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Artificial heart valves
Ruzsík, Erik ; Kůrečka, Jan (referee) ; Šedivý, Dominik (advisor)
The topic of this bachelor thesis is artificial heart valves and it contains some specific features of the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, it deals with the rheology of blood, summarises the types of artificial heart valves used and values their advantages and disadvantages. Its main goal is to determine the pressure drop on a real mechanical heart valve. The practical part consists of an experiment in the OFIVK laboratory. The achieved results are assessed in the conclusion of the thesis.
Dependence of derived fibrinogen on values of DH from APTT and QUICK(PT) methods
Klus, Michal ; Zapletal,, Ondřej (referee) ; Škutková, Helena (advisor)
Hemocoagulation, blood coagulation, is an important indicator of hemostatic balance in the human body. There are many ways how to investigate blood clotting. In practice, next to the tests investigating time of coagulation cascade from view of internal way (APTT – activated partial tromboplastin time) and external way (PT – prothrombin time) is often used determining of fibrinogen concentration by Clauss method. Derived fibrinogen method determined fibrinogen concentration, too, by subtracting form the clotting curve in PT test. The reaction for Clauss method is not necessary here. Derived fibrinogen is not used much in practice. This is the reason, why the thesis related to this project will try to find relationship between concentration of fibrinogen and standard tests APTT and PT. Clinical data will be used for this.
Doppler blood flow indicator
Mojžíš, Karel ; Čížek, Martin (referee) ; Rozman, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor´s thesis deals with basis of ultra-acoustics. The project presents basic information about Doppler effect. It describes the methods of processing and analyzing of velocity and direction of blood at doppler’s systems with modulated and unmodulated carrier wave. The project presents the system design of non-directional doppler indicator with unmodulated carrier wave for 8 MHz frequency, generating intensity of ultrasound 100 mW/cm2 and diameter D-shaped transmitting transducer 8 mm. This bachelor's thesis is concerned with circuit solution of a battery powered blood flow indicator with digital display. All the function blocks of the system are experimentally measured and their function is verified. The thesis contains complete materials for the construction of the doppler blood flow indicator.
Determination of Blood Pressure Parameters for Ventilation Control during Anaestesia in Horses
Horský, Martin ; Provazník, Ivo (referee) ; Čmiel, Vratislav (advisor)
The present work deals with the issue of hemodynamic monitoring of blood pressure in horses during mechanical ventilation in anesthetized horses. Result of this work is an extension to the application Datex-Ohmeda S/5 Collect, which from the pressure curve provides values needed for optimal ventilation. Initial chapter provides a general physiologic introduction. It describes the definition of blood pressure, cardiac cycle and description of the pressure curve. It also deals with the hemodynamic parameters such as pulse pressure, stroke volume and their variabilities. In the second chapter is described methodology of measuring blood pressure in horses. Both, noninvasive and invasive methods are included. The third chapter analyzes fluctuations in blood pressure during ventilation. The last fourth chapter describes the implemented extension module which is designed to monitor hemodynamic parameters of the pressure curve.
Membrane Oxygenator
Jindra, Jakub ; Harabiš, Vratislav (referee) ; Hejč, Jakub (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the creation of an oxygenator for isolate rabbit’s hearts. In this work is created a mathematical model of the oxygenator and calculate optimal parameters for this application. Design of the construction solution leads to creating a 3D model and print of the oxygenator proposal and creation of the functional prototype. The conclusion of this work is the evaluation of the functionality of the equipment and the discussion of the achieved results.
Aktuální problematika zpracování krve do masných výrobků
Hubáčková, Monika
This bachelor thesis deals with the current issue of processing blood into meat products, which originates in history, but the essence remains the same. The use of blood in meat products tends to decrease. Mostly because of its poorer endurance and diminishing popularity with consumers. It describes the slaughter of the animal and the processing of blood for food and other purposes. Furthermore, the work describes the use, composition and properties of the blood. Blood has a similar protein content compared to meat, mainly has a high biological value and contains iron as well as other minerals that contribute to human health. There is also the risk of an alimentary risk, which is part of all meat products. In the next part, meat production, the distribution of meat products and, above all, the list of blood meat products and their recipes are distributed. Also described here is the issue of regional food in selected countries, traditional meat products and domestic slaughter of pigs.
