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The quality of water sources in the Czech Republic
Boháčová, Tereza ; Petrtýl, Miloslav (advisor) ; Kyriánová, Iveta Angela (referee)
The following bachelor thesis on the subject of The quality of water sources in the Czech Republic is supposed to introduce its readers to both historical development and current state of surface water quality in the Czech Republic. The works methodology is creation of a literature review of available scientific literature and especially Reports on surface water quality in particular river basins. The first part briefly describes Czech hydrological network and basic water quality indicators. The second part deals with the development of surface water quality in particular river basins. Another part of the work describes legal measures concerning surface water protection. In the last century, surface water contamination was considered one of the biggest environmental problems in our country. Waste water flowing into surface water were not perfectly treated and often werent treated at all. Because of this and also because of intense industry development, surface water was highly polluted. It wasnt until 1989, when the surface water quality improved significantly, mainly due to reduction of contaminants discharge, waste water treatment plants and sewerage system construction and development. Main danger for quality of rivers after 1989 were floods in 1997 and 2002, during which water treatment plants outage were often and dangerous chemicals were leaking from factories. The main finding of this work is the fact that quality of surface water in Czech Republic is much better than in the last century. However, it is still needed, that we focus on smaller rivers which are being endangered the most by discharge of contaminants from villages that dont have their own waste water treatment plants.

Water quality in water reservoirs and possible sources of pollution
Slabá, Nela ; Petrtýl, Miloslav (advisor) ; Kyriánová, Iveta Angela (referee)
The Bachelor's thesis is divided into four main parts. The first part is an introduction to the topic of thesis and a description of basic terms, second part is composed of the hydrological network of the Czech Republic. There is a description of the five most important water reservoirs for individual basins of the Czech Republic and the division to individual plants. For each selected tank there is a hydrological and technical description and graphic representation of suitable profiles in the period 2009-2014. At the Vltava River Basin is described WR Švihov, WR Římov and WR Hracholusky. At the Elbe River Basin is described WR Vrchlice and WR Josefův důl. The Ohře River basin is managed by WR Horka, WR Přísečnice and WR Chřibská Kamenice. The Odra river basin is managed by WR Kružberk and Morava River Basin by WR Vír I., WR Karolinku and WR Opatovice. In this part there is also legislation related to the quality of drinking water, the description of the indicators, water quality and consumption requirements for the Czech Republic . The third part deals with the problems of pollution, the sources of pollution and there is especially mentioned eutrophication. The fourth part of the thesis is focused on the impact of climate on quality of drinking water. Conclusion evaluates the current state of the quality of drinking water in the Czech Republic and it can be concluded that the quality of drinking water is increasing due to the decline of pointed pollution and better water technologies.

Air Quality in the Indoor Environment of Libraries and Archives
Mašková, Ludmila ; Smolík, Jiří
The aim of this study is to investigate concentrations and sources of airborne PM and gaseous pollutants in the indoor environment of the archives, and to establish the relationship between the indoor and outdoor environment. In 2012 the measurements take place at Zlatá Koruna and Třeboň and in 2013 at Osek and Prague. The results indicated outdoor air as the most probable source of particles in the indoor environment of archives at Zlatá Koruna and Třeboň. The penetration of particles at Třeboň was higher than at Zlatá Koruna. These results were confirmed by measurements of ventilation rate, which was at Třeboň almost ten times higher than at Zlatá Koruna.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22012102615332 - Download fulltextPDF

Molecular simulations unravel preference of haloalkanes for the air/water interface
Habartová, Alena ; Minofar, Babak ; Obisesan, A. ; Roeselová, Martina
Halogenated organics are emitted into the atmosphere from a variety of sources of both natural and anthropogenic origin (Finlayson-Pitts et al., 2000). Their uptake at the surface of aerosols can affect their reactivity, for example in processes which take part in ozone destruction due to production of reactive chlorine, bromine and iodine radicals. This study presents results of molecular dynamic (MD) simulations carried out to investigate the interaction of short-chain haloalkanes with aqueous surfaces. We report on a free energy minimum that the haloalkanes exhibit at the air/water interface.

