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Experiences with a bibliometric indicator for performance-based funding of research institutions in Norway
Sivertsen, Gunnar
In 2005, Norway implemented a performance based funding model for the Higher Education Sector with a weighted indicator based on complete data (in journals, series and books) for the scientific publication output at the level of institutions. A similar indicator was implemented in Denmark and Flanders (Belgium) in 2009 and is presently being developed in Finland for implementation in 2015. Norway has recently made all publicly funded research institutions outside the Higher Education Sector use the indicator as well. The data source for the indicator is a national Current Research Information System which is partially supported by import from other relevant sources, such as the ISI Web of Science. An evaluation of the indicator took place in Denmark in 2012. Another one will soon start up in Norway. I will describe how the indicator was designed and report from the experiences with it since 2005, partly by referring the main concerns, discussions and criticisms and partly by demonstrating trends empirically with bibliometrics.
Slides: idr-471_1 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-471_2 - Download fulltextMP4

How to proceed in evaluating and financing science: International Audit recommendations
Moravcová, Jitka
British company Technopolis Group and their partners performed between 2010 and 2011 a deep and complex analysis of the Research, Development and Innovation System in the Czech Republic. The outputs of this analysis are exceptional documents drawn by an internationally recognized authority with extensive experience in the field of management, evaluation and financing of research and development that give us for the first time an independent view of our system. The audit results are a very good starting point for the update of strategic documents such as Research, Development and Innovation System Reform or Research, Development and Innovation National Policy that should lead to the visible improvement of the RDI system effectiveness and contribute to the improved competitiveness of the Czech Republic. All the documents are accessible to general public on the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports web sites The paper will inform about the most important recommendations concerning RDI management, financing and evaluation on all levels.
Slides: idr-467_1 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-467_2 - Download fulltextMP4

Inter-company comparison
The main objective of this work is to perform inter-company comparison of five banking institutions using the single - and multi-criterial criterial methods in the period before and after the Global financial krizi.Na main objective ties secondary objective, which is concerned with the financial stability of the financial sector in the Czech Republic on the basis the results of stress tests performed by the Czech national Bank.

Comparison of accounting and tax accounts
The objective of this thesis is the analysis and assessment of accounting and tax accounts according to the current legislation valid in the Czech Republic, definition of essential differences between them, comparison of both systems including the possibility of their practical use. The theoretical part was focused on description and comparison of accounting and tax accounts from the accounting and tax perspective. The practical part deals with the analysis of accounting and tax accounts of a selected company. The comparison of accounting and tax accounts both from the accounting perspective and from the perspective of tax impact on a particular company was an objective of this part. Furthermore, it was assessed which system would be the most suitable for a particular business.

Economic Research Bulletin (2014, No.1). Volume 12, Number 1, April 2014, Stress-Testing Analyses of the Czech Financial System
Česká národní banka
This edition of the Research Bulletin presents four articles that introduce the modelling framework of the various stress tests used regularly by the Czech National Bank. The first article focuses on the methodology of the current stress tests employed to assess the stability of the banking sector. It explains the links between the core and satellite models and how various adverse scenarios are generated to test the stability of the Czech banking sector. It also provides guidelines on how stresstest parameters should be calibrated. Concerns about liquidity played an enormous role in the recent financial crisis, and the second article therefore focuses specifically on the liquidity risk of the banking sector. It presents a well-defined methodology used also by other central banks, but tailors it to the specific conditions of the Czech banking sector. The third article presents a recently developed methodology for assessing the ability of Czech households to pay their debts. Using detailed household-level data, it quantifies how different adverse events, such as unemployment and higher interest rates on debt repayment, affect households’ incidence of becoming financially distressed. The fourth article introduces stress-test models for the insurance sector. It discusses the specificities of the stress tests developed for this sector. It also sets out how to extend these already advanced tests to align them with changes going on in the regulatory framework.
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Monopsony on the labor market for players of National Hockey League: present or past?
Hladík, Ondřej ; Hudík, Marek (advisor) ; Mirvald, Michal (referee)
This thesis deals with determination of the labor market structure for professional athletes, specifically the market for players of National Hockey League (NHL). The theoretical part focuses on the development of labor market for athletes and changes in rules that affected this development. In the empirical part I present a model for determining the marginal revenue product (MRP) of players. Further I determine the impact of other factors that have an influence on wage differences between players. Taking all the results I specify the type of market structure, which I determined on the basis of the relationship between MRP of players and their wages. I find out that the market for defenders and forwards of NHL is rather competitive, unlike the market for goalkeepers, which is best describable by the "winner-take-all" theory. At the end of the thesis, the possible errors in the model and data that could affect the outcome are summed up.

Visitors of Karlštejn castle and national identity
Holubová, Renáta ; Černá, Jitka (advisor) ; Kubů, Jaromír (referee)
The objective of Visitors of Karlštejn study is to identify socio-demographic profile of visitors of this particular Czech castle during the side-season, to describe considered alternatives to leisure time spending competing to Karlštejn castle and to find out satisfaction of visitors with individual areas of their visit of castle and surrounding. Also spontaneous association concerning Karlštejn is in our focus in terms of national identity. Data used for this study was collected by quantitative research methodology conducted during October 2011 to January 2012 among visitors after their tour route. Results of this study should help the castle management set content of communication campaign and improve provided services.

Economic research bulletin (2012, No.1). Macroeconomic forecasting: methods, accuracy and coordination
Česká národní banka
The first article performs an empirical investigation of the accuracy of Czech quarterly GDP forecasts of various models which extract information from the available monthly indicators. The forecast performance of the eight models is compared mutually and with the historical near-term forecasts of the CNB’s staff. The second article assesses the practical usability of Bayesian fan charts for the purposes of CNB forecast evaluation and financial stability stress testing. The third article evaluates the accuracy of Consensus Economics forecasts by comparison with the alternative forecasts including those of international organisations. Furthermore, the impact of the recent crisis on forecast performance is investigated. The last article analyses the extent to which private analysts coordinate their forecasts with those produced by the Czech National Bank, and whether such coordination changes over time.
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Identification and measurement of relationships concerning inflow of FDI: the case of the Czech republic
Král, Petr
The main goal of the paper is to obtain quantitative evidence describing determinants of FDI in the case of the Czech economy in order to empirically support the decision-making process within the Czech National Bank. The paper builds on the recent economic literature and at the same time examines FDI inflows from the perspective of a multinational company.
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Some exchange rates are more stable than others: short-run evidence from transition countries
Bulíř, Aleš
The paper investigates empirically the endogenous liquidity nexus of exchange rate determination on a sample of four transition economies. It finds evidence in favor of the hypothesis of a nonlinear error correction process vis-à-vis longer-term trend deviations. The results suggest that early and successful exchange-rate market and financial-account liberalization pays off in terms of depth of the market and, hence, faster adjustment of national currencies to short-term shocks to the exchange rate.
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