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Sociálně emoční kompetence dětí vzdělávaných v domácím prostředí
Rubišová, Soňa ; Presslerová, Pavla (vedoucí práce) ; Kučerová, Olga (oponent)
My thesis deals with level of socially emotional competence of home educated children. In theoretical part I present concept of individual education and disputation of various authors on this subject, characterize development period of young school age and present theoretical delimitation of both test methods that I use for data collection. Empirical part consist of elaborate comparison of output of two groups of children aged 8 - 10 years, each group consist of 5 respondents. First group is constituted of children that are home educated more than one year. Second group include children attending regular educational institution and meet the conditions I determined for pair comparison. Main methods for data collection are the Intelligence and Development Scales (IDS) and my own initiative material made of seven photographs, that are evaluated with the Scale of Social Orientation (SOS). Results are processed qualitatively. I compare individual pair of children from exploratory and control group followed by summary comparison. Then I analyze content of answers. Acquired results don't imply any significant differences in performance of exploratory and control group. KEYWORDS homeschooling, social emotional competencies, younger school age, test IDS, the Scale of Social Orientation

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