National Repository of Grey Literature 157 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.18 seconds. 

A guide to designing optimal method of backup for big volumes of data
Bartoňová, Veronika ; Vychodil, Petr (referee) ; Burda, Karel (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with backup for big volumes of data. Data backup is a overlooked area of information technology and the data can be lost by trivial user error or breakdown on any components. In this thesis is discussed theory of backup - archive bit and his behavior based on various type of backup (full, incremental, differential or combination thereof), duration and frequency of backups or the point of ultimate recovery. In addition there are mentioned rotation schemes Round-Robin, GFS and Tower of Hanoi, where are described their principles and graphic diagram of rotation. In chapter Strategy of backup describes the backup strategy via choosing the right choice, taking into technical and economic parameters. Impact analysis, which is explained also in this chapter, describes the important moments in data recovery. For select the optimal strategy is necessary to consider not only the whole capacity of the backup data, but also the size of the backup window for data storage or storage location. In chapter Media storage you can acquainted with all backup media and their technical parameters that are available on the market and can be used for data backup. In section Guide methodology of large volumes of data backup is designed a backup plan with the necessary inputs for the actual implementation of the backup. The design methodology puts emphasis on regular backups and check their location. On practical demonstration is shown that the rotation scheme Tower of Hanoi are among the smallest need for backup media. A part of this thesis is also design of methodology for backup small amounts of data.

Czech - China cooperation in international trade
The aim of the diploma thesis was to handle the recommendation, which would serve as a useful tool for businesses with the commercial intent on importing goods from China. It was necessary to recognize secondary data and gain primary data in order to comply it. The methodology of the thesis was divided in three parts. In the analytic part, the collecting of secondary information was carried out through the study of literature. The books and the Internet sources of Czech and foreign origin were used. On the basis of this information the literary recherché was written and then the analysis of the foreign trade of the Czech Republic and China was carried out. The synthetic part dealt with the preparation and the realization of the field investigation and its processing. To obtain the primary information the method of controlled conversation was used. The realization of field investigations was carried out in the company of ETA a.s. in Hlinsko. The subsequent evaluation of the field investigation was carried out through the drafting of a practical example, where the company's business cooperation with the Chinese enterprises to the ETA was pointed out. The last part of the application was devoted to the processing of recommendations of good practice when dealing with China, which presented a firm from the Czech Republic as the importer, and China's venture as the exporter, according to the example of the ETA company. The aim of the recommendation, which was established in the framework of this thesis, is to become a useful tool for businesses that have minimal experience with foreign trade and at the same time they would like to establish business cooperation with Chinese companies.

Prevention Programmes of the Police of the Czech Republic at Basic Schools in Český Krumlov
Sociopathic phenomena in children and youth are risky from health, social and economic aspects. Criminality and other forms of risky behaviour stem from many subsequent unpropitious impulses and activities. This work deals with factors affecting character formation of young people and some forms of risky and criminal behaviour of basic school pupils. Data were collected through a quantitative method, specifically 15-year-old pupils of basic schools in Český Krumlov were questioned anonymously. In adddition, a qualitative method in a form of semi-structured interview was used for the school and district metodists of primary prevention. The theoretical part describes some forms of risky behaviour and its causes. The empirical part contains the study itself and the discussion with authors whose experience I drew from. The Bachelor work was aimed at mapping activities of the Czech Police in criminality prevention in Český Krumlov and the themes of prevention programmes at basic schools in Český Krumlov. The findings revealed that the Police of the Czech Republic provides primary prevention for basic schools in Český Krumlov required from the school managements. The prevention programmes are complete enough to meet most requirements. The findings can be used for preparing prevention programmes for pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff, informative materials for general public and further research.

Evaluation of landscape structure, ecosystem functions and services in the surroundings of the town Stříbro regarding its historical development
This thesis was written as groundwork for a submission of grant application. Its goal is to achieve funding for a project which is dealing with the valuation of ecosystem functions and services in landscape, and changes of landscape structure of rural area around the town Stříbro. The output of this work will be new method for valuation of landscape functions and services.

Methodology for performing tandem skydive with disabled person
The goal of my bachelor thesis was verification of the possibility to perform tandem jumps with handicapped persons, especially with regards to the health conditions and social impact of this form of integration of the handicapped persons. The particular output of the thesis is creating of the methodics for tandem jumps with the handicapped persons. Based on the information from the literature, consultation with the medicine doctors and skydiving experts I have got basis for the practical realisation of the tandem jumps and for the following qualitative research. In the practical part of the thesis I performed tandem jumps with various types of disabilities in order to verify the theoretical assumptions. I also realised the research with the tandem passengers from the group of handicapped people to get the insight into the social impact of this sport activity on their lives. Outputs of this thesis are going to be used for the further training of tandempilots, so they ger ready to perform tandem jumps with the handicapped passengers.

Finding reasons why young people attend tea rooms.
This thesis elaborates the reasons why young people attend tearooms in their leisure time in the area of the South Bohemia. The first part indicates the ideas, explains what the tearoom is and how it is seen from different points of view (historical, spiritual and pedagogical). The other part contains the qualitative research that was taken in six tearooms in the area of the South Bohemia. The topic, methodology, progress and results are described there. The result of the research affirmed that young people attend tearooms due to original background, meeting new friends and being far from everyday life.

