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Fiškálne pravidlá v eurozóne
Kubicová, Rebeka
Kubicová, R. Fiscal Rules in the euro area. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2022. This document is focused on public finances, their long-term sustainability, steadiness and compiliance of fiscal rules by the original member states of the eu-ro area. The document evaluates compiliance of these two fiscal rules: the debt rule and the deficit rule. In the monitored 27-year period (1995 – 2021), signi-ficant fluctuations are clearly visible in the compliances. Steadiness of states‘ pub-lic budgets is found based on the stacionary time series.
Fiskální kompakt a jeho dodržování v zemích EU
Hýsková, Kateřina
Hýsková, K. Fiscal Compact and its compliance in EU countries. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2023. The bachelor's thesis aims to evaluate whether and to what extent EU member countries comply with the fiscal rules established by the Fiscal Compact. The work analyzes individual forms of different budget rules and their advantages and disadvantages. Subsequently, the thesis focuses on the development of fiscal coordination within the EU, which preceded the creation of the Fiscal Compact. It focuses more on the content and definition of the Fiscal Compact and observes its implementation in EU countries since 2013. The output of the work is an evaluation of the success rate of compliance with the established rules.
Fiscal Rules in the European Union
Výprachtická, Terezie ; Šmídková, Kateřina (advisor) ; Schneider, Ondřej (referee)
ABSTRACTS PART I - The EMU and its Fiscal Rules This paper treats the fiscal rules of the European Economic and Monetary Union. It begins by introducing this union's inception and by discussing its set of fiscal rules - the Stability and Growth Pact, including its reform. The rationale for policy coordination and the need for fiscal rules in a monetary union are then investigated. The Stability and Growth Pact is then assessed from this point of view. The most important part of the paper is devoted to the analysis of whether the Stability and Growth Pact could be substituted by the disciplining effect of the financial markets. Our findings suggest that there is certain interaction between the financial markets and the governments' decisions on the fiscal policies and that this reaction has become stronger after the beginning of the latest financial and economic crisis. However, the institutional setup and market conditions in the European Union are such that this interaction is biased and thus we conclude that the Union needs to have fiscal rules. JEL Classification: C23, E44, E61, E62, H62, H87 Keywords: European Economic and Monetary Union, Stability and Growth Pact, Financial markets, Fiscal rules, Policy coordination PART II - The Golden Rule of Public Finance and Productivity of Public Capital This...
Fiscal Rules in the European Union
Výprachtická, Terezie ; Šmídková, Kateřina (advisor) ; Schneider, Ondřej (referee)
ABSTRACTS PART I - The EMU and its Fiscal Rules This paper treats the fiscal rules of the European Economic and Monetary Union. It begins by introducing this union's inception and by discussing its set of fiscal rules - the Stability and Growth Pact, including its reform. The rationale for policy coordination and the need for fiscal rules in a monetary union are then investigated. The Stability and Growth Pact is then assessed from this point of view. The most important part of the paper is devoted to the analysis of whether the Stability and Growth Pact could be substituted by the disciplining effect of the financial markets. Our findings suggest that there is certain interaction between the financial markets and the governments' decisions on the fiscal policies and that this reaction has become stronger after the beginning of the latest financial and economic crisis. However, the institutional setup and market conditions in the European Union are such that this interaction is biased and thus we conclude that the Union needs to have fiscal rules. JEL Classification: C23, E44, E61, E62, H62, H87 Keywords: European Economic and Monetary Union, Stability and Growth Pact, Financial markets, Fiscal rules, Policy coordination PART II - The Golden Rule of Public Finance and Productivity of Public Capital This...
Fiscal rules in the Czech republic after joining the EU
Šafránek, Patrik ; Ježek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Vebrová, Ludmila (referee)
This thesis concerns fiscal rules which represent a possible solution of excessive deficits of public budgets. The chosen topic is very relevant as most developed countries are now facing the problem of fiscal imbalance. The aim of the thesis is to analyze existing rules in the Czech Republic and to formulate recommendations for its public budgets with regard to the specifics of the economic and political environment. The main hypothesis is that fiscal rules in the Czech Republic are not well designed and do not contribute to the stabilization of public finances. This hypothesis was partially proved true. Proposal to strengthen the fiscal framework by implementation of the reform of medium-term expenditure frameworks and by adopting debt rule at the constitutional level results from the realized findings. Further recommendation is to establish independent fiscal institution that would oversee the fiscal policy in the Czech Republic.
Fiscal rules in selected EU countries between 2004-2015: sensible method for consolidation of public finances or fad of politicians?
