Aircraft air-conditioning systems
Lednický, Ondřej ; Horák, Marek (referee) ; Třetina, Karel (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the aircraft air-conditioning systems, their functions and basic tasks needed for a safe and comfortable flight. The thesis is divided into several chapters: the first one deals with the most important factors influencing human health. Next chapter is focused on a description of the assurance of main components which are composing the aircraft air-conditioning system. Final chapter of the thesis deals with oxygen systems, which are essential for the survivor of the passengers in the case of an accident.
Aircraft Maintenance
Phung, Nhu Binh ; Třetina, Karel (referee) ; Finda, Jindřich (advisor)
This thesis is summarized knowledge the broblems and evaluation of current status in process plan in manitenance of small transport aircraft. State characteristics and applicability to non-destructive inspection methods in the maintenance of aircraft
Testing of aircraft hydraulic systems
Suk, Filip ; Bencalík, Karol (referee) ; Třetina, Karel (advisor)
My bachelor thesis “Testing of aircraft hydraulic systems“ discusses the problems of testing particular components and complete hydraulic systems. In the first part of my work, there are specified all regulation requirements that are to be fulfilled by hydraulic systems and test conditions for testing of flight control systems. The next parts deal with the way of testing particular hydraulic elements and hydraulic liquids. The last part of my bachelor thesis is dedicated to the testing's principle of hydraulic system of landing gear including a concept for instrumentation.
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Indirect aircraft control systems
Kalný, Jan ; Trefilová, Helena (referee) ; Třetina, Karel (advisor)
Bachelor's thesis is concerned with the description of selected elements in aircraft control systems and their integration into the aforementioned systems. Included with this concern are regulatory requirements for system reliability. Further work is focused on contemporary trends in the development of modern aircraft control systems. The final section consists of aircraft statistical surveys by use of aircraft control systems.
Hot-air balloon using and specification requirements review
Olšanová, Markéta ; Třetina, Karel (referee) ; Juračka, Jaroslav (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the history of balloon flying worldwide and in the Czech countries and utilization of the hot-air balloon at present. Furthermore it provides a sur-vey of the biggest world balloon manufacturers, description of the structure and parts of hot air balloons including their types and suitability of their use. Finally, it includes a digest from the construction specifications CS-31 HB as well as the L series regulati-ons valid for operation, identification and registration marking of hot air balloons.
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Aircraft Hydraulic Systems
Puller, Tomáš ; Vaněk, František (referee) ; Třetina, Karel (advisor)
Work "Hydraulic system of aircraft" is focused on the issue of hydraulic transmission of forces to control the airplane. The first and second part summarizes the main characteristics of hydraulic systems and the basic physical properties of liquids.The third section describes various components of hydraulic systems and their characteristics. The fourth part contains a description and diagrams of different types of hydraulic circuits and the fifth part describes types of servocontrol systém of aircraft. In chapters 6 and 7 are descriptions of hydraulic systems of two Czech airplanes, L - 159 and L – 410. The next part contains statistical summary of power installations in small and medium-sized airplanes, and comparison of properties of different forms of transmission power. Finally, the evaluation of the statistical summary is carried out.
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