Production single parts from sheet metal on two-station tool
Vrána, Petr ; Špaček, Jindřich (referee) ; Žák, Ladislav (advisor)
Projects developed within the bachelor's degree in engineering technology (B3S-K Engineering) technology by design sheet metal parts 11 373.1 on a combined tool. Based on the literature studies about cutting, bending and stretching has been proposed several variants of the production of specified parts to be produced entirely in a single tool. The proposed tool is clamped in the eccentric press PE 100 D firm ERFURT with a nominal force of 1000 kN. The functional parts are made of tool steel, 19 436 heat-processed according to drawings. Punches are made as a split because of interchangeability and easy repairability.
Production technology of a plastic headlight panel in a car
Vrána, Petr ; Žák, Ladislav (referee) ; Kandus, Bohumil (advisor)
Diploma thesis which is developed for the master’s degree program (M2I – K Mechanical engineering) presents a proposal solution for production technology plastic car headlins parts from polymer material PBT GF30. Literature review summarizes the findings of thermoplastic injection technology and the structural design possibility of injection molds. The paper examined two variants of the running system, which are suitable for production of injection molding components. Finaly, after technical - economic assessment, we came to the conclusion that the better option is to use the hot runner system. In the practical part is the specified product modeled by the help of 3D software and the injection mold was designed. The design was implemented by CATIA V5 R20. For the design and manufacture of injection mold were used normality from MEUSBURGER. For the chosen alternative technology of production were made calculations and was selected injection molding machine Electron 75 – 300 from FERROMATIC.
Crisis communication strategy for the city of Neratovice in the event of a chemical accident
Vrána, Petr ; Moravcová, Hana (advisor) ; Houdek, Petr (referee)
The bachelor's thesis focuses on developing a communication strategy and manual for the city of Neratovice in the event of a chemical release from the local company SPOLANA Ltd. The aim of the thesis is to minimize panic and effectively inform the residents of the city about the danger. The thesis is structured into three main parts. The introduction sets the objectives of the thesis and provides motivation for addressing the topic. The theoretical part covers strategic communication, public relations, political communication, trust management, crisis communication, and communication in local governments. The analytical part includes an analysis of the current state through case studies, interviews with authorized individuals, analysis of media outputs, and a questionnaire survey. The practical part focuses on developing a crisis communication strategy, including setting goals, identifying target groups, types of events, and procedures. Furthermore, a crisis communication manual is prepared, and budgetary and other requirements are addressed. The research is based on analysis of specialized literature, basic research on information about Neratovice City and SPOLANA Ltd., interviews with responsible individuals, case studies, and a questionnaire survey among the residents of the city. The outcome of...
Guangdong-Hong Kong School Martial Arts Fiction
Vrána, Petr ; Andrš, Dušan (advisor) ; Maršálek, Jakub (referee)
This thesis deals with the "Guangdong-Hong Kong Martial Arts Fiction School" (Yue Gang pai jiji xiaoshuo 粵港派技擊小說), a specific subgenre of Chinese fiction that was popular from the 1930s till the 1960s. Stories, whose protagonists are most often legendary Southern Shaolin heroes and historical masters and practitioners of Chinese martial arts, were published mostly in Cantonese and Hong Kong newspapers as serialized fiction. The Guangdong-Hong Kong Martial Arts Fiction School is usually considered as one of the subgenres of wuxia (武俠) fiction and it is still insufficiently explored. The Guangdong-Hong Kong martial arts novels, which show many features of junk fiction, increased readers' patriotic feelings, contributed to the promotion of martial arts masters, and reinforced some common ideas about Chinese martial arts, which can still be found in today's society. In this thesis, we put the discussed subgenre in its social and literary-historical context, describe its genesis, discuss the thematic areas and narrative form of Guangdong-Hong Kong martial arts fiction, and introduce three representative authors of Guangdong-Hong Kong Martial Arts Fiction School and some protagonists of selected proses. The main part of this thesis is a literary analysis focused on the definition of the most distinctive...
The decision-making factors on the permanent place of residence in the selected Czechia's peripheries: the case study of the young families
Vrána, Petr ; Chromý, Pavel (advisor) ; Heřmanová, Eva (referee)
This thesis tries to find out the causes of the permanent residence location choice and decision-making within the potentially different peripheral area of the Czech Republic, respectively Moravia, with the continuous demographic development. In this case, it is focused on the young families which could explain the current issue of the permanent residence location choice with regard to the significant likelihood recently finalised or proceeding residential mobility. For the purposes of the master thesis, it has been carried out the questionnaire survey within the designated peripheries of the Midwestern Moravia and the Eastern Moravian Slovakia in 2012 and it has been carried out the analytical operations using the statistic programme on the basis of the data obtained. At first, this thesis analyses the variability of the decision-making factors preferences, examines common and differentiating latent features of the decision-making process on the basis of the factors explored and observes the modality level of decision-making process according to the the residential mobility theoretical concept developed by Ero (2002). The second part is focused on the potential causalities of the decision-making factors and socio-cultural features of the areas observed, respectively is about the causalities of the...
Production technology of a plastic headlight panel in a car
Vrána, Petr ; Žák, Ladislav (referee) ; Kandus, Bohumil (advisor)
Diploma thesis which is developed for the master’s degree program (M2I – K Mechanical engineering) presents a proposal solution for production technology plastic car headlins parts from polymer material PBT GF30. Literature review summarizes the findings of thermoplastic injection technology and the structural design possibility of injection molds. The paper examined two variants of the running system, which are suitable for production of injection molding components. Finaly, after technical - economic assessment, we came to the conclusion that the better option is to use the hot runner system. In the practical part is the specified product modeled by the help of 3D software and the injection mold was designed. The design was implemented by CATIA V5 R20. For the design and manufacture of injection mold were used normality from MEUSBURGER. For the chosen alternative technology of production were made calculations and was selected injection molding machine Electron 75 – 300 from FERROMATIC.
Production single parts from sheet metal on two-station tool
Vrána, Petr ; Špaček, Jindřich (referee) ; Žák, Ladislav (advisor)
Projects developed within the bachelor's degree in engineering technology (B3S-K Engineering) technology by design sheet metal parts 11 373.1 on a combined tool. Based on the literature studies about cutting, bending and stretching has been proposed several variants of the production of specified parts to be produced entirely in a single tool. The proposed tool is clamped in the eccentric press PE 100 D firm ERFURT with a nominal force of 1000 kN. The functional parts are made of tool steel, 19 436 heat-processed according to drawings. Punches are made as a split because of interchangeability and easy repairability.