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Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Younger Dryas based on subfubfossil cladocera
Bubenková, Anna ; Tátosová, Jolana (advisor) ; Vrba, Jaroslav (referee)
5 ABSTRACT Long-term paleoenvironmental reconstructions provides essential interpretation of environmental changes. Multiproxy analysis of lake sediments can be used for tracking the historical evolution of lakes and significant processes which formed them over time. Subfossil Cladocera play a key ecological role in freshwater ecosystems. Sedimentary cladoceran assemblages reflect environmental changes and exhibit great potential in past environmental reconstructions. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to identify climatic changes of the time interval between the Late Glacial and the early Holocene in Černé Lake. Based on the analysis of geochemical and biological proxies, determined climatic conditions of Younger Dryas (YD). The YD oscillation in Central Europe has only been briefly described. The Czech Republic is positioned between oceanic and continental climate. The results of the multiproxy analyses suggests that climate conditions of the region during YD were similar to Western Europe with moderate wet climate conditions during the first half and drier conditions during the second half of the period. In the middle of YD there was an interesting event. Observed, probably due to high precipitation and floods. These results are based on P/L ratio, geochemical proxies, pollen analyses and record of...
Geochemical markers from foraminiferal tests as a tool for reconstruction of paleoceanological environments: a case study from the Miocene of the Central Paratethys
Scheiner, Filip
This thesis deals with the use of geochemical proxies on foraminifera for paleoceanographical, paleoecological and paleoenvironmental interpretations in the fossil epicontinental sea - the Central Paratethys during the Langhian. It discusses the used methodologies and approaches that were specially chosen to fit the problematic of the studied area such as the single test analysis of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes on foraminifera. Other geochemical methods were represented by Mg/Ca based paleothermomethry and by several organic geochemistry proxies on whole rock samples (n-alkane indices, δ13 Corg, and carbon ratios - TOC/TIC/TC). These were further combined with foraminiferal paleoecological data, which allowed identification of particular water masses in the studied region as well as the prevailing circulation patterns/regimes during the studied interval in the Paratethyan marine realm. Additionally, there were interpreted various regional paleoenvironmental and paleoecological consequences. The Paratethys had similar hydrography of surficial waters with the Mediterranean, conversely to the bottom waters that were different, probably of a regional origin with their own evolution during the studied time interval. The anti-estuarine circulation regime, which was probably linked with the closure...
Geochemical markers from foraminiferal tests as a tool for reconstruction of paleoceanological environments: a case study from the Miocene of the Central Paratethys
Scheiner, Filip ; Holcová, Katarína (advisor) ; Grunert, Patrick (referee) ; Demeny, Attila (referee)
This thesis deals with the use of geochemical proxies on foraminifera for paleoceanographical, paleoecological and paleoenvironmental interpretations in the fossil epicontinental sea - the Central Paratethys during the Langhian. It discusses the used methodologies and approaches that were specially chosen to fit the problematic of the studied area such as the single test analysis of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes on foraminifera. Other geochemical methods were represented by Mg/Ca based paleothermomethry and by several organic geochemistry proxies on whole rock samples (n-alkane indices, δ13 Corg, and carbon ratios - TOC/TIC/TC). These were further combined with foraminiferal paleoecological data, which allowed identification of particular water masses in the studied region as well as the prevailing circulation patterns/regimes during the studied interval in the Paratethyan marine realm. Additionally, there were interpreted various regional paleoenvironmental and paleoecological consequences. The Paratethys had similar hydrography of surficial waters with the Mediterranean, conversely to the bottom waters that were different, probably of a regional origin with their own evolution during the studied time interval. The anti-estuarine circulation regime, which was probably linked with the closure...
Selected cephalopods from the Ordovician of the Prague Basin (Bohemia) and Baltica (Estonia and Sweden): taxonomy, paleobiogeography and paleoecology
Aubrechtová, Martina ; Košťák, Martin (advisor) ; Klug, Christian (referee) ; King, Andrew H. (referee)
This dissertation thesis is a summary of five studies published in peer- reviewed, impacted scientific journals. All of the publications are taxonomic revisions of previously unknown or little known collections of fossil cephalopods from the Early Paleozoic strata of Bohemia, Estonia and Sweden. Paleogeogra- phical and stratigraphical distributions of the respective taxa were summarized, refined and compared with contemporary fossil assemblages known from other regions. Implications on the paleoecology of the cephalopods and original envi- ronmental conditions were made. The text of the thesis is divided into three main parts. In the first part, the morphology of cephalopods is explained, stressing out the most important diagnostic characters used for their descriptions. The current systematics of the Cephalopoda is overviewed and the main cephalopod groups during the Ordovician are briefly introduced. The second part of the thesis describes the geological development and settings of the regions, from which the studied fossil cephalopods originate. The third and final part of the thesis provides a discussion and interpretation of the results of the published studies in the context of the previously published research. The genus Bactroceras Holm, 1898 and some members of the order Litui- tida were studied...
Holocene climate changes in the High Arctic
Prochová, Dominika ; Vondrák, Daniel (advisor) ; Roman, Matěj (referee)
Climatic changes are nowadays frequently discussed subject in the scientific, political and public sphere. For better understanding of their causes, development and possible impacts is one of the basic prerequisites for investigating such anomalies, that have taken place in the past. In natural archives, it is possible to find records not only about their parameters but also about the mentioned impacts - ecosystem changes, earth surface's geomorfological transformartions or the impact on human society. The most studied period of geological time is Holocene. It is about the most recent period and we currently live in its third stage. Thankfully, due to relatively sufficient knowledge of its climatic anomalies we are able to study the climate's contribution with enough complexity to valorize the currently much observed global warming, witch is often connected to human activity. The Arctic is probably the most sensitive place to climate changes on the planet. The warming, that is currently observed around the globe, is there noticeably higher - by the end of the 20th century, the average annual temperature increased twice as fast. The aim of this thesis is, in the form of literary research, to describe and examinatie the climate development in high Arctic areas, potencially the most sensitive...
Long-term disturbance dynamics of spruce forest in High Tatra Mts.
Beranová, Jana ; Kuneš, Petr (advisor) ; Jamrichová, Eva (referee)
Spruce forest is an important production ecosystem for our civilization. Its development can be affected by three main types of disturbances: forest fire, windstorms and spruce bark beetle attack. Experiences with a massive and long-term attack of spruce bark beetle in the Šumava mountains and a strong windstorm in 2004 in the spruce forest in the High Tatra provoke questions, how natural are such severe disturbances. To understand the current development of forest ecosystems, it is necessary to study past structure of these forests and frequency of forest disturbances. This work is about locality Tatranská Lomnice located in the High Tatra mountains, in the belt of mountain spruce forest. In my work, I used mainly pollen and plant macro-fossils analyses. I compared my data with disturbance information originating from dendroecology for windstorms and from charcoal analysis for fires. My research found that according to the pollen assemblages, most of the disturbances did not have strong influence on the forest composition, and most likely they only caused the forest thinning. The most significant fire occurred around 1420. The most significant wind disturbance probably occurred in 1890. The was not found any effect of spruce bark beetle. In the past millennium disturbances affected spruce forest...
Subfossil Cladocera as a powerful tool for paleoecological reconstruction
Bubenková, Anna ; Tátosová, Jolana (advisor) ; Kopalová, Kateřina (referee)
This bachelor thesis is a literature review documenting the usage of subfossil Cladocera in paleoecological reconstruction. Its aim is to argue for subfossil Cladocera as an effective means of studying historical evolution of lakes and identifying significant processes which formed them over time. Furthemore, this literature review critically evaluates some of the most common approaches to reconstructing changes in climate, water levels, acidification, and eutrophication, and numerous issues they often encouter. The correct interpretation is vital because all the factors in the aquatic environment are connected. Despite some debate, subfossil Cladocera are an important aspect of paleoecological reconstructions with much possible utilization in future research. Key words: subfossil Cladocera, paleoecology, reconstruction
Quaternary molluscs of Blanský les
Menšík, Jakub ; Juřičková, Lucie (advisor) ; Pokorný, Petr (referee)
Rich mollusc assemblages preserved in two profiles of fossiliferous sediment in the Blanský les area, provided the evidence about the Late Glacial and Holocene in this region, which is one of the most faunistically known areas of Central Europe. Findings of Quaternary faunas are very rare in Southern Bohemia, so these two soil profiles near Český Krumlov are so important for understanding the postglacial succession of Central Europe. The fossil mollusc assemblages showed an early appearance of forest species, which dominated both sites from the Boreal till Subboreal. Forest development in the Holocene Climatic Optimum reached a maximum, due to the absence of Neolithic man. Steppe species almost completely disappeared during this period. The development of the Young Holocene was linked to a decrease of the forest on the first site and the deforestation of the second site, due to a combination of a humidity decrease and human impact. In addition, some southern elements involved in the postglacial colonization of Central Europe, were found there. A few of them were found in a much older deposit than expected.
Quaternary insects and their significance for zoogeography, paleoclimatology and paleoecology
Moudrý, Jakub ; Prokop, Jakub (advisor) ; Říhová, Dagmar (referee)
The present thesis is a review of available published data on Quaternary insects. Research focused on Quaternary insects has been so far overlooked by the Czech scientists, even though there is potential to provide additional data for complex reconstruction of Quaternary deposits. Insect faunas allow to trace the dynamic development of areas across continents and serve for example as proof of migration routes. It is especially true for the Pleistocene, well known for prominent climatic oscillations. Thus, the insect species served as climatic indicators allowing estimations of average temperatures by application of the MCR method. Finally, these faunal changes reflect dynamic development of palaeoenvironments. The fact that the subfossil taxa correspond to the recent species allows broader reconstruction of the Quaternary deposits.
Palaeoecological research of mountain lakes in the Carpathian Region: a review
Blechová, Magdalena ; Vondrák, Daniel (advisor) ; Hořická, Zuzana (referee)
The bachelor thesis is a review based on paleoecological research of mountain lakes in the Carpathian mountain region. The aim is to describe lake sediment archives and evaluate current studies and discuss possibilities of future research. This review of the current state of research suggests that there are many challenges and opportunities for future research in the Carpathians. The final part of this thesis is a list of lakes (potential objects of future analysis) with their parameters, including information about paleoecological analysis that have been done. Keywords: Carpathians, Paleoecology, Paleolimnological records, Multi-proxy approach, Mountain lakes.

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