Invenio within the NRGL: Version 1.0 and More News
Slouková, Jana
Both digital repositories maintained by NTK (NRGL and IDR) are powered by the open source software Invenio. Its great flexibility allows us its continuous development and adaptation to our needs. This year we added several features that make it easier to work with the repositories - for example, we improved the search, presentation of records, and added export to various citation managers. Following the release of new version of Invenio, we also created a new freely available installation script, that facilitates the installation and basic configuration of the system to those interested in creating their own repository.
Fulltext: idr-508_4 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-508_2 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-508_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-508_1 - Download fulltextMP4

Control Techniques of Grid Connected PWM Rectifiers under Unbalanced Input Voltage Conditions
Bejvl, Martin ; Šimek, Petr ; Škramlík, Jiří ; Valouch, Viktor
Current-controlled voltage source converters are widely used in grid-connected applications,for example at ac drives with indirect frequency converters.The structure and parameters of the PLL are developed and proposed in order to cope with the grid containing both the positive and the negative sequence component, and minimize the wrong frequency transients during phase angle steps and also in the start-up stage. The DSC technique was realised. There is also necessary to compensate the negative sequence component in the grid voltage. The negative sequence component of the grid voltage causes ripple of the dc voltage in the intermediate circuit. Several sophisticated topologies of converter current controller were developed, simulated and tested for this purpose. Results of simulation and experimental tests are provided to evaluate different current control schemes and phase locked loop techniques.

Foreign Trade of China
Hoang, Thi Ngoc Thanh ; Maier, Tomáš (advisor) ; Kuzmenko, Elena (referee)
1 Introduction This research divided into two parts: Literature Review and Practical Part. The Literature Review is written based on literature on International Trade. This part introduces the main theories and a brief history of Foreign Trade and a brief history of International Trade in the world context. To begin with, the author explained the Absolute Advantage theory from Adam Smith; the father of the Classical Trade Theory, Comparative Advantage by Ricardo and Heckscher Ohlin theory. This research also used qualitative and quantitative method approach the practical part with the purpose to find out how important the Foreign Trade effect is to Chinas economy. 2 Keywords China, Asia, foreign trade, economy growth, international trade 3 Objectives of this thesis The basic objectives of this thesis is to analyze the foreign trade of China based on the impacts of imports and exports and other indicators. It can be studied via domestic products and free trade agreement made between China and its trading partners. These factors are believed to have explanatory power for China's foreign trade. 4 Methodology For this thesis methodology, there will be data collected and after that analysed from the source information mainly from the Internet via search engine such as scholarly articles, journals, books from Vietnamese authors and others, trade documents, reports, and several other online academic sources. This research was also based on quantitative method approach by collecting data from Bureau Statistics of China from 1978 to 2013, there are 27 observations, the unit is 100 million yuan. The main reason to analyse the China growth rate based on the relationship between GDP and Exports-Imports. The GDP and Linear Regression models were created as follow: Y = a + b*x (1) Where: Y: Dependent variable as GDP X: Independent variable as growth rate (X-M) a: constant b: parameter of received growth rate The model was verified by compared the p-values with significant level alpha = 0.05 to identify the relationship between GDP and China growth rate (X-M). 5 Main Findings My aim of this thesis is to have the overview about Foreign Trade of China. The reform process can be divided into the following main stages: 1979-1987 Period (period of exploration and trial) 1988-1990 Period (period of transition toward reform in depth) 1991-2001 Period Over the past 38 years of reform, the Chinese nation experienced many ups and downs, changes; China's economy not only faced difficulties and challenges but also achieved a lot of achievements. That miraculous development of China was due to great efforts of the Chinese people in the cause of building the country with the target of bringing China to gradually integrate with the world economy and gradually become a strong economic power. In the coming years, China will still continue to grow, the economy will be increasingly integrated, becoming an important part of the world economy. In the practical part, I used the Linear Regression with the help of SAS 7.1 to compute the relationship between GDP and exports-imports, after computing, I got the result as follow: if the GDP increase by 100,000,000 yuan, so that the (X-M) will increase by 2,030,000,000 yuan. For the statistical verification, we compare the p-value with significant level of 5% (alpha = 0.05). In this case, the p-value of (X-M) was 0.0001 lower than 0.05. From the result, the author rejected the hypothesis, and the GDP growth depends on (X-M). In another way the author can say it was statistically significant. 6 Conclusion After 38 years of reform and opening up, it can be said that China has achieved great successes in economic development, especially foreign trade development. From a country with stagnant and undeveloped foreign trade, China now is a current foreign trade country with powers ranked the 5th largest in the world and, more importantly, in the future, Chinese position in international trade will be enhanced increasingly. In past years, thanks to China had proper policies and methods were suitable for the foreign trade development so that it achieved such successes such as high achievements as follows: It can be said that on the way to opening up and reform of foreign trade, China was not necessarily to always get success and achieve many accomplishments. Sometimes, China also faced the mistakes as results of until now it was also not necessarily to achieve as expected. It still existed with a number of problems to continue to be overcome, such as improving the quality of exported goods and foreign trade performance, issues of regional disparities etc. Through the study of the development experience of Chinese foreign trade, can be realize the State's role in policy-making and overall macroeconomic method-making were very important for Foreign Trade. Moreover, the Chinese government was very flexible in creating and implementing policies although China is a developing country. In fact, China makes foreign trade reform with cautious and solid steps. 7 Reference Brown Consultancy Service, Theory of International Trade, Brown Consultant The Silkroad project, The Silkroad and related trade routes Robert C. Feenstra, Alan M. Taylor, International Trade Brown Consultancy Service, Theory of International Trade Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nation Application of strategic mangement, Theory of Absolute Advantage Charles W. L. Hill, International Business Swedish economist who wrote his view about International Trade in 1919 Pham Thai Quoc, Chinese process of industrialization in the last 20 years of the twentieth century Nguyen The Tang, The process of opening the foreign affairs of Republic of China

