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The Native Speaker English Teacher in the Czech Republic/Rodilí mluvčí vyučující angličtinu na českých školách
This diploma work deals with the situation of Native Speaker English teachers at Czech schools. The theoretical part focuses on the roles, autonomy and responsibilities of teachers and compares the authority of Native Speakers to the authority of Czech teachers. Further, it defines the term English Native speaker, follows the factors which influence the differences between Native Speakers and Czech teachers, deals with the qualification of and job openings for Native speakers in the Czech Republic, and outlines the problems of cultural shock and bridging of cultural differences in lessons. On the practical part, it tries to enquire the opinions of school directors about the existing problems. It intends to chart the attitudes of Native speakers towards Czech learners, the degree of qualification, reasons for coming to and leaving the Czech Republic, fields of action at Czech schools and the rate of satisfaction with the current situation in the Czech Republic.
Drugs in the Schools Preventing Substance Abuse
The thesis is focused on the prevention of social-pathological phenomena in elementary schools. The theoretical part describes the general characteristics of social-pathological phenomena affecting children and juvenils, in particular it deals with drug addiction and drug prevention in elementary schools. Practical part deals with the analysis of minimum prevention program of the selected school in České Budějovice and provides research, which assesses the impact of preventive activities on pupils in the 9th grade of elementary school. The final part of the thesis consists of the elaboration of its own prevention program.
Recognizing of rights of mentally disabled individuals and school integration.
The attitude of society towards persons with mental disabilities and recognizing their rights and dignity are important evaluation aspects of the society. The Czech Republic follows modern European trends that provide the mentally disabled with the same extent of activities as people without disabilities. As a topic of my thesis I have chosen the mentally disabled children´s right to education. The thesis addresses attitudes of primary school headmasters as well as attitudes of the staff of special education centers for children and youths with mental disabilities to integration of pupils with mental disabilities into a regular primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with important documents discussing the rights of individuals with mental disabilities. It describes not only mental disability and its degrees, but in particular education of children with mental disabilities in schools set up for pupils with special educational needs and the possibility of integrating these pupils into mainstream education. The theoretical part is followed by the practical part. The objective of the thesis was to identify the attitude of primary school headmasters as well as that of the staff of a special education center for the mentally disabled staff to the integration process of children with mental disabilities into mainstream primary schools and implementation of the right to education of children with mental disabilities. The research was conducted by the interrogation method using anonymous questionnaires. The results show that a majority of primary schools headmasters in the South Bohemian region support the right to education of pupils with mental disabilities in the form of their integration into regular classrooms. All the respondents, both primary school headmasters and the special education center staff, give the priority at education to individual learning abilities of each child with a mental disability. At the integration of a pupil with a mental disability into a regular primary school the crucial criterion is health and social motivation, not economic motivation. This thesis can be used as a survey of current attitudes and opinions of primary school headmasters and special education centers´ staff on the possibility of pupils with mental disabilities integration into mainstream education.
Chicane Problems at Primary School, Chances of Prevention and Solution
My thesis, which concerns about chicane problems, is very theoretical one. Each pedagogue can use this thesis if he needs to help with chicane problems. Its not only for current teachers, but even for incoming ones.
The Causes of Truancy on Primary Schools, Prevention and Solution of Truancy
The theorethical part of introduced thesis describes problem of truancy. It describes with causes of truancy inception and deals with family and school environment. The work brings in the most important enactments to which the school and institution must be lead during the problem solution. In the practical part of thesis are described two primary schools which skirmishes with truancy. In chapters are discussed about prevention and solution of truancy in existing environment. For sketch in are some case reports mentioned. In the epilogue the most important questions and establishments are commented and confronted with author{\crq}s experiences and literature.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS at basic schools in Pilsner region
The widespread epidemic HIV/AIDS still remains a confirmed and terminal disease without any currable vaccine and therapy. The only means of protection to resist an infection and HIV spread is a patient´s education, motivation and proper prevention, whose essential tool for everybody is getting information. Especially young people are threatened by the attack of that infection, so mainly basic school should participate in the HIV/AIDS prevention. The first aim of my thesis is to find out, whether and what preventive activities are accomplished at basis schools in Pilsner Region. The research work has a qualitative character. The applied method was a questionaire which was sent and applied to 31 organizations associated in Forum of non-governmental organizations at National Comisssion for HIV/AIDS problem solving in 2006. Another applied method was the derived analysis of data and documents. The second aim of my thesis was to find out basic pupil´s knowledge about HIV/AIDS infection. A qualitative research was chosen to achieve objective results. A questionaire was a research method. 319 pupils from 8th and 9th classes created a selective group. HIV/AIDS problems are always included in some school subjects at all the basic schools. Tution of the appropriate topic is provide only by school teachers and outweighs the use of supporting preventive programmes. Increased demands on school teachers education about HIV/AIDS result from that fact. Basis school pupils have basic knowledge about HIV/AIDS infection. Most pupils acquired information about HIV/AIDS at basic schools. Pupils consider a condom to be a hundrer-per-cent protection to resist veneral diseases. Despite the knowledge of this danger pupils don´t feel threatened by HIV/AIDS infection. Results of my thesis proved that as for information handover, the prevention accomplished at basic schools is efficient. Pupils´ have information about HIV/AIDS. If they act up to them even in possible risky situations that is another question. Since it is a serious problem, it seems to be necessary to keep acting this prevention whose part should be not only the information handover, but also the action at pupil´s behaviour and their responsibility.
The biogeography as a part of the teaching matter in basic schools
Pelikánová P. 2009: Biogeography in education at secondary schools. MSc. Thesis. University of South Bohemia, Pedagogical Faculty, České Budějovice. 133 p. This diploma thesis presents summary of biogeography and world bioms themes and conceives biogeographical textbook chapter that includes also excercises and exam test. This chapter are addressed to pupils of secondary schools. It is based on analyses of geography and biology textbooks. This thesis also proposes incorporation and implementation of this topic to the tutorial of secondary schools.
Hodnocení vyučovacího procesu prostřednictvím balanced scorecard
Weberová, Pavla ; Klas, Jan (advisor) ; Novotný, Jakub (referee)
V bakalářské práci je aplikována metoda balanced scorecard na hodnocení vyučovacího procesu základní školy a jeho možné využití při tvorbě školních rámcových vzdělávacích programů. Dále je v práci diskutována problematika hodnocení základních škol a neexistence centrálně stanovených pravidel pro určení kvalitního vzdělávacího zařízení na úrovni základního školství, jsou navrženy možné identifikátory a na základě nich je vytvořen systém hodnocení.
Comparison of the marketing communication of chosen primary schools in the EU
Bihelerová, Judita ; Bílková, Jana (advisor) ; Laschoberová, Libuše (referee)
Tato práce srovnává přístupy a nástroje marketingové komunikace na 3 základních školách v Dublinu, Antverpách a v Praze. Teoretická část se zabývá vysvětlením marketingové komunikace, jejím významem i užívanými nástroji. Zároveň jsou popsána specifika základních škol jakožto neziskových organizací. V praktické části je popsán vzdělávací systém v Irsku i Belgii, základní rysy vybraných škol a především je uvedena analýza marketingové komunikace základních škol v Dublinu a Antverpách. Stěžejní je důkladný popis základní školy v pražských Dejvicích a především analýza a návrh marketingové komunikace této školy. Komparace zjištěných poznatků o užití marketingové komunikace ve třech výše zmíněných školách je uvedena v závěru.

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