National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Secondary metabolite production in explantate cultures of St. John's worth
Křížová, Šárka ; Martin, Jan (advisor) ; Kašparová, Marie (referee)
Secondary metabolite production in explantate cultures of St. John's Wort Šárka Křížová Diploma thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Pharmacy Key words: St. John's Wort, elicitation, flavonoids, hydrogen peroxide, glutathion, neutral red. The goal of the diploma thesis was to influence the production of secondary metabolites (flavonoids) in explantate cultures of St. John's Wort. Method of elicitation was used. This method is based on adding of an elicitor (stressor) to the tissue culture. Suspensional and callus cultures of Hypericum Perforatum L. were used for experiments with potential elicitors: hydrogen peroxide, combination of hydrogen peroxide and Mg-ATP, glutathion and cellular pigment neutral red. Their effect to the production of flavonoids was evaluated after 4 and 24 hours. Cultures were cultivated on Murashige and Skoog medium with the addition of a growth hormone BAP and a growth stimulator α-NAO. HPLC method was used for analysis of the samples. Hydrogen peroxide raised the production of flavonoids, especially in suspensional cultures, in callus cultures the highest influence had glutathion (reduced form) and neutral red. The highest production of flavonoids was reached after 24 hours by addition of hydrogen peroxide in concentration 100 mg/l,...
Chemical and Physical Properties of Impact Glasses
Křížová, Šárka ; Skála, Roman (advisor) ; Kohout, Tomáš (referee) ; Macháček, Jan (referee)
Abstract This work deals with microstructural features, chemistry and the search for traces of a meteoritic component in proximal tektite-like glasses from the Zhamanshin impact structure (Kazakhstan; further abbreviated as ZIS), and tektites from two strewn fields - moldavites (Czech Republic) and Australasian tektites (Laos; further abbreviated as AAT). Detailed microstructural observations and subsequent chemical and mineralogical studies of various types of inclusions were also performed; these inclusions were mostly found in the studied types of glasses for the first time ever. The aim of this PhD thesis was to (i) describe the microstructure of all studied glasses with a focus on yet unobserved microstructural phenomena, and (ii) try to determine the admixtures of meteoritic components in these glasses. In addition, the available target rocks, which could be a source of moldavites or AAT, were also studied. The microstructures of the studied glasses mutually differ. This is due to a diversity of parent materials and different glass formation conditions occurring during a particular impact event. A new type of "composite splash-form" has been identified among the ZIS glasses, whose chemical composition does not fit into the previously defined groups of irghizites or basic "splash-forms". For...
Educational computer game, its creation and use for practise of chemistry of nonmetal schoolwork
This diploma thesis is concerned on the creation and use of computer game (adventure). It´s purpose is usability in repeating the teaching of nonmetal chemistry. The game is designed especially for pupils of elementary schools. The adventure takes place in Prachatice. Pupils learn history of the renaissance town during the playing of didactic game. The game contributes to the activation of teaching and the development of interdisciplinary relations.
Current issues of the studies of multicoloured beads from the early medieval Bohemia
Tomková, Kateřina ; Křížová, Šárka
A summary of the findings of early medieval finds of polychrome beads from Bohemia, including the basic typological scheme based on the inventory of these beads. Special attention is paid to beads with simple and especially millefiori eyes in combination with crossing trails. The different chemical composition of glasses of both types of beads, as determined by the SEM-EDS method, may indicate different production centers. The topography of Central European findings suggests that these beads have spread to Bohemia from the Carpathian basin, which has been the mediator of cultural influence from Southern and Eastern Europe.
The determination of catechins and phenylpropanoid acids in selected
Křížová, Šárka ; Martin, Jan (advisor) ; Spilková, Jiřina (referee)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of: Pharmacognosy Candidate: Mgr. Šárka Křížová Consultant: PharmDr. Jan Martin, Ph.D. Title of Thesis: The determination of catechins and phenylpropanoid acids in selected dietary supplements Key words: dietary supplements, green coffee, green tea, guarana, catechins, phenylpropanoid acids. This work was focused on the determination of catechins and phenylpropanoid acids in selected dietary supplements. We selected 8 dietary supplements containing of green coffee, green tea a and guarana, which are used for the body weight loss, boost metabolism and detoxification. We prepared 2 extracts from these examinated products, one for the determination of gallic acid and catechins, the second one for the determination of phenylpropanoid acids and flavonoids. We used HPLC analysis for the detection of mentioned substances. The results of this work show that these products occuring in the territory of the Czech Republic have lower quality in most cases. Legislative requirements of these products have been met, but the measured content of active substances was lower than the producer declarate.
Secondary metabolite production in explantate cultures of St. John's worth
Křížