National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Operations and services of Václav Havel Airport
Loncká, Veronika ; Abrhám, Josef (advisor) ; Kalábová, Markéta (referee)
Operations and services of Václav Havel Airpot: The Master´s thesis derals with operations and services of the largest and busiest airport in the Czech Republic, situated in its capital city. The main goals of the thesis are a detailed description of the services the airport offers to travellers and an evaluation of the airport´s operations with regards to its 2016 record season. The theoretical section of the thesis deals with the airport´s history, its premises and its range of operations and services. The analytical section aims to map which of tis services are most widely used with regards to travellerś gender and age.
Selected psychological personality attributes of bank employees
Loncká, Veronika ; Krejčová, Kristýna (advisor) ; Langer, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to define selected psychological personality attributes of bank employees. The thesis describes the personality traits, particularly the characteristics such as extroversion, introversion, intuition, sensuality, reasonableness, circumspection etc. Their representation frequency had been examined within selected sample of respondents. The thesis also concerns with the charakter parts in companies and individual attributes of these parts. The conclusion part summarizes prevailing characteristics and describes those appropriate or essentials for bank employees. The knowledge findings might be relevant for the further practical application of HR stuff and be come their support while recruiting employees within the bank sector.

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