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Structured Data on the WWW
Pátek, Daniel ; Hynek, Jiří (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the semantic web, its key technologies, and the representation of structured data on the web. It explores standard formats like RDF and OWL, methods such as JSON-LD, and knowledge databases including Wikidata and DBpedia. It addresses the extraction, visualization, and linking of structured data with external databases. The primary goal is to develop an application that facilitates efficient work with structured data and their integration with knowledge bases.
Kopřiva, Radim ; Vašíček, Ondřej (referee) ; Fiedor, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis presents the development and implementation of a web client for the Unite tool. It focuses on the design and implementation of a user interface that allows users to run analyses and view their results using analytics tools transformed by Unite. The thesis provides a basic overview of OSLC and Unite technologies, as well as a summary of the design, implementation and testing of the web client.
Mozilla as a Development Platform
Vídeňský, Martin ; Schäfer, Jiří (referee) ; Samek, Jan (advisor)
This thesis deals with introduction of Mozilla as a development platform. Thesis is divided into four parts. The first one consists of a theoretical introduction, which describes architecture, the most important technologies and motivation for usage of Mozilla as a development platform. The second part leads step by step threw making own project. The third part is dedicated to description of the example application Tester. Tester is an e-learning project designed for easier learning process with scope on vocabulary practise. In the conclusion of thesis, there is the evaluation of Mozilla platform based on practical experience.
Semantic Annotation of the OpenDocument Format
Nakládal, Jan ; Šperka, Svatopluk (referee) ; Schmidt, Marek (advisor)
This work is about analysis, design and implementation of application as an extension to office suite This application allows users to view metadata RDF format found in text content and editing By using this functionality, we can see specific information about people, places or objects mentioned in the document and paste it directly into the document itself. Practical we can use this for more details information about the person used in text.
Genealogic Semantic Wiki
Brychová, Jana ; Smrž, Pavel (referee) ; Schmidt, Marek (advisor)
This thesis project is about possibilities of storing genealogic data in different formats and based on the results it suggests data format which can be used consequently as a source for the vizualization by semantic web. In the scope of the project there is a genealogic application implemented for KiWi platform. This application enable visualization of designed format using prefuse technology. There are basic and aslo some other usefull information about the basic technologies of the semantic web like RDF, XM, ontology, OWL language stated in the document.
Generating Program Code from Ontology Definition
Svetlík, Tomáš ; Hynek, Jiří (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
This master thesis deals with the process of generating source code from ontology definition. It is advantageous to have ontologies in the source code representation, when developing ontological applications. This source code expresses ontology classes and properties. The main goal of this thesis is to develop an implementation of the tool that uses this process. The thesis describes the design, implementation and testing of this tool. The result is a fully functional source code generator. It is able to generate Java or Python source code. Functionality and reliability were evaluated according to testing with set of actually used ontologies.
Web Editor for SPARQL
Paulovič, Daniel ; Hynek, Jiří (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
Target of this thesis is to create web editor for query language SPARQL as component in javascript framework Vue.js and web application using this component to query over SPARQL endpoints. To implement editor were used CodeMirror library and PrimeVue library for user interface. Final version of component is publicly available as npm package. Benefit of this thesis is easily importable editor with many functions to simplify writing queries.
Visual Design of Ontologies for Semantic Web
Procházka, Jiří ; Mrnuštík, Michal (referee) ; Šperka, Svatopluk (advisor)
Tato práce popisuje návrh a implementaci vizuálního editoru ontologií pro Sémanticý web, založený na RDF modelu, soustředící se na přehlednou kompaktní vizualizaci ontologií, jejich selektivní zobrazení z různých aspektů, a jejich tvorbu s rozšířítelností v nabídce ontologických jazyků.
Comparison of RDF Databases
Chatrný, Jakub ; Burget, Radek (referee) ; Milička, Martin (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is compare of several RDF stores Blazegraph, Jena TDB and Stardog. Design of test suites is based on existings benchmarks. In the designed test suites are monitored execution time and number of results. The testing criteria of stores also include the time required to create persistent store and its size. All tested stores and the program for testing itself are implemented in Java.
Distributed Information System Based on Semantic Technology
Havlena, Jan ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
This master's thesis deals with the design of a distributed information system, where the data distribution is based on semantic technologies. The project analyzes the semantic web technologies with the focus on information exchange between information systems and the related terms, mainly ontologies, ontology languages and the Resource description framework. Furthermore, there is described a proposal an ontology which is used to describe the data exchanged between the systems and the technologies used to implement distributed information system. The most important of them are Java Server Faces and Sesame.

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