National Repository of Grey Literature 15 records found  previous11 - 15  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Speciation analysis of arsenic and mercury using postcolumn generation of their volatile compounds for needs of atomic spectroscopic methods
Linhart, Ondřej ; Červený, Václav (advisor) ; Spěváčková, Věra (referee) ; Šíma, Jan (referee)
The presented dissertation thesis deals with the use of UV-photochemical generation of volatile compounds (UV-PVG) as a derivatization technique for the combination of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) detection. Two model elements arsenic and mercury and their compounds were selected for the speciation analysis. The work was divided into several parts that follow. In the first part of the research, the apparatus for the UV-photochemical generation of the volatile mercury compounds and their detection with a new continuum source and high-resolution atomic absorption spectrometer (HR-CS AAS) with an externally heated detection tube was constructed. The analytical method was adapted for use with atomic fluorescence detection with the aim to improve sensitivity of the determination. Furthermore, apparatus for the electrochemical generation of cold mercury vapor with AAS detection was built. The construction of the apparatus was followed by optimization of the reaction conditions (concentration and flow of electrochemical reagents: sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, mobile phase, carrier medium, flow rate of the carrier gas and localization of its introduction), determination of the analytical figures of merit, and comparation of the methods. Both...
Interference study by arsenic determination using UV-photochemical generation of its volatile species with AAS detection
Smolejová, Jana ; Červený, Václav (advisor) ; Nesměrák, Karel (referee)
This thesis deals with the interference study of the UV-photochemical generation of arsenic volatile species with AAS detection and it searches for a suitable reaction modifier, which would improve sensitivity of the As determination. Interferences were classified into 3 groups according to their influence on the As UV-photochemical volatile species generation. Ni2+ , Cu2+ , Cl− and merkaptoethanol belong among the negative interferents. HNO3, Fe3+ , ethanol, SO4 2− , TiO2 and L-cysteine belong among the low-level interferents. Co2+ , acetonitrile, triethanolamine, selenite and Bi3+ belong to a group, which increases the absorbance of arsenic and could, therefore, be called positive interferents. Concentration of 10 mg l−1 of Bi3+ significantly increases the level of absorbance of arsenic. This effect was utilized during measurement of calibration dependence and Bi3+ ions were used as the reaction modifier. The figures of merit of this method with reaction modifier were obtained. Limit of detection was 18 µg l−1 , limit of quantification was 60 µg l−1 , sensitivity was 1.144·10−3 l µg−1 , repeatability was 4.5 % (relative standard deviation) a linear range was 60 - 500 µg l−1 . We achieved eleven times better absorbance by using this reaction modifier compared to UV-photochemical volatile species...
Determination of Arsenic Using UV-photochemical Generation of the Volatile Species in Formic Acid Medium with AAS Detection
Vlčková, Anna ; Červený, Václav (advisor) ; Hraníček, Jakub (referee)
V této bakalářské práci byla nejprve sestavena aparatura pro stanovení arsenu pomocí UV-fotochemického generování jeho těkavé sloučeniny s AAS detekcí a byly optimalizovány experimentální podmínky navrhované metody. Klíčovými parametry byly: délka reakční cívky ozařované UV světlem; místo zavádění reakčního plynu (vodíku) před UV-fotoreaktor a nosného plynu (argonu) před UV-fotoreaktor a do separátoru fází a jejich průtoky; koncentrace kyseliny mravenčí v nosném roztoku a jeho průtoková rychlost a velikost dávkovaného objemu vzorku. Za optimálních podmínek navrhované metody byla naměřena kalibrační závislost. Pro porovnání výsledků bylo použito stanovení arsenu pomocí chemického generování jeho hydridu. Z porovnání těchto metod vychází chemické generování jednoznačně jako metoda citlivější, protože lze stanovovat koncentrace již od 5,7 ppb As, zatímco metodou UV-fotochemického generování lze stanovovat koncentrace až od 150 ppb As. Za stávajících podmínek je UV-fotochemické generování těkavých sloučenin z důvodu velmi nízké citlivosti (přibližně 16,5 % oproti chemickému generování) pro stanovení arsenu nevhodné.
Interference study by selenium determination using UV-photochemical generation of its volatile species in formic acid media with AAS detection
Duben, Ondřej ; Červený, Václav (advisor) ; Kratzer, Jan (referee)
The aim of this work was to experimentally observe the impact of various potential interferents on the determination of selenium using UV-photochemical generation of its volatile species in formic acid media with AAS detection. HNO3, As3+ , Co2+ , Cu2+ and Ni2+ were chosen as model substances affecting the analyte response. All these substances were found significant interferents. Some of these substances (HNO3, As3+ , Cu2+ , Ni2+ ) increased the signal at low concentration, but the signal of selenium decreased significantly at their higher concetration in a sample. Inverse shape of the dependence of the analyte response on the interferent concentration was observed for Co2+ ions. It was found that the reagent Chelaton II, often used in analytical chemistry to mask interferents, also caused a suppression of selenium signal. On the contrary, other maskig agents tested (triethanolamine, amonnium formate) did not lead to any interference. Key words: selenium, UV- photochemical generation of volatile compounds, formic acid, AAS, interference, masking
UV-Photochemical Generation of Volatile Compounds for Determination of Se in Selected Nutrition Supplemets
Kolorosová, Alžběta ; Červený, Václav (advisor) ; Kratzer, Jan (referee)
The option of UV-photochemical generation of volatile compounds coupled with atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of selenium in the real samples (pills) is described in this work. The optimum conditions of UV-photochemical generation of volatile compounds was investigated. After that the limit of detection as low as 58 ppt for Se+IV and 30 ppt for Se+VI was obtained. The nutrition supplement, which contain selenium, was choosen and analyzed by this method. Iodide and cupric interfere the determination of selenium in the real samples.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 15 records found   previous11 - 15  jump to record:
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