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Zhodnocení vybraných ukazatelů mléka u ovcí plemene lacaune při aplikaci pastevního odchovu
Sedláková, Markéta
The aim of the thesis was to evaluation of the selected indicators for ewes breed la-caune in grazing rearing. On the basis of donations of milk at regular intervals and the subsequent analysis of the milk was carried out the evaluation of the individual indica-tors. Sheep's milk came from pure-bred ewes breed lacaune (LC). The ewes from which it was collected, milk, have been on the 2. lactation and an only child. The sheep, a breed of lacaune (LC) are kept at the farm top of the Areola. This farm currently has the largest number of pieces of pure-bred sheep breed lacaune in Czech Republic. Carried out with a total of 5 subscriptions from late April to early September in the intervals of 62. day, 90. day, 125. day, 153. day and 195. day of lactation. First was the evaluation of milk yield and the measurement of daily milk yield was carried out by means of mechanical milk rates. Immediately after collection the milk cooled, and transported to the analyses of individual components into specialized labo-ratories. In the stage of lactation in 2015, the average milk yield 1,68 l. Milk from these ewes contained an average of 18,00 % dry matter, fat 7,43 %, 5,16 % protein and lactose 4,67 %. It was furthen evaluated physical and chemical composition of milk, into which encompass the titratable acidy, pH. The average value was at pH 6,59 and the titratable acidy 9,96 SH. And the technological properties of the average length of rennet clotting time 113,2 seconds and rennet curd quality 1,60, holding shape.
Monitoring velkých šelem a jejich potenciální impakt na chov ovcí v oblasti Hostýnských vrchů
Sedláková, Markéta
This work addresses the issue of beasts and expanding breeding sheep. Here are the differences between the owner and the wild animals. I focused on the area of the Hostýn hills, which are its conditions ideal for sheep, its rugged terrain, from the forests, across streams and rocky sections, as well as useful for life. In this area have the beast has a unique occurrence. The work also brings information about the factors that influence the relationship between the sheep and the incidence in the Czech Republic and in Europe. The work contains findings that were obtained from farmers on the basis of completed questionnaires. Breeders show a positive attitude towards predators in this area. Don't have a problem with the fact that the population expanded further, understand the role of beasts in our landscape as the lesnícch health care professionals and their presence
Apartment building
Kolda, Martin ; Kacálek, Petr (referee) ; Sedláková, Markéta (advisor)
The task of the bachelor's thesis is to prepare a project in the documentation phase for the construction of an object with almost zero energy consumption. The object of the bachelor's thesis is an apartment building with a basement with four above-ground floors. The apartment building is located on a flat plot on the southern edge of the town of Přelouč. There is a hairdresser with facilities on the first floor, and a total of 11 apartments on the second to fourth floors. The foundation structures are formed by plain concrete belts. Horizontal load-bearing structures with reinforced concrete plates. The vertical load-bearing structures in the underground floor are made of lost formwork fittings, in the above-ground floors by ceramic blocks. The roof of the building consists of a flat, single-skinned roof. The building is insulated by the ETICS system.
Apartment building
Parák, Štěpán ; Kacálek, Petr (referee) ; Sedláková, Markéta (advisor)
The subject of the bachelor’s thesis is project documentation of new appartment building in Pohořelice on street U kasáren. The proposed object is in the existing housing development of the city. It is a basement four-story apartment building with balconies and a flat roof. In the basement there is a cellar cubicle, 2 technical rooms, a bicycle shed, a carriage shed and a cleaning room. On the first above-ground floor, there is an apartment unit for people with limited mobility, as well as a barbershop, a dental office, and a switchboard room. There are 2 3+kk apartment units and one 1+kk apartment unit on the regular floor of the apartment building. The wall support system in the above-ground part is made of ceramic blocks, which is insulated with the ETICS system. The perimeter walls of the underground floor are made of lost formwork, and the internal load-bearing walls are made of ceramic blocks. The building will be based on monolithic concrete belts and a reinforced concrete slab. The ceiling structures are semi-assembled from ceramic concrete beams and ceramic inserts in combination with monolithic concrete additions and balcony slabs.
Apartment house Olympus
Filipčík, Martin ; Král, Jakub (referee) ; Sedláková, Markéta (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor’s work is composition of project documentation for construction of apartment building. Object is situated on the cadastral area of Třebíč, number of bulding plot is 1037/28. Building plot is situated in the location Na kopcích on the eastern part of city. Terain is mostly planar. In the apartment bulding there are three above-ground floor and one below-ground floor. In the below-ground floor there are situated storage spaces, bicycle storage, workshop, cleaning room, storage room and technical space. In the first above-ground floor there are situated two flats and four garages. In the other below-ground floor there are always situated two flats on the floor. Structural system of this building is wall system. External below-ground wall be composed of concrete blocks and thermal insulation. External above-ground wall and inside wall be composed of lime sand blocks. Object have an external thermal contact insulation. Floor structure is designed as a cast-in-place two reinforced slab. Staircase is designed as cast-in-place reinforced construction too. The roof of the bulding is flat. Floor construction are designed as floating floor.