Matematické modelování proudění krve
Michalová, Marie ; Hron, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Průša, Vít (referee)
At first we point out some important properties and behaviour of blood and blood particles. In the next part we approximate steady two-dimensional Pois- seiulle flow between two parallel plates. We show analytical solutions for New- tonian and power-law models. According to observations of Fahraeus-Lindquist effect we show two-layer models combining previously mentioned models. In the last section we model pulsatile Poisseuille flow and we show analytical and nu- merical results for some pressure and viscosity values. In the end we show our best model, where we shift pressure gradient and get closer to the real blood flow characteristics. 1
Differential Diagnostics of Anaemias from the Morphological Point of View
Anaemia is considered to be a worldwide disease and it remains to be a topical one. This thesis tries to stress the importance of correct diagnosis of anaemia, without which correct and effective treatment cannot be adjusted. Although the number of people with anaemia is increasing, a large proportion are unaware of their disease, have not been diagnosed with it and therefore do not treat it. To diagnose anaemia is not difficult, however, differential diagnosis is the key to diagnose it correctly. A great contribution to the differential diagnosis is the description of erythrocyte indices that can be used to determine the exact type of anaemia and their subsequent use in differential diagnosis. The main objective of this bachelor thesis, entitled "Morphological Differential Diagnosis of Anaemia", is the statistical evaluation of the incidence of different types of anaemia, differentiated based on the erythrocyte morphology. Within the practical part of the thesis, blood counts were analysed on an automatic haematology analyser and then the data from the examinations were statistically processed. Excel was used to process all the data. The results of the statistical processing were entered into tables and graphs. Before the statistical processing, 3 hypotheses were defined and tested using a chi-square test which resulted in a level of significance (p). For all three hypotheses, the resulting level of significance was <5%, meaning that all null hypotheses were rejected and in all cases the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Surprisingly, macrocytic anaemia was more frequent than microcytic anaemia in the dataset (20 % of all types of anaemia versus 10 %), but as expected, hypochromic anaemia was more frequent than hyperchromic anaemia (17.39 % of all types of anaemia versus 5.65 %). Normocytic normochromic anaemia was the most represented anaemia in the dataset (62.61 % of types of anaemia). The results obtained from this study may be used for research purposes or as a source of information.
Vliv vybraných faktorů na biochemické parametry krve u koní
This thesis on the topic "The influence of selected factors on biochemical parame-ters in horses" deals with the evaluation of metabolism in selected groups of horses under defined nutritional and breeding conditions and the determination of possible metabolic risks and their solution. Substance metabolism was evaluated by means of selected biochemical parameters, which were compared between sport horses and horses used for riding lessons at the School Farm in Humpolec. Five horses were selected from each group and their breeding and nutritional conditions, physiologi-cal status, possible causes of metabolic disorders and proposed solutions were eval-uated. Our results agreed with those of other studies, but there was no statistically significant difference in the values of the investigated biochemical parameters between the studied groups of horses. The difference was noticeable between the individual sampling groups. Alkaline phosphatase was found to be in excess in some horses. Cholesterol values were lowest in the spring period and were outside the physiological range. Calcium values were found to be lower in the summer period, which may be due to insufficient calcium intake. Conversely, magnesium values exceeded the reference range and may be due to excess intake or kidney disease. Metabolic impairment can be caused by various diseases such as equine metabolic syndrome, developmental orthopaedic diseases, hyperli-pemia or laminitis.
Influence of minerals on health status and reproduction of cattle without marketable milk production
Minerals in beef cattle nutrition are very important for the health of cows, their conception and also for their calves and colostrum, which is very important to them. The aim of the work was to evaluate the health status and reproductive indicators in terms of the content of minerals in the blood of BTPM cows. The literature review describes the digestive system of cattle, characterizes beef cattle and especially meat simental, in which the experiment took place. I also describe the nutrition of cattle, blood composition and hematological parameters of blood. A total of 3 samples were taken every 3 weeks. In each sample, 12 blood samples were taken from cows aged 20-30 months with a live weight of 600-750 kg. Overall, most values were within the usual ranges. By maintaining the same feed ration and adding a mineral lysis with increased selenium content, the cows could get better and some mineral values would improve.

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