Health and social activities of elementary schools in the region České Budějovice
Today, school is viewed as a social institution whose traditional function is that of providing education to pupils of appropriate age groups. The concept and functions of school are subject to changes of social needs. Accordingly, health education is now gradually making its way into the curriculum: it is a subject that permeates many a school subject and various school activities. At the same time, the school has become a place where pupils socialize and it is also a place that supports their personalities and social development, preparing them for their personal, work and civic life. These two aspects ? health and social ? are not substitutable and complement each other. The objective of the present bachelor thesis is to describe the activities performed within the social sphere by primary schools in the region of České Budějovice. On the basis of a selected sample of school prevention methodologists, its aim is to ascertain the means, possibilities, goals and visions for the future these methodologists have, and what prevention programmes they support. Furthermore, the objective of the thesis is to discover who they cooperate with and if any changes are needed to remedy situations that prevent them from the realization of their plans. The theoretical part examines health and social activities that can be implemented by primary schools. Moreover, this part focuses on school prevention tools and how these problems can be communicated and integrated in classes. The last chapter delves into the arrangement of counselling at schools, and specifies the function and activity of the school prevention methodologist. Within the framework of the present bachelor thesis, research was conducted which was realized by means of a semi-guided interview with school prevention methodologists in 7 selected schools. These schools included the primary schools of Trhové Sviny, Borovany, Nové Hrady, Nedabyle. The following schools were selected in České Budějovice: Primary school of Vl. Rada - Madé, Matice školské and Kubatova. The findings of the said research have been processed into two categories, i.e. health and social school activities. These categories have been further divided into four equal sub-groups. The first sub-group gives the summary and description of activities of the aforesaid schools, the second sub-group examines the method of realization of health activities in schools, while the third section focuses on the cooperation between organizations and schools, and the last section explores plans and visions for the future. Within the present bachelor thesis, three research inquiries were postulated. ? Do primary schools prefer health acitvities to social activities? ? When implementing preventive programmes, do primary schools prefer cooperating with organizations to performing activities on their own? ? Do primary schools create and support activities for both pupils and their parents? The results of the present bachelor thesis may be utilized for further research in the given sphere. I believe that my bachelor thesis will become an information source for primary schools in the health and social sphere. I hope that the resulting data will be utilized by experts working with pupils in primary schools for the realization of other activities pertaining to the given problems.

Methods of investigation of sexual crimes (selected issues)
Vargová, Jana ; Musil, Jan (advisor) ; Štourač, Petr (referee)
The Methodology of Investigation of Sexual Criminal Offences (selected issues) Summary The assigned topis of the diploma thesis is methodology of investigation of sexual crime acts. With regard to the fact that the area of morality delinquency is too extensive, I have focused on methodology of investigation of the criminal offences of rape and sexual abuse in my thesis, because I assume that these two offences belong to the most serious and the most dangerous crimes, and from the point of view of investigation also the most complicated and the most difficult, not only in the sexual sphere, but at the same time among all crimes known to the present valid law at all. These criminal offences represent a deep and serious intrusion upon the fundamental rights and freedoms, i.e. especially to the personal freedom and human dignity of a person affected by such crime, and having very serious consequences on the physical and psychical integrity of a man, leaving long-term consequences, often even lifelong traumatic consequences in the life of the victim. In the first part of my diploma thesis, after a historical excursion and legal regulation of the crimes, I deal especially with the criminalist characteristics of criminal offences of rape and sexual abuse. As it is obvious from the whole diploma thesis, the main...

Methodology of Website Design
Ondo, Ondrej ; Ličko, Jozef (referee) ; Koch, Miloš (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on issues related to the design and implementation of Happy Tails website. The basis of website implementation is supported by documents summarised in the theoretical part, where new trends and phenomena, which are likely to become industry standards in the near future, are also highlighted. Kľúčové slová

Methodological framework for integrated assessment of ecosystem services in the Czech Republic
Vačkář, David ; Frélichová, Jana ; Lorencová, Eliška ; Pártl, Adam ; Harmáčková, Veronika Zuzana ; Loučková, Blanka
EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 requires Member States in 2014 to map and assess the state of ecosystems and their services in its national territory. At the same time, the economic value of these services should be assessed (Goal 2, Action 5, Improve knowledge of ecosystems and their services in the EU). In connection with this commitment we present methodology, which aims to provide a coherent conceptual framework and basic principles for the assessment and valuation of ecosystem services in the Czech Republic. The aim of the methodology is providing basic principles and procedures for assessing and monitoring the status of ecosystem services, especially with regard to the preparation and implementation of the national assessment of ecosystem services. The methodological framework for the assessment of ecosystem services in the Czech Republic supports the Ministry of the Environment as the basis for the development of strategies and policies in the field of biodiversity conservation, especially in relation to Section 79, para. 2 (a) of the Act no. 114/1992 Coll., On Nature and Landscape Conservation, as amended.