National Repository of Grey Literature 17 records found  previous11 - 17  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Bronx - change of adress - (conversion of jail to the creative centre)
Karasová, Miroslava ; Pavlovský, Tomáš (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (advisor)
This thesis presents architectural-urban study using an old jail facility - a major object of the 18th century. Three variants are processed, the first two keep the shape of the old building blocks and give it a new functions with different scenarios. The third variant is more detailed. The proposal consists of the jail original shape - ie. it reveals the square-shaped building with two courtyards. There are two outbuildings demolished and into the resulting space are installed three new buildings, which complement with the existing buildings and completes public space. Two new high-rise buildings, built on the south side, acts as a new landmark and a new building in the north serves to supplement the services appropriate to the locality. Buildings and spaces are linked to the main pedestrian routes, creating a cascade of continuous space - the urban interior.
Services Institution for Children and Youth Srdíčko - Jiloro from the Perspective of the Target Group
LEVÁ, Monika
Children who grow up in dysfunctional families where they do not have required educational care and model are nowadays focused as frequented. The number of reasons why is a child on the edge of parents´ interests is increasing. Those children are exposed to risky factors much more than the others, because they lack of protection and an educational model. Society´s reaction to this situation is building Low Threshold Institutions which offer ambulatory or filed services to children or youngsters who are endangered by social exclusion. In a theoretical part, there is a comprehensive introduction of issues connected with these building Low Threshold Institutions for children and youngsters (NZDM further). These issues are clearly arranged into chapters which represent legislative fixing of NZDM, its rules and standards. A history of NZDM which has been developed in the Czech Republic dynamically since the 90s to a present form is a part of another chapter. Principles of NZDM, inner rules of provided services, employees and their personal dispositions, education and ethical norms are also describes, as well as services and activities of NZDM which are mainly of advisory and preventive character. The last chapter deals with a target group, which is affected by inner factors primarily developmental psychology of potential clients and outer factors which are socialization ones. A research is based on a qualitative approach where a point of view of the target group on NZDM Srdíčko Jiloro was found out with the aid of data fixing. Another points of interest was employees´ point of view, their professional perception of provided services. Last but not least, subjective view of NZDM from some clients´ parents was put into the research, too. The first aim of the thesis was to find out whether and which relevance the services of NZDM Srdíčko Jiloro have got for the clients. The second one was to identify how the work with clients is going on (e.g. contact work, work with educational situations, motivational dialogues and work with drug themes). Under the terms of an empirical thesis part are introduced data which were gathered into following results NZDM Srdíčko Jiloro has got its own irreplaceable role in the area of Okružní, but the clients are not aware of the fact that NZDM has got any influence on them. They do not use any other alternatives for spending their free time. There are 40 clients and only 2 social workers every day. Clients do not talk about their problems, they say they do not need help. Advantages are that social workers learn with them, help them with their homework, etc. They are also aware of using of leisure time activities and workshops. Social workers and information in files and records of services and activities prove that clients have got problems. These are mostly very grave and that is another reason why Okružní has got its important role. Social workers provide especially consulting, information and situational service, preventive and educational programmes, work with close relatives, etc. Professionals in NZDM and Rehabilitation and Activation Service Sasanka work with whole families and they try to offer complex support and help. Social workers guide clients through their childhood and maturing, they are becoming their guides and mentors, they lead them to positive changes and have got mainly socialization and educative effect. Work with the clients in Okružní is more hectic than in other NZDMs. I think it is primarily because the social workers want to offer services to a maximal number of clients but with the lack of employees and time. Leisure time activities are going on in an ordinary way, but work with children and youngsters in a social unacceptable area needs specific professional and human attitudes and approaches. Because of poor personal sources are social workers forced to a negative trend provide services rather in a quantitative than in a qualitative way.
Private tutoring as a specific form of support and social integration of Gipsy children.
The thesis is elaborated on topic Private tutoring as a specific form of support and social integration of Gipsy children. The aim was to propose efficient methodical procedures for tutorage of Roma children in Maják Contact Centre belonging to Salesian Youth Centre ? the Children and Youth Centre in České Budějovice, respecting the specific target group. The procedures are based on the nature of informal educational activities using alternative teaching methods. The thesis comprises a methodical basis for tutoring of particular subject matter of Czech language for third classes. Based on the study of specialized literature, the terminology of basically used terms has been defined. In the second part psychological and social specifics of Roma and of Roma families were characterized. Their family differs in certain social characteristics and perceived values from the majoritarian family. The next part concerns the efforts of government on education of Roma. Much of the thesis is devoted to alternative forms and methods of teaching of Roma. Next chapters focus on the problems of socially excluded block of flats called Máj, where Roma children attend individual tutoring in Maják Contact Centre. I deal in detail with the current system of tutoring including innovative procedures. Based on the found information and on proposed innovative procedures and examples, the conclusion of the thesis explains the created educative project with regard to real possibilities of Maják Contact Centre.
School motivation of the Gypsy learners
Krotká, Lenka ; Hadj Moussová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Trnka, Jan (referee)
The aim of the thesis was to analyze and to confirm or to contradict short-term orientation of the Gypsies and through realized research to offer the representation of school motivation of the Gypsy learners. The thesis is divided to four chapters. It contains 2 pictures, 1 map, 2 charts, 30 graphs and 3 supplements. The first chapter contains clarification of theoretical basics of the motivation. In the second chapter the perspective orientation is characterized; its theoretical starting points, characteristics and components. The third chapter deals with Gypsy ethnic-group society and represents the basic view about its history, Gypsy family, education development and about actual level of education. The last chapter, containing research, presents the results of the research and interpretation of obtained indications. This chapter refers clearly a short-term orientation in some issues but also manifestation of perspective orientation of a segment of the respondents in the other issues. It contradicts the hypothesis that Gypsy learners are not interested to study at the University.
Citizens about living together with Romany population and their chances at society
Dimitrová, Michaela
In May CVVM survey asked respondents about their attitudes to Romany minority and how should Romany and non-Romany part of population help to better living together and then the survey also asked respondets about chances to social fulfilment of Romanies.
The Gypsies as seen in the folksongs of the Czech Lands
Toncrová, Marta
Image of the Romani in folksongs as the reflection of the relationship of Czech majority to Romani minority.

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