Using of the soil arametrisation based on soil samples database in rainfall-runoff modelling
Němečková, Soňa ; Košková, Romana ; Hesse, C.
The soil data processing and the simulations of the hydrological cycle in the Malse river basin using a distributed hydrological model SWIM are described. The Malse basin is situated in the southern Bohemia and it is a part of the Elbe river basin. Two sets of soil parameters were derived, the first one according to the soil samples (of the soil types) in the Malse watershed and the second according to samples from the whole Elbe river basin. The runoff simulations were completed based on both sets of parameters as the sensitivity test of the SWIM model to the soil data.
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Climate change and engineering precaution in all-planetary scale
Kos, Z. ; Košková, Romana
All the fundamental analysis of climate resulted in prediction of the climate change. The main impact of greenhouse gases production of mankind will be global warming. The political negotiations against climate change organised up to now require regulation of greenhouse gases only. Actions like the Kyoto Protocol will not stop the increase of concentrations of greenhouse gases and further global warming. On the other hand, the methods of engineering the whole planet - geo-engineering - are capable to reduce the global temperature by engineering methods.
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Changes of water regime due to land use change
Buchtele, Josef ; Buchtelová, Marie ; Košková, Romana
Tendencies in water regime resulting from land-use change represent an important and actual subject for research on global scale as well as urgent problem from the local viewpoint.The assessment of deforestation, urbanisation and intense farming effects on flood regime on local or regional scale represent an important and integral part of such intentions and projects. Gradual deforestation, then overgrowing of deforested areas with grass or reforestation of some parts of catchments indicate that the change of vegetation cover did not occur as an abrupt change, but often even random phenomena took place, such as damage in woods inflicted by bark beetle, etc. In order to compare consequences of all these phenomena in different natural conditions simulations in relatively undisturbed areas, i.e. in the Šumava Mts in southern Bohemia were incorporated into the studies. The Vltava catchment down the river to Lenora village and Otava catchment down to Modrava are used for such comparisons.
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