Veselý, Lukáš ; Strejček, Ivo (advisor) ; Chmelová, Pavla (referee)
The subject of fiscal rules is very topical issue. The rise of public debt in certain developed countries resulted in what is sometimes called "debt crisis". Debt of those countries which is higher than their annual gross domestic product is viewed as unpayable by some economists. The main objective of this thesis has been to prove or disprove hypothesis that the fiscal rules studied in this paper are an effective solution for public finance consolidation. This verification was based on the analysis of fiscal rules functioning in selected countries between 2004 and 2015. As per results of analysis the paper aims to give recommendations for the Czech financial constitution proposal. The actual results of inquiry proved the hypothesis. Well-chosen fiscal rules are the right way towards fiscal consolidation, provided they are observed. Fiscal rules making thus requires an emphasis to be placed on the well-formulated exit clauses altogether with prospective sanctions. The current Czech financial constitution proposal is built on the correctly picked fiscal rule type, although the reference value lacks economic sense and it would not lead, with a high degree of probability, towards fiscal consolidation.
The Development of budget responsibility in EU Member States
KLOUDOVÁ, Veronika
In my thesis I have dealt with the issue of Fiscal Responsibility in the EU, especially the position the EU Member States have on this issue. The first part defines the Budget responsibility and Fiscal policy at the level of the Czech Republic and level of European Union. There has been mainly described and analyzed the Stability and Growth Pact, and the Fiscal compact. The second part has been devoted to evaluation of individual member states and described how the legislative acts are used for effort to reach sustainable finances contributing to the overall generally maintain Responsible and Fiscal policy. At the end its summarized and compared the evolution of public debt and budget deficits and also characterized their independent Financial institution.
Local Government Indebtedness
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the situation and development of the indebtedness of self-governing units with regard to the sustainability of individual budgets and also with regard to sustainability of consolidated public budgets in the Czech Republic, and therefore assess the conception of fiscal regulations for self-governing units in the Czech Republic. Based on the aim of the thesis a research question needed to be proposed: Are budgets of self-governing units one of the factors leading to the deterioration or improvement of sustainability of public finance? At first there are defined terms related to the indebtedness and debt regulation of local governments. Part of thesis is to analyze the indebtedness of all municipal and regions. The calculations of this work were divided into two parts: macro and micro point of view. On the basic of calculations it is possible to summarize that in 2014 the debt of municipalities was developing favorably in comparison to the debt of regions. The most problematic categories are municipalities with a population of 200 and cities with more than 100 001 people. The debt of self-governing units makes just under 7 % of the public debt. Based on the thesis, it is possible to reach the conclusion and answer the research question that budgets of the self-governing units are really one of the factors leading to the improvement of sustainability of public finance. Generally speaking, the public finance in the Czech Republic is considered as sustainable. The ratio of public debt to GDP is decreasing and is way under 60 %. The only possible problem is the debt of the regions. Their debt is constantly rising, however in comparison to the total public debt, it is still insignificant.
Analysis of development of the public debt of the Czech republic from 1993 until present with a special emphasis on the national debt
Netolická, Nicole ; Chmelová, Pavla (advisor) ; Štěpánek, Pavel (referee)
The objective of this bachelor's thesis is to measure effectiveness of European and national fiscal rules together with compliance evaluation on the basis of debt indicators analysis. It also provides feasibility study on governmental constitutional amendment on fiscal responsibility and related laws. The theory section of the thesis consists of 3 chapters. The first one concerns public finance in general with emphasis on a state budget theory. The second chapter consists of debt financing. It defines debt indicators such as state budget deficit, government deficit or national and government debt which are further analyzed in the practical part. The last chapter of this section focuses on fiscal policy and related fiscal rules. Practical part contains two larger chapters. The first one analyzes the before mentioned debt indicators that are tested in 5 year intervals. Performed examination and boosted interpretation points out an observable negative development of debt indicators and its main causes. The second chapter deals both with fiscal rules that are valid in the Czech Republic and those that might be valid in the future in terms of Constitutional law on fiscal responsibility. Considerably the European fiscal rules, the Maastricht Criteria and the Stability and Growth Pact, as well as national rules are taken into account and evaluated according to its influence on the debt indicators. In conclusion, it is measured the effectiveness of the fiscal rules, it was confirmed that the current regulation provides a positive influence on the debt indicators development and demonstrated the necessity of setting additional fiscal rules.
Fiscal rules at the sub-national government level
This diploma thesis deals with fiscal rules at the sub-national government level. The main goal is to make an analysis of the evolution and current situation of fiscal rules at the sub-national government level and to make the systematic classification of fiscal rules parameters and their choice in the EU member countries. The literary overview includes the introduction into the topic of fiscal rules and explains the connection between short-terms and long-terms goals of public finances and motives for the implementation of fiscal rules. There is also presented their typology. The next important part of this theme is the fiscal decentralization, which is also introduced here. This part is concluded by the overview of studies, which examine and evaluate the strength and effectiveness of fiscal rules at sub-national government level. The part of solutions and results includes the descriptive analysis of evolution and current situation of fiscal rules in EU member countries (EU-27) with the focus on local and regional sub-national government level. Then some selected parameters (share of sub-national public debt to GDP, fiscal decentralization, fiscal autonomy and (non)membership of EU member countries in the Eurozone) are compared with the number of implemented fiscal rules at the sub-national government level and in some cases with the fiscal rule strength index to prove or refute the set hypotheses. The hypotheses which are formulated in the methodology of this thesis are not proved by the correlation and by the main graphs. But there are some examples supporting these hypotheses.

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