The energy saving and alternative energy sources for family house
Eliáš, Petr ; Malý, Michal (advisor) ; Kateřina, Kateřina (referee)
Thesis The energy saving and alternative energy sources in the family house is engaged in the design and energy analysis of the family house, the draft austerity measures that would reduce the costs of running the house (heating costs and the cost of electricity from the public grid) and the proposal of alternative sources energy, focusing on the photovoltaic system, thermal system for hot water and heat supply system based on biomass. The thesis calculated the cost of the austerity measures, the cost of photovoltaic and thermal system and the cost of heating source. The study also calculated the net present value of the investment, payback period, internal rate of investment and cost effective investment. In this thesis is calculated with grants from the state program Nová zelená úsporám 2015. The result of this thesis is reduce heat loss by 44.82 % reduction in annual heating costs and electricity costs by 39.42 % (a decrease of 22 388 CZK), determine the total investment cost in the amount of 566 070 CZK, determination of grant from state program Nová zelená úsporám 2015 amounting to 215 460 CZK, determine the payback period 20.05 years, determining the internal rate of 3.98 % and determination cost effective investment of 0.6058.

Rural widows and their position within family and social structures. The situation of domain Nový Rychnov in the first half of the 19th century
The essay deals with the position of widows in the rural society using the example of the domain of Nový Rychnov. It is based on the research of the local sources like parish registers, listings of confesion, land registers, wedding contracts, testaments. As a main methodological basis is used microhistory. The introduction deals with situation of widows on the ground of demographic statistic and in the context of laws. The question women´s position in the rural family and reflection of widowhood by the then society was not disregarded. The attention was concentrated on the way, which particular rural widows resolved situation after their husbands´ death. There were four possibilities in face of widowed women: new marriage, independent leading of farm, retirement and position of inmate. The situation of woman can be changed during her life. This four alternatives is the basis of the following analysis. Particular chapters at first summarize results of research up to now and previous statistical analyses, which have addressed several questions about widows on a general level. Next, the great care is dedicated to concrete examples. The analysis have showed existence of conscious strategies on the part of widowed women. There were usually more possibilities for a widowed woman. Rural women were able to deal with their husbands´ death, assess their current family, financial and legal standing and make a decision based on this assessment. The advance of widowed women always depended on their individual situation and circumstances. The aim of present study is the question, why women opted different types of conclusion their situation. In examining the lives of the widows, one can identify both certain stereotypes, as well as individual strategies. The problem of rural widows cannot be simplified on the result of analysis and demands detailed analysis. The aim of essay is to show, that there were many differencies between widows and their deals.

Extraction of Tall Soap by Use of Selected Organic Solvents
Rousková, Milena ; Heyberger, Aleš
The aim of this study was to compare yields of phytosterols by use of liquid-liquid-extraction when several extraction solvents, recommended in literature sources, were used. Hexane, limonene, isobutanol, methyl isobutyl ketone and methyl tert-butyl ether were tested. These solvents differ in polarity. Largest yields of total phytosterols (67%) and especially of the beta sitosterol (89%) were reached when isobutanol was used. Disadvantages of most of the tested solvents were formation of the undesirable solid interphase, which could not be removed, their partial solubility in water phase and/or their high boiling point.
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