National Repository of Grey Literature 18 records found  previous11 - 18  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Perception of health professional role and organizational culture of health care facilities
Krupková, Simona ; Havrdová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Drábková, Hana (referee)
Diploma thesis on: Perception of health professional role and organizational culture of health care facilities. This diploma thesis deals with the role of health professionals and the organizational culture in health care facilities. It is particularly focused on the perception of these two phenomena by nurses, who are working in ward blocks of a health care facility. In the theoretical part there are defined the terms organization, organizational culture, organizational climate and the role of nurse. There are described various views of these terms together with clarifications, how they are approached in this diploma thesis. More detailed are also described possible relations between organizational culture and the management of these facilities including the possibilities of its investigation and influence by leading interventions. The role of nurse is described in the context of nursing courses. There are mentioned also negative impacts, which can influence the perception of the nurse role, filling of her duties, her performance and so perhaps have an effect on reaching the goals and mission of the organization. In the practical part there are in detail described single steps, which were made before the research itself, including creating of hypotheses. For the research method was used the...
Role of nurse in prevention of obesity and overweight in Roma minority in the Czech Republic
Goals: The goal of this dissertation consisted in characterizing the relation, attitude and opinions of the Roma minority with respect to overweight and obesity. At the same time, it was focused on describing the risk factors contributing to their origination and on creating a methodology for the intervention program aimed at prevention of overweight and obesity in the Roma minority. Methods: To meet the goals, qualitative research was carried out, allowing also the monitoring of culturally conditioned behaviour patterns in field. The research set consisted of 25 Roma respondents above eighteen years of age who had a BMI value in the area of overweight or obesity (i.e. BMI ? 25 kg/m2). The respondents included 8 men and 17 women. The data analysis was performed with the help of the method of anchored theory that helps to search new connections. The analysis of qualitative data was carried out with the help of the MAXQDA 11 program. Results: The role of the nurse in prevention of overweight and obesity in the Roma consists in identification of influenceable risk factors resulting from life style and in their elimination under use of adequate motivation and efficient education. The culturally conditioned behaviour patterns constitute a distinctive factor that can influence the efficiency of the implemented interventions. The patterns can be seen already when taking the medical history in which the nurse tries to identify risk behaviours. For example, the Roma have problems with describing their eating habits from qualitative and quantitative perspective, particularly the frequency and regularity of eating. Other factors acting in the area of overweight and obesity include body image, social functions of eating, socio-economic status and the related food structure, etc. The understanding of the connections among the individual factors and of the motivation elements involved in the respective risk behaviour may introduce a new dimension into nursing. Scientific contributions of the dissertation: The data analysis and the integration of findings helped to create the methodology for an intervention program aimed at prevention of overweight and obesity. The material was subsequently consulted with representatives of the relevant minority and modified according to their comments. Subsequently, it was used in connection with the grant project number LD14114, implemented under financial support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports within COST (Cooperation on Scientific and Technical Research), named "Obesity and overweight in Roma minority in the Region of South Bohemia".
The role of a nurse at general practitioner's office for children and adolescents in connection to prevention of testicular cancer
Theory background Testes are two male reproductive glands located in the scrotum and separated protective sheath of dense connective tissue. They play major role in spermatogenesis and hormone production. They also represent secondary gender symbols and therefore are important for the personality forming of young individuals. Testicular cancer stand for about 1- 1.8% of all malignant tumour diseases in males and occur most often between 15- 35 years of age. This bachelor's work gives information on the anatomy and physiology of testes, the risk factors and causes for the occurrence of testicular cancer, and also about the symptoms and diagnostics. This thesis also deals with the role the nurse has in general practitioner's office for children and adolescents regarding the prevention of testicular cancer, preventive check-ups and self-examination. Work aim First aim of this work is to map the role of the nurse in general practitioner's office for children and adolescents regarding the prevention of testicular cancer. The research question posed was: What is the role of the nurse in general practitioner's office for children and adolescents regarding the prevention of testicular cancer? Second aim was to find