National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Flash floods as theme for the summer periods in next decades
Buchtele, Josef ; Tesař, Miroslav ; Chlumecký, M. ; Fořtová, Magda
The variability of water regime in the annual cycle is influenced not only by the annual development of the vegetation cover, but also by its increases in the span of several decades. In the actual year it has been twelve years ago when the disastrous floods appeared in the Labe River, and more than fifteen years from destructive inundations in the Morava River basin, and so it is reasonable to remind those situations in the context with the recent flood. The modeling of rainfall-runoff process is the tool for the evaluation of the possible changes in the water regime in the mentioned landscape development.
The Simulation of Rainfall-runoff process for the Czech Elbe River Basin Using One Hundred Years Daily Series
Buchtele, Josef ; Buchtelová, Marie ; Fořtová, Magda
Water regime changes happen in consequence of human activity on streams and in landscape. The present article deals with runoff changes caused by channel adjustment and by historical and recent reservoirs influence and deforestation and water withdrawal effect. The changes are evaluated by water balance and by rainfall-runoff process simulations.
Results of a rainfall-runoff model used for simulations in selected sub-basins of the Czech par of the Elbe river
Buchtele, Josef ; Košková, Romana ; Fořtová, Magda
The simulations of rainfall-runoff processes were prepared for the selected sub-basins of the Czech Labe river. The tool used for simulations was rainfall-runoff model Sacramento developed by the National Weather Service River Forecast Center. The aim of the project was to ascertain the changes int the observed and simulated runoff series caused by the geomorphological and climate conditions, by the model sensitivity to input data and by the human activities as land cover and land-use changes.
Influence of land-use changes on flood regime - simulation using rainfall-runoff model
Buchtele, Josef ; Buchtelová, Marie ; Fořtová, Magda
Deforestation induced by acid rains causes also the changes of runoff process. Data of one experimental basin have been used for simulation which should reveal appearing runoff changes.
Implementace hydrologických modelů SAC-SMA a HSPF v povodí Vltavy pro uzávěrový profil Lenora
Košková, Romana ; Buchtele, Josef ; Vološ, B. ; Fořtová, Magda
Research aim is the application of two different rainfall-runoff models to a specific basin and comparison of the results of rainfall-runoff simulations obtained both with and without respect to data spatial variability

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1 FOŘTOVÁ, Marcela
5 FOŘTOVÁ, Martina
3 FOŘTOVÁ, Miroslava
1 Fořtová, Magdaléna
2 Fořtová, Markéta
5 Fořtová, Martina
2 Fořtová, Michaela
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