Multifunctional building
Filipčík, Martin ; Spáčil, Miroslav (referee) ; Sedláková, Markéta (advisor)
The aim of the diploma thesis is composition of project documentation for construction of multifunctional building. Object is situated on the cadastral area of Třebíč in the location Na kopcích on the eastern part of city. Terain is slightly sloping. In the multifunctional bulding there are four above-ground floor and one below-ground floor. In the below-ground floor there are situated technical and storage spaces. In the first below-ground floor there are two entrances, the first one for administrative part and second one for residential part. The first and second above-ground floor is used for administrative purposes. The third and fourth above-ground floor is used for living in flats. Above part of the third above-ground floor there is roof made of extensive green roof and above the fourth above-ground floor there is roof made of a flat roof with a classical order of layers with waterproofing layer made of PCV-P. There is a lift in the part of object with flats. The vertical construction system of the building is wall-mounted, supplemented with girders and columns. The ceiling structures are made of reinforced concrete monolithic slabs. The staircase is monolithic reinforced concrete.
Apartment house Židlochovice
Neuhauserová, Klára ; Vacenovská, Veronika (referee) ; Sedláková, Markéta (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is the processing of project documentation for the construction of an apartment building. Building is situated in the city of Židlochovice, street Nádražní on building plots 548/8 and 548/11. The apartment building have three above-ground floors and one basement. In the basement are situated cellars, bicycle and pram room, common room, workshop and technical room. In the ground floor is situated four dwelling units of size 1+kk. In the second floor is situated two dwelling units of size 3+kk and 4+kk. In the top floor is situated two dwelling units of size 3+kk. External walls of the basement are from permanent formwork, the rest of the external walls are made of cut brick blocks. The building is insulated with ETICS contact thermal insulation system. Ceiling of the basement is two way cast-in-place reinforced slab. The ceilings of the other floors are semi-mounted ceilings consisting of brick inserts and ceiling beams. There is a elevator in the apartment house. The roof of the building is a warm flat roof with continuous waterproofing layer of asphalt sheet. The staircase is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab. There is wall structural system.
Administrative building
Smejkal, Petr ; Spáčilová, Jitka (referee) ; Sedláková, Markéta (advisor)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of the project documentation of an administrative building in the south-eastern part of Brno. The building has seven above-ground floors, of which five above-ground floors will be used as office space, one above-ground floor will be used for commercial use and gastronomy. On the last floor, there will be an elevator lift range and a technical background for air conditioning. The support system is designed as a reinforced concrete skeleton based on a reinforced concrete slab and pilots. The façade is designed as lightly ventilated with facing bricks. For this object, a single-shell roof area is selected.
The Multifunctional building Hlinky
Jarmerová, Eliška ; Erben, Adam (referee) ; Pavlovský, Tomáš (advisor) ; Sedláková, Markéta (advisor)
This bachelor thesis presents a design of a multifunctional buiding in Brno – Pisárky. The building should be located in a gap site in the street Hlinky. The plot is situated at the foothill of Žlutý kopec near the premises of Brno Exhibition Centre. The southern part of the plot includes the area of terraced houses. The street is 215m above sea level. This project designs a completion of the street housing development with a fitting construction of a convenient size and type of façade. The project takes into account a non-existing and formerly pulled-down 19th-century object of value concerned by heritage conservation. The former building was significant for its indentation in the line of the adjacent buildings. In the design I try to point out at this element applied for the whole height of the building. The building facade division follows the elements applied for the other objects in the surroundings of the lot. Based on the former analysis, the design utilizes a high potential of the place which had not been met before, mainly its easy centre and transport accessibility, south-facing slope, high density of population in the area of the exhibition centre as well as as university hostels. This multifunctional building is designed to function in three ways – as an office, a living place and a shop with a buffet providing cooked meals. The design preserves and recultivates a garden which will function as an orchard with furniture. The first floor of the object is designed as a reinforced concrete frame which is filled with a wall of cut vertically perforated brick blocks with mineral wool insulation and completed with ventilated façade made of facing bricks. The building has six aboveground floors and one underground floor. The height of the designed building overtops the neighbouring buildings, which is hidden due to the division of the building facade into smaller areas whose function is to achieve better setting of the mass of the building into the frontage.
The Multifunctional building in Brno Zidenice
Hanousek, Ondřej ; ing.arch. Lukáš Ležatka, Ph.D (referee) ; Pavlovský, Tomáš (advisor) ; Sedláková, Markéta (advisor)
This thesis deals with the construction of two multifunctional houses in the district Židenice in Brno. The existing unsuitable one-story residential building will be completely replaced. The dominant feature of the place is a chapel, located right in the middle of the crossing of the streets Nezamyslova and Táborská. The proposed buildings are connected both construction-wise and functionally by an underground parking lot spanning the area below both buildings and between them. Both objects react with the height to the mean number of stories of the streets on whose ends they are located, and they increment them by one, as more intensive city density is expected in the district in the future. The northern building has four, the southern three stories. This difference is emphasized but harmonized at the same time by the skewing of both buildings under the same, but opposite angle. This creates perfectly sunlit terraces at the southern facade of the northern building, while the southern building increases the area of its floor plan with height. The twelve appartment units in the northern building all have their own balconies, with extra acces to the communal exntensive green roofs. In the southern building, there are two duplex flats with access to their respective section of the roof by their own staircase. The additional functions apart from housing are a small administrative unit, two rentable commercial spaces and a café located in the lucrative street crossing. Together with the proposed trees, the buildings create a „canvas“ for the chapel, which allows it to become the true dominant element of the street and the vicinity.

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