out about the awareness on testicular cancer in boys 15-19. First hypothesis says: Awareness about the prevention of testicular cancer varies with age. Second hypothesis: Self-examination of testes changes with age. Used methods Qualitative research was used for the first part of the assignment, while a questionnaire and method of deep dialogues with the nurses working at general practitioner office for children and adolescents in South Bohemia was conducted for the second part. The dialogs were recorded on a dictaphone and then transcribed word for word. In the second part quantitative research was used through a method of questioning and technique of non-standardised questionnaire. The questionnaire was filled in by boys aged 15-19 living in South Bohemia. The parameter test Anova, a type of scattering analysis, was used on the data. "Its basis lies in the total scattering of the followed variable being divided into scattering within individual selections and scattering between them. If the scattering between the selections is improbably large it points towards significant influence of factor a (Budíková, 2010, s. 181)." Results The transcribed dialogs were analysed by open coding, by the pen and paper method. Five categories were defined: Education, testicular cancer, testes examination, patient dispensary. Subcategories with major data encoded, were assigned to each category. Analysis of the non-standardised questionnaire gave rise to ten resulting graphs with respondent answers. The graphs were consequently described. First hypothesis saying that the knowledge about the prevention of testicular cancer changes with age was not proven. The second hypothesis saying that the process of self-examination changes with age was not proven either. Conclusions The first research part proves that nurses working in general practitioner office for children and adolescents do educate the patient on this subject. The respondent possessed basic information on the subject of prostatic cancer and stated that testes examination is conducted in the surgeries. Scientific literature for this subject was recommended by only two of nine respondents. The respondents stated that testes examination and education about the subject of testicular cancer is conducted, although the second part of the research showed that the boys are almost not at all familiar with the subject. Furthermore, testicular examination was not conducted for most of them at the practitioner's office. The second part of research showed that the boys aged 15-19 let possess insufficient information on the prevention of testicular cancer. Most had almost no knowledge on what is involved in such prevention.
Fulfilling Needs of Appalic Patient from the Point of View of Family Members and Nurse as Part of Nursing Process.
DAŇKOVÁ, Alexandra
The apallic syndrome is a group of symptoms characteristic of a condition wherein the cerebral cortex ceases to govern the organism and only the brain stem remains effective. The condition is typical of a consciousness change known as the vigilant coma in which the patients' eyes move around without being able to fix on nearby persons or objects; the patients do not make any spontaneous movements and are unaware of both themselves and their surroundings, with which they cannot establish a contact. Adopting the viewpoints of nurses and family members, this paper addresses the needs of apallic patients. The theoretical part, while describing the syndrome and human needs in general, deals in detail with what the apallic patients may require and how they should be nursed. Moreover, the theoretical part specifies the role of nurses at the apallic patients' bedside, the issues of their families, and those of the way in which the nurse is supposed to communicate with the family. The paper aims to disclose the patients' needs; the level of their satisfaction; and the roles that nurses and families play in the care of apallic patients. These objectives yielded the following research questions: What needs of apallic patients should be met in the process of nursing? To what extent does the nursing process meet the needs? What role in the care of apallic patients should be assumed by nurses as assessed from their families' point of view? and What role in the care should be adopted by the family members themselves? The set being surveyed consisted of 10 nurses deployed at the Intensive Care Units (5 nurses from the Internal Medicine Department ICU and 5 from the 2nd Aftercare Department ICU of the České Budějovice Hospital) and 5 family members of the patients. The required information was gathered using the method of qualitative research applied through semi-structured interviews held with the nurses and the family members. The investigation took place on the premises of both ICUs of the Hospital. Answers obtained from the persons in response to the partial research questions made it possible to accomplish the paper's objective. The effort revealed certain deficiencies in the care being delivered. Not all the patients' needs were found properly satisfied, first and foremost psychosocial needs and those concerning activities. Such needs could be beneficially fulfilled with reliance on the concept of basal stimulation, a method not routinely used in the care. As follows from the interviews, in visiting their relatives the family members become depressed, and their emotions have not changed during the recent years. The paper can be instrumental in improving the quality of care provided by nurses to the apallic patients and in communicating with their families.
The mentor position within in the nursing team, and her the cooperation with the shift nurses.
Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the position of nursing mentor and her cooperation with shift nurses. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into seven chapters, and focuses on the current nursing profession that is also interconnected with education and legislature. The work is further dealing with the role of the nursing mentor and her cooperation with the nursing team. Last but not least, the theoretical part is devoted to the important role of ethics and morality in the nursing profession that is undoubtedly of central importance. We are also addressing the Certified Course for Mentors that we regard as rather positive as one of the forms of lifelong education. The nurses completing the course will acquire new skills and knowledge, but also knowledge in the field of psychology, law, didactics and other fields. The role of a nurse-mentor is rather important as she can pass the acquired knowledge further and positively influence the students in this way over the course of professional training facilitating their adaptation when they start their professional career. It was the main objective of this work to map the current position of a nurse? mentor, what her experience is with cooperation with other shift nurses as part of practical education in the workplace, and whether the nurses direct and sufficiently motivate the students to become interested in the profession of general nurses or midwifes. The section on research employed two methods. The first method consisted in quantitative research in the form of questionnaires. We employed two questionnaires, one targeted the nurses-non-mentors, while the second was intended for nurses-mentors. As a second method, qualitative research was carried out using semi-structured interview conducted with selected head and ward (charge) nurses. Using the qualitative survey approach, we tested the following working hypotheses. H1: the general nurses know what the role of a nurse-mentor is in the health-care team, H2: the nurses-mentors motivate their students to raise their interest in the profession of general nurse, H3: the nurses-mentors are not always occupying leading positions, H4: the nurses-mentors are perceived positively by the shift nurses,
Education the parents of children with malabsorption syndrome
Celiac disease, which is the most frequent cause of the malabsorption syndrome in children, is a common term for a worldwide occurring disease affecting both children and adults. It is a chronic disease characterized by a permanent gluten intolerance, malabsorption in consequence of typical inflammatory changes of the small intestine mucosa, and clinical improvement when a gluten-free diet is followed. The only casual treatment is a permanent and strict gluten-free diet.The objective of this thesis was to survey the knowledge of parents of children with the malabsorption syndrome. The other objective was to describe the role of a nurse in education of parents of children with the malabsorption syndrome. Two hypotheses were stated, one of them was confirmed, the other was rejected.One part of the thesis is formed by two research investigations aimed at finding the awareness of parents of children with celiac disease and also to assess how the knowledge and application of principles of an educational system have been implemented by nurses who take care of children with celiac disease and their parents.The survey was carried out by a quantitative research method. The data were collected by the anonymous questionnaire technique. The research set was comprised of parents of children with celiac disease and nurses working in paediatric and gastroenterology clinics.In the thesis two hypotheses had been set up, one of which was confirmed, the other was rejected.The first hypothesis assumed that parents of children with the malabsorption syndrome were informed about the nature of the disease and the need to follow a gluten-free diet. The results have shown that parents are sufficiently informed in these points, and therefore the hypothesis was confirmed.The other hypothesis assumed that nurses apply the principles of an educational process while providing information. But the research has shown that the vast majority of nurses do not know those principles and that is why they do not use them in practice. The hypothesis was not confirmed in this case.Enhancement through the use of educational principles in practice is recommended to improve the present care for children with a celiac disease and their parents. Nurses´ proficiency should be constantly boosted and deepened. The outcomes of this thesis can be presented at professional seminars and workshops in order to contribute to the improvement of this condition.
Effect of peritoneal dialysis on everyday activities of people
The Paper investigates the effects that peritoneal dialysis may have on everyday lives of patients. Clients suffering the chronic renal failure multiply, and the peritoneal dialysis is the first option in line to treat the condition. Since the numbers of clients treated by peritoneal dialysis grow, nurses meet such people increasingly also outside the Dialysis Centers. The method heavily relies on nursing care. Peritoneal dialysis is a treatment intended to do the duty of kidneys instead of kidneys. It works on the principle of swapping substances between the blood and the dialyzing solution through the patient's own peritoneum. The technique of peritoneal dialysis works for patients of all ages. The clients opt for this procedure appreciating its minimal requirements for technical skills, the possibility of home treatment, and the avoidance of commuting and the stress of frequent visits to health-care facilities. The method makes the patients feel more independent, self-reliant, and gives them elbowroom for adjustments to their daily blood-cleaning schedule and other activities. The "cure" itself is applied by the clients, and the clients have to demonstrate a degree of responsibility. The Paper was to make an inquiry into the issues of peritoneal dialysis. It should communicate the main information on peritoneal dialysis to nurses, and help the clients make a decision on the method of treatment.
Social role: Nurse
We elaborated our work named ``Social role: Nurse{\crqq} on the basis of a theoretical part by making a research among nurses and laics, both from the hospitalised and not hospitalised part of the general public. We concluded from the obtained results that the society{\crq}s evaluation of nurses is mainly positive; nurses are highly regarded not only by their patients but also by the public that is not hospitalised at the moment. When asking how respondents view the status and image of nurses we encountered a more positive assessment from the public than from the nurses themselves. Therefore we assume that nurses view themselves in the eye of the society worse than they are perceived in reality.

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