National Repository of Grey Literature 17 records found  previous11 - 17  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Quality measurement of analog and digital terrestrial television broadcasting
Zach, Ondřej ; Polák, Ladislav (referee) ; Slanina, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor‘s thesis deals with the description of basic features of the analog and digital television broadcasting and suggestion of a method for objective video quality evaluation at both broadcasting types. The base of this thesis is description of picture broadcast technology in analog and digital form. Also principles of some video quality evaluation metrics are described. In this thesis, a method for video quality comparison is suggested, including a verifying of this method. According to this method, sequences at changing broadcasting conditions were recorded for both broadcasting types. The quality factors of these sequences were computed and on the basis of these factors, the analog and digital TV broadcasting were compared.
Automatic Data Recording of Digital Satellite Broadcast
Řezníček, Ivo ; Matějka, Pavel (referee) ; Szőke, Igor (advisor)
This work aims at the creation of a~system of massive recording of multimedia data, especially speech data in various languages. The first issue is to find out high quality data source, the second is to build the system for managing and storing received data in the digital form. A digital satellite transmission is chosen as a signal source (DVB-S system). Main system features include recording of multiple streams in parallel, support of multiple cards, retrieving and storing of additional information (from Internet) and scheduling of recordings. The system will provide massive amounts of data for training of a language identification system.
Application server for Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV
Loveček, Vladimír ; Roupec, Jan (referee) ; Poliščuk, Radek (advisor)
This diploma thesis focuses on the additional services transmitted in conjunction with television broadcast. The first part presents the background research in the evolution of these technologies. In the second part the step-by-step creation of a sample application based on the latest HbbTV platform is dealt with. Finally, the described application demonstrates the streaming possibilities of audiovisual content on the TV screen.
Error Analysis in Measurements on the MPEG-2 TS Digital TV Transmision
Chrobák, Jan ; Slanina, Martin (referee) ; Kratochvíl, Tomáš (advisor)
This essay shows up the monitoring and error measuring in transportation stream MPEG-2 TS during the digital TV broadcat recieving accordingly to the DVB standard. There are DVB definitions and standards for transportation stream transmition, decoding conditions and service informations chart described in the introduction of this essay. The measuring decoder R&S DVMD has been used for experimental measuring in the laboratory. This decoder enables long-time monitoring and automatized errors evaluation of particular priorities. The processed results of DVB-T multiplex 1 and 2 and DVB-S, paket CS link, TV broadcat recieving are the part of this essay as well.
SFN and MFN networks design in DVB-T
Dostal, Radek ; Láčík, Jaroslav (referee) ; Kratochvíl, Tomáš (advisor)
Bachelor’s thesis is focused on SFN (Single Frequency Network) and MFN (Multi Frequency Network) networks design in digital television broadcasting based on DVB-T standard. First part of the thesis is focused on the theoretical description of the MPEG-2 transport stream and basic parameters of broadcasting network, transmitters and transmission path. In practical part are introduced basic parameters of a software package for broadcast network design in RadioLab, RadioBase and Sítě SFN, and results displayed on the digital terrain map and morphologic map. Within solution of this thesis was created signal coverage model of digital transmitters in entire area of Czech Republic, so called networks no.1-4, according to its status in spring 2008. Next is focused on government order about convert from analog to digital video broadcasting terrestrial.
IPTV use in academic network
Jireš, Kamil ; Pavlíček, Luboš (advisor) ; Beneš, Jiří (referee)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to provide readers the deployment of IPTV solutions using free software. In this thesis the reader will familiarize with the theory of IPTV, which implies a necessary part of the system, IPTV related protocols and possible errors that can be when running the IPTV service. The work is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the theory. In theory, the reader familiarize with the definition of basic concepts, which are essential elements of the system, the protocols used in conjunction with IPTV and will also be discussed errors that may occur during operation of IPTV services. The second section outlines the architecture of which the reader can find a solution that was implemented in an experimental operation. The third section focuses on the choice of components (hardware and software) that were used in the test sytem. The variants are mentioned, from which the components were selected. The fourth section contains the actual implementation, which describes each components. At the end of the fourth part is inserted configuration files that can be used in case of repeated implementation of the solution.
Technologie pro podporu přenosu videa ve vizuální komunikaci
Řezníček, Jan ; Šedivá, Zuzana (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
Cílem práce je poskytnout čtenáři hlubší přehled o technologiích a standardech, které se uplatňují při šíření obrazových informací v podobě klasického TV vysílání, ale také v rámci multimediálních informačních systémů a poukázat přitom na jejich výhody a nevýhody, s přihlédnutím na aktuální trendy vývoje. Cíle je dosaženo prostřednictvím teoretických srovnání a praktických testů, ze kterých jsou vyvozeny závěry, vedoucí k subjektivním úvahám a doporučením. Vlastní obsah práce je rozčleněn do 9 kapitol, přičemž každá z nich se zabývá užší oblastí v rámci těchto technologií, má své dílčí cíle a různé metody jejich dosažení. Součástí práce je více než 40 obrázků, srovnávací tabulky, názory odborníků, rozsáhlá příloha a rovněž terminologický slovník, obsahující použité technické pojmy a zkratky. Práce je psána takovým stylem, který od čtenáře nevyžaduje pokročilou předchozí znalost žádných, zde popisovaných, technologií.

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