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Mentoring in midwifery
This bachelor thesis deals with mentoring in midwifery. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes the history and development of midwifery education, up to the current form of training. It also explains the components of the professional practice of midwifery students. The theoretical part further focuses on mentoring in professional practice. The mentoring chapter is divided into sub-chapters, which describe the mentoring course, activities, and competencies of the mentor in professional practice. Lastly, the thesis explores supervision, an integral part of mentoring. The main objective of the practical part was to explore the opinions and experiences of midwives and midwifery students regarding mentoring and its utilization in professional practice. The research was conducted in two groups, each with a specific research question. The first research question focused on how midwifery students perceive mentoring during their professional practice. The second research question aimed to determine the attitude of midwives towards mentoring during their professional practice. Interviews with the participants were conducted with their explicit consent and remained completely anonymous. The audio recordings obtained were transcribed and subsequently analyzed using thematic analysis. Main categories and sub-categories were established for data evaluation. From the testimonies of the first research group, two main categories were derived, each further divided into two sub-categories. The second research group yielded two categories and five sub-categories. According to the results of research dissemination, it is clear that midwifery students and midwives have a positive opinion. The students perceive their mentors as someone who wants to pass on their experience and help them better understand the work of a midwife. For midwives, students are future colleagues, so I try to do everything to ensure that they are best prepared for their future profession.
Birth of the fetus at the limit of viability
This bachelor thesis deals with the delivery of a fetus at the limit of viability. The bachelor thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes preterm birth. Incidence of preterm birth in the Czech Republic, etiology, possibilities of prevention and prediction, diagnostic methods, therapeutic procedures and possibilities of management of preterm birth, as well as the needs of women and care of midwives are presented. Education of women in the delivery room and competences of midwives. Fetal viability or the ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb is also described. The aim of this bachelor thesis was to find out how midwives are oriented in the care of a woman diagnosed with preterm birth at the limit of fetal viability. To achieve the objective, qualitative research methodology in the form of interviews was chosen. A single research population was selected, which consisted of midwives working in the delivery room of a perinatology center. The research itself was conducted in July 2023 in the form of face-to-face meetings or in a home setting. All respondents gave verbal consent to be interviewed. After sufficient data collection, analysis was done and basic categories were created and put into summary tables from which the results of the research can be read. In the research investigation, it was found that midwives are oriented in their care for a woman who gives birth prematurely. In addition to performing routine procedures, they also provide professional psychological support to women, are empathetic, and are able to educate and inform women appropriately within their scope of competence. Midwives are fully aware of all their competencies.
The view of midwifery students on Czech obstetrics and on their own position in the healthcare system
Německá, Marie ; Hejzlarová, Eva (advisor) ; Kotherová, Zuzana (referee)
The bachelor thesis focuses on the view of midwifery students on their own position in the Czech maternity care system, but also on their view of Czech obstetrics. The aim of the thesis is to contribute to an unexplored area of knowledge about midwifery students in the Czech context, but also to find out the view of midwifery students on their own position in the Czech obstetric care system and on Czech obstetrics, i.e. to find out how the Czech obstetrics will work with people in the future. For this purpose, ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten midwifery students. After verbatim transcription, the collected data were analyzed. In the analysis, midwifery students were viewed through the lens of the theory of line workers, which made it possible to analyze their approaches to female clients. It was found that midwifery students want to choose a client approach in their work. The analysis also showed that female midwifery students face a subordinate position and challenging situations that can affect the formation of their professional identity and demotivate them from practicing the midwifery profession. The formation of their professional identity is influenced by various participants, towards whom midwifery students relate and define their professional identity.
Home birth from a women's point of view
This bachelor's thesis deals with the view of women on births in the home environment and their own experiences with home births. The theoretical part characterizes the issue of home births by their advantages, disadvantages, complications, and most importantly, the role of the midwife during birth and in the period after birth in the home environment. Additionally, the thesis explains the legislative framework for home births in the legislative Czech Republic. The practical part of the bachelor thesis defines two goals. The first one was to find out what are the most common reasons for women's choice to give birth at home and the second goal was to find out how women prepared for this birth. The research investigation was carried out by qualitative research method. Moreover, the practical part of the bachelor's thesis uses qualitative research using semi-structured interviews with women who had at least one planned birth at home. The participants were obtained using the snowball sampling method. The interviews with the informants took place during February and March 2024. The interviews were recorded on a dictaphone, transcribed, and then analysed using the pencil and paper method. In total, 3 main categories and 15 subcategories were created. The research shows that several reasons influenced the decision of the informants to give birth at home. Those were mainly personal negative experiences of the informants with medical personnel, incorrect approach, and communication. Others mistrusted doctors or medical professionals. The informants also mentioned the importance of preserving the naturalness of childbirth without unnecessary interventions and respecting their wishes. It is also evident from the research that women did not prepare for childbirth any more than for childbirth in a maternity hospital. A large part of the informants prepared mainly by self-study about childbirth, and they searched for information on natural birth in professional literature and on the Internet. For almost all informants, it was essential to secure a community midwife. The informants also stated that during pregnancy, they visited their midwife for regular check-ups and consulted with her about their childbirth visions. The bachelor's thesis could be a practical resource for both the lay and the professional public, and the results could be presented at conferences for midwives.
The vision of midwifery students about midwife profession
This bachelor's thesis is focused on the idea of midwifery students about the profession of midwife. The bachelor thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part provides information on the history and development of the midwife profession. The attention is paid to the teaching of midwifery and obstetrics, the current system of education of midwives and the current profession and competencies of midwives.The practical part of the bachelor's thesis was carried out using a qualitative research survey in the form of semi-structured individual interviews. The research group consisted of 9 midwifery students from České Budějovice, Pilsen and Jihlava. After informants approvals, the interviews were recorded on a dictaphone with their consent, literally transcribed and analyzed. To evaluate the data, three categories and six subcategories were determined.Based on the above goal of this thesis, we set one research question. This research question examined the views of midwifery students on the profession of midwife.The research survey on the ideas of midwifery students showed that all the interviewed students did not know what competencies the midwife had before entering the midwifery study program. The research investigation showed that only one informant does not want to practice the profession of midwife. This informant stated that the profession of midwife is very stressful for her. The research also found that only one informant wants to work as a community midwife. Other informants agreed that they do not want to practice the profession of community midwife due to the great responsibility for pregnant women, the fetus, postpartum women or newborns. Only three informants did not mention anything that would not suit them in the profession of midwife. The disadvantages concered to less work with children further excessive stress and twelve-hour shifts in a hospital and irregular work in the maternity ward. Most of the informants agreed that they are not members and do not want to be part of the organization for midwives in the future. During the elaboration of the bachelor's thesis, we obtained the opinions, attitudes and ideas of students regarding the profession of midwife. The findings can be used by applicants for the midwifery study program to obtain information about the profession of midwife. This work could also be used by university teachers who teach midwives to be informed about the attitudes or ideas of midwives.
Creating of local network of community midwives (Action research)
Zachová, Tereza ; Hájková Klíčová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Bosá, Monika (referee)
This thesis is based on action research which sits at the interface of midwifery and the management of health and social organizations. It maps the development of a local network of community midwives in Brno between 2021 and 2022. In the beginning, a Brno community midwife had a dream to work in a birthing house (midwifery unit). However, as this is currently impossible in the Czech Republic, she looked for different ways to work with her colleagues to provide accessible and quality care to women who demanded it. Thanks to a grant from the Brno-Centre district, five facilitated meetings of midwives were held. These meetings explored the motives and needs of midwives, the obstacles they face and their experiences in their practice. In this way, a service was being gradually designed that could provide women with individualised comprehensive support and care during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period, provided by midwives. Today, the original dream has taken concrete form - Nest. It is a (for now informal) group of midwives who meet regularly, have a defined common vision, shared values and principles of care, collect statistics from births, have regular supervision and gradually implement a system of substitution. They are becoming recognised among other professionals in their locality and...
Surrogacy in the Czech Republic - the responsibility and competence of midwives and doctors
Rybníčková, Karolína ; Kopsa Těšinová, Jolana (advisor) ; Špeciánová, Šárka (referee)
This Bachelor thesis is about surrogacy and consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the topic of infertility and assisted reproduction, mainly by the issue of assisted reprodution in surrogacy. It is also focused on legislation of surrogacy and assisted reproduction, the ethical part of surrogacy and on questions that arise for de lege ferenda debates. The main aim of this thesis is to sum up knowledge about surrogacy into well-arranged chapters and by that to raise the awarness about surrogacy in professional but also wider public. The next aim is to find out the knowledge and attitude of midwives from labour rooms, from the department of puerperium and the department of physiological newborns and to make few reflections about the attitude of the staff to surrogacy. One of the last aims of this thesis is to suggest a manual for care procedure about surrogate mother, the infertile couple and the baby. For the practical part of the Bachelor thesis was used a questionnaire and was performed since 1st of February 2022 until 31st of March 2022 towards the whole Czech republic. The target group were midwives from labour rooms, from the department of puerperium and miwives/child nurses from the deparment of physiological newborns. The questionnaire was sent to the...
Ceremoniousness connected with birth of a child in Pelhřimov distrikt. The Role of the Midwife from the viewpoint of etnology.
Kubíčková, Kristýna ; Krupková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Štěpánová, Irena (referee)
The main theme of this bachelor's thesis is ceremoniousness, which is connected with the birth of a child in Pelhřimov district in the 2nd half of the 19 and the beginning of the 20 century. The second part of the thesis is primarily devoted to related ceremonial acts. The individual chapters are focused on conception of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium in the folk environment. This very intimate and rarely mapped area of family ceremoniousness is thus seen by means of period literature, articles, archive matters, records and registers. Considering the fact that midwives used to be the principal performers of ceremonial acts connected with the birth of a child the first part of the thesis concetrates on the midwifery issues. It deals with midwives education, their competences and collegial relationships.
Education of Pregnant Women about Birth Process
Hanáková, Anežka ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Jurigová, Gabriela (referee)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on what pregnant women should be taught about a birth process by their midwives in antenatal classes and what important facts and skills make them mentally and physically sufficiently prepared for the birth process. It studies how well educated about the birth process after attending childbirth education classes selected group of pregnant women actually is. The primary aim of this bachelor's thesis was to describe and analyse efficiency of Czech antenatal classes in the field of preparedness for birth of selected group of pregnant women and to find out if these pregnant women were subsequently able to use their new skills during their birth process and if the given education was in their opinion sufficient and comprehensible. Thanks to this bachelor's thesis we have found out that the efficiency of education in the antenatal classes in the Czech Republic is not sufficient. The rate of well educated women is 75 %, the given education was in their opinion very well comprehensible and sufficient. However the ability to use the skills during their birth process wasn't satisfactory. Therefore we have arrived at a conclusion that antenatal classes lecturers should turn their attention to improvement of efficiency of the antenatal classes and educate pregnant women in a...

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