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Neinvazivní metody pro stanovení pohlaví a stereoidních hormonů u gibonů rodu Nomascus
Bolechová, Petra ; Bartoš, Luděk (vedoucí práce) ; Pavel, Pavel (oponent)
Giboni rodu Nomascus patří ke kriticky ohroženému druhu, o kterém zároveň chybí velké množství základních biologických informací. Vzhledem ke statutu těchto zvířat ve volné přírodě i počtu chovaných jedinců v chovu zoologických zahrad je prioritní otázkou zlepšení managmentu chovu, kam patří i znalost reprodukce. Základním cílem této práce je praktické využití neinvazivních metod (polymerázová řetězová reakce k extrakci DNA a enzymové imunotesty), využívajících k analýzám vzorky výkalů. První metoda, polymerázová řetězová reakce, byla využita pro determinaci pohlaví u mláďat, protože kvůli jejich specifickému zbarvení a vzhledové podobnosti vnějších pohlavních orgánů, není diagnostika možná bez odchycení zvířete. Další částí je zodpovězení hypotéz týkajících se ovariálního cyklu samic a faktorů ovlivňujících jejich koncentrace včetně souvislosti nástupu pohlavního cyklu u samic a jejich změny barvy srsti. Hypotézy byly ověřeny sledováním výše koncentrací metabolitů progesteronu a estrogenu ve výkalech a vyhodnocením složení chovné skupiny gibonů a vlivu ZOO. Celkem bylo analyzováno během čtyř let (2010-2014) 51 zvířat z 16 zoologických zahrad v celkovém množství 1618 vzorků výkalů. Výsledky potvrdily využití neinvazivních metod pro determinaci pohlaví a tak zajištění maximálního welfare v chovech. Endokrinologické analýzy potvrdily hypotézy o vlivu prostředí (ZOO) na koncentraci hormonů a vliv březosti samice a jejího věku na výši koncentrace hormonů, ale také vliv březosti na koncentraci hormonů u samců-otců. Prvotní informací v této studii je potvrzení nástupu ovariálního cyklu u mladých samic bez návaznosti na jejich přebarvení a významný faktor vlivu matky a její teritoriality. Tato studie předkládá první dlouhodobější monitoring ovariálního cyklu u samic a koncentrace hormonů u ostatních jedinců ve všech věkových kategoriích i pohlaví. Výsledky umožňují pochopit vliv chovatelského prostředí na reprodukční postavení těchto gibonů a přispívají k celkovému zlepšení managementu chovu.

Bakule, Lubomír ; Papík, Martin ; Rehák, Branislav
DCTOOL-A3 is a documentation of Matlab routines developed for the design of decentralized control of large scale complex systems. The current beta version covers three areas as follows:\nReport 4.1 deals with the event-triggered control design for unstructured uncertain systems. Both non-quantized and quantized feedback is analyzed. The results are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Logarithmic quantizer is used. Numerical example illustrates the effectiveness of the presented results.\nReport 4.2 presents a new decentralized overlapping wireless control design with a switched communication protocol. The method is applied by simulations on the 20-story building structure including the test of robustness of the methods against sensor failures and network node dropouts of a digital network.\nReport 4.3 presents the construction of a new decentralized wireless controller and a set of heuristic algorithms for evaluation of packet dropouts, sensor faults and actuator faults. The digital network operates at the standard frequency used in well-known widely-used industrial protocols. The results are tested at the Benchmark model decomposed into two disjoint substructures. The results are published. Thus, the details are omitted here.

Time lapse tomography of fracture progress in silicate-based composite subjected to the loading a combination with acoustic emission scanning
Kumpová, Ivana ; Kytýř, Daniel ; Fíla, Tomáš ; Veselý, V. ; Trčka, T. ; Vopálenský, Michal ; Vavřík, Daniel
The initiation and propagation of a fracture in quasi-brittle materials (such as silicatebased composite) is an increasingly discussed topic for which various methods of research have been developed/applied. As the quasi-brittle silicate-based composite compounds are very non-homogenous, the mechanism of the crack initiation and propagation can be very different even for samples with the\nidentical geometry. One possible approach to study the fracture mechanism in quasi-brittle materials is to use several different experimental techniques in a single experiment and perform detail analysis to identify generally valid fracture process phenomena. In this work, a simultaneous monitoring of fracture\nprocess zone formation and propagation by three different methods is presented and discussed. A three point bending test was performed on a notched silicate composite specimen. During the loading process, a highly accurate force displacement dependence was recorded accompanied with X-ray radiography,\nX-ray computed tomogra-phy and acoustic emission scanning.

