Rites of Christian Initiation in the Byzantine and Roman Traditions. Outline of a comparison
Penyuk, Yuliya ; Kotas, Jan (advisor) ; Kuźniar, Mariusz (referee)
Rites of Christian Initiation in Byzantine and Roman Traditions. Outline of Comparison. The bachelor's thesis dwells on the rites of Christian initiation in two respective traditions: Slavonic-Byzantine and western - Roman. The author starts from a historical insight into the formation of celebration of the initiation rites from the New Testament praxis though ancient and medieval Church up to the development in last centuries. She notices changes in the celebration of Christian initiation made because of historical development or differences of rites related to various cultural settings. In the second part of the thesis, she tries to outline a comparison between current initiation rites - those of infants as well as those of adults - in both traditions. She studies the contemporary praxis from liturgical books and from other available sources in the Roman-Catholic Church as well as in the Greek-Catholic and Orthodox Churches in Eastern Europe. Keywords Christian initiation, sacraments of initiation, baptism, confirmation, myron, Eucharist, liturgy, Byzantine tradition, western tradition.