National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Use of the new media at a local level: at an example of Novojičínsko region
Ocásková, Šárka ; Jirků, Jan (advisor) ; Švelch, Jan (referee)
New media are now growing more than ever before. It is probably clear to everyone that this new trend impacted on has hit all fields of dissemination of the news and information channels. How far have these new media influenced such a specific journal as town hall journal is? It may vary according to by regions. It also depends on what the situation in the town is, what is typical for the region, and how can region manage the rapid modernization in this area, to be more useful than harmful. That is why I have chosen Moravian-Silesian region for my work. Due to the fact that even this area is quite large, I focused on Novojičínsko region in more detail. To get a better idea of this area the first part of the work is focused on the specification of the region, especially Novojičínsko region. There is explained why the town hall journal is so specific and sodifferent from other magazines. The main sources of the data for this work are in-depth interviews with the authors of the individual periodicals. These interviews will show us how far the authors have been influenced by new technologies and information channels, what they have already put into practice. We also discussed their plans for the future, and on the other hand - what causes the biggest problems and complications in implementing the new...
Use of the new media at a local level: at an example of Novojičínsko region
Ocásková, Šárka ; Jirků, Jan (advisor) ; Švelch, Jan (referee)
New media are now growing more than ever before. It is probably clear to everyone that this new trend impacted on has hit all fields of dissemination of the news and information channels. How far have these new media influenced such a specific journal as town hall journal is? It may vary according to by regions. It also depends on what the situation in the town is, what is typical for the region, and how can region manage the rapid modernization in this area, to be more useful than harmful. That is why I have chosen Moravian-Silesian region for my work. Due to the fact that even this area is quite large, I focused on Novojičínsko region in more detail. To get a better idea of this area the first part of the work is focused on the specification of the region, especially Novojičínsko region. There is explained why the town hall journal is so specific and sodifferent from other magazines. The main sources of the data for this work are in-depth interviews with the authors of the individual periodicals. These interviews will show us how far the authors have been influenced by new technologies and information channels, what they have already put into practice. We also discussed their plans for the future, and on the other hand - what causes the biggest problems and complications in implementing the new...

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