Corrosion behavior of plasma coatings CuAl10 and CuAl50 on magnesium alloy AZ 91
Kubatík, Tomáš František ; Stoulil, J. ; Stehlíková, K. ; Slepička, P. ; Janata, Marek
The most common magnesium alloy AZ 91 is widely used as a structural material, but its use is limited at higher temperatures and high humidity. Plasma spraying is a technology that allows to prepare protective metallic and non-metallic coatings on a wide variety of substrates including magnesium and its alloys. In this study, CuAl10 and CuAl50 were plasma sprayed on magnesium alloy AZ 91 with the aim to study corrosion resistance of the plasma sprayed coatings. The corrosion resistance of layers was evaluated by the method of electrochemical potentiodynamic measurement as well as long-term corrosion tests in a condensation chamber with 0.5 mol\nNaCl at the temperature of 35 °C for 1344 hours. Layers with 1, 2, 5 passes and passes of CuAl10 with the thickness ranging from 75 to 716 mm and CuAl50 with the thickness ranging from 64 to 566 mm were prepared. The increased corrosion velocity was observed in the case of thin layers of 2 and 5 passes due to the development of a galvanic corrosion couple. The CuAl10 layer prepared with ten passes has an outstanding corrosion resistance.

Relational Verification of Programs with Integer Data
Konečný, Filip ; Bouajjani, Ahmed (oponent) ; Jančar, Petr (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
This work presents novel methods for verification of reachability and termination properties of programs that manipulate unbounded integer data. Most of these methods are based on acceleration techniques which compute transitive closures of program loops. We first present an algorithm that accelerates several classes of integer relations and show that the new method performs up to four orders of magnitude better than the previous ones. On the theoretical side, our framework provides a common solution to the acceleration problem by proving that the considered classes of relations are periodic. Subsequently, we introduce a semi-algorithmic reachability analysis technique that tracks relations between variables of integer programs and applies the proposed acceleration algorithm to compute summaries of procedures in a modular way. Next, we present an alternative approach to reachability analysis that integrates predicate abstraction with our acceleration techniques to increase the likelihood of convergence of the algorithm. We evaluate these algorithms and show that they can handle a number of complex integer programs where previous approaches failed. Finally, we study the termination problem for several classes of program loops and show that it is decidable. Moreover, for some of these classes, we design a polynomial time algorithm that computes the exact set of program configurations from which nonterminating runs exist. We further integrate this algorithm into a semi-algorithmic method that analyzes termination of integer programs, and show that the resulting technique can verify termination properties of several non-trivial integer programs.

Stability and convergence of numerical computations
Sehnalová, Pavla ; Dalík, Josef (oponent) ; Horová, Ivana (oponent) ; Kunovský, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the stability and convergence of fundamental numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations. These include one-step methods such as the classical Euler method, Runge-Kutta methods and the less well known but fast and accurate Taylor series method. We also consider the generalization to multistep methods such as Adams methods and their implementation as predictor-corrector pairs. Furthermore we consider the generalization to multiderivative methods such as Obreshkov method. There is always a choice in predictor-corrector pairs of the so-called mode of the method and in this thesis both PEC and PECE modes are considered. The main goal and the new contribution of the thesis is the use of a special fourth order method consisting of a two-step predictor followed by an one-step corrector, each using second derivative formulae. The mathematical background of historical developments of Nordsieck representation, the algorithm of choosing a variable stepsize or an error estimation are discussed. The current approach adapts well to the multiderivative situation in variable stepsize formulations. Experiments for linear and non-linear problems and the comparison with classical methods are presented.

Extensions to Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for Speaker Recognition
Plchot, Oldřich ; Fousek, Petr (oponent) ; McCree,, Alan (oponent) ; Burget, Lukáš (vedoucí práce)
This thesis deals with probabilistic models for automatic speaker verification. In particular, the Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (PLDA) model, which models i--vector representation of speech utterances, is analyzed in detail. The thesis proposes extensions to the standard state-of-the-art PLDA model. The newly proposed Full Posterior Distribution PLDA  models the uncertainty associated with the i--vector generation process. A new discriminative approach to training the speaker verification system based on the~PLDA model is also proposed. When comparing the original PLDA with the model extended by considering the i--vector uncertainty, results obtained with the extended model show up to 20% relative improvement on tests with short segments of speech. As the test segments get longer (more than one minute), the performance gain of the extended model is lower, but it is never worse than the baseline. Training data are, however, usually  available in the form of segments which are sufficiently long and therefore, in such cases, there is no gain from using the extended model  for training. Instead, the training can be performed with the original PLDA model and the extended model can be used if the task is to test on the short segments. The discriminative classifier is based on classifying pairs of i--vectors into two classes representing target and non-target trials. The functional form for obtaining the score for every i--vector pair is derived from the  PLDA model and training is based on the logistic regression minimizing  the cross-entropy error function  between the correct labeling of all trials and the probabilistic labeling proposed by the system. The results obtained with discriminatively trained system are similar to those obtained with generative baseline, but the discriminative approach shows the ability to output better calibrated scores. This property leads to a  better actual verification performance on an unseen evaluation set, which is an important feature for real use scenarios.

Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection
Fapšo, Michal ; Matoušek, Jindřich (oponent) ; Metze, Florian (oponent) ; Černocký, Jan (vedoucí práce)
This thesis investigates query-by-example (QbE) spoken term detection (STD). Queries are entered in their spoken form and searched for in a pool of recorded spoken utterances, providing a list of detections with their scores and timing. We describe, analyze and compare three different approaches to QbE STD, in various language-dependent and language-independent setups with diverse audio conditions, searching for a single example and five examples per query. For our experiments we used Czech, Hungarian, English and Levantine data and for each of the languages we trained a 3-state phone posterior estimator. This gave us 16 possible combinations of the evaluation language and the language of the posterior estimator, out of which 4 combinations were language-dependent and 12 were language-independent. All QbE systems were evaluated on the same data and the same features, using the metrics: non-pooled Figure-of-Merit and our proposed utterrance-normalized non-pooled Figure-of-Merit, which provided us with relevant data for the comparison of these QbE approaches and for gaining a better insight into their behavior. QbE approaches presented in this work are: sequential statistical modeling (GMM/HMM), template matching of features (DTW) and matching of phone lattices (WFST). To compare the performance of QbE approaches with the common query-by-text STD systems, for language-dependent setups we also evaluated an acoustic keyword spotting system (AKWS) and a system searching for phone strings in lattices (WFSTlat). The core of this thesis is the development, analysis and improvement of the WFST QbE STD system, which after the improvements, achieved similar performance to the DTW system in language-dependent setups.

Intrusion Detection in Network Traffic
Homoliak, Ivan ; Čeleda, Pavel (oponent) ; Ochoa,, Martín (oponent) ; Hanáček, Petr (vedoucí práce)
The thesis deals with anomaly based network intrusion detection which utilize machine learning approaches. First, state-of-the-art datasets intended for evaluation of intrusion detection systems are described as well as the related works employing statistical analysis and machine learning techniques for network intrusion detection. In the next part, original feature set, Advanced Security Network Metrics (ASNM) is presented, which is part of conceptual automated network intrusion detection system, AIPS. Then, tunneling obfuscation techniques as well as non-payload-based ones are proposed to apply as modifications of network attack execution. Experiments reveal that utilized obfuscations are able to avoid attack detection by supervised classifier using ASNM features, and their utilization can strengthen the detection performance of the classifier by including them into the training process of the classifier. The work also presents an alternative view on the non-payload-based obfuscation techniques, and demonstrates how they may be employed as a training data driven approximation of network traffic normalizer.

Pozice sestry - mentorky v kolektivu sester, spolupráce se směnnými sestrami
Abstrakt Diplomová práce se zabývá pozicí sestry ? mentorky a spoluprací se směnnými sestrami. Teoretická část je rozdělena do sedmi kapitol a zaměřuje se na ošetřovatelství v současnosti, které je spojené rovněž se vzděláním a legislativou. Dále je práce spojena s rolí sestry a její spoluprací s ošetřovatelským týmem. V neposledním případě je teoretická část věnována významu morálky a etiky v ošetřovatelství, která má dozajista důležité místo. Dále se věnujeme Certifikovanému kurzu pro mentorky, který jako jednu z forem celoživotního vzdělávání sester vidíme velmi přínosným. Absolventky kurzu získají nové dovednosti a vědomosti, ale i znalosti v oblasti psychologie, práva, didaktiky aj. Role sestry ? mentorky je velmi důležitá, protože takto osvojené poznatky může poté předávat dál a pozitivně tak působit na studenty v průběhu odborné praxe a usnadnit adaptaci při nástupu do zaměstnání. Hlavním cílem této práce bylo zmapovat jaká je součastná pozice sestry ? mentorky, jaké má zkušenosti se spoluprací ostatních směnných sester při praktické výuce studentů na pracovišti a zda-li sestry řídí a dostatečně motivují studenty v zájmu o povolání všeobecných sester či porodních asistentek. Pro výzkumnou část byly použity dvě metody. První metodou byl kvantitativní výzkum formou dotazníků. Dotazníky byly dva, jeden byl určen pro sestry ? nementorky a druhý pro sestry ? mentorky. Jako druhá metoda byl použit kvalitativní výzkum pomocí polostrukturovaného rozhovoru s vybranými vrchními a staničními sestrami. Prostřednictvím kvantitativního šetření byly následně ověřovány pracovní hypotézy. H1: všeobecné sestry ví, jaká je role sestry ? mentorky ve zdravotnickém týmu, H2: sestry ? mentorky motivují studenty v jejich zájmu o povolání všeobecných sester, H3: sestry ? mentorky nejsou vždy ve vedoucích funkcích, H4: sestry ? mentorky jsou pozitivně vnímány směnnými sestrami, H5: směnné sestry jsou ve spolupráci se sestrou ? mentorkou neaktivní. Na základě vyhodnocení dotazníků můžeme konstatovat, že hypotézy 1, 2, 3, 4 se potvrdily a cíle v kvantitativním výzkumu byly splněny. V rámci tohoto šetření se nepotvrdila hypotéza 5, že jsou sestry