of smoking restaurant facilities perceive the risk of passive smoking? Respondent´s answers have provn that they do not perceive passive smoking to be a risk factor which might harm their health. Only a minor part of respondents minds working in a smoking environment. The third research question was put this way: What is the attitude of employees in smoking restaurant facilities towards the new planned anti-smoking legislation? The research has proven that most respondents does not wish the acceptance of smoking prohibition in restaurant facilities. The reasons are concerns for their jobs, decrease in revenue, refusal of prohibition in general ort he fact that they themselves are smokers. Only a small number of respondent sis acutally concerned about their health and would welcome an amendment to the Act. A short intervention was carried out with the respondents within the research, which was supposed to inform the employees of restaurant facilities about the risks of passive smoking. The research has proven that employees of smoking restaurant facilities do not perceive the risk of passive smoking really. They are often exposed to tobacco smoke even in their leisure time. The most effective prevention may be ensured by politicians who would enforce a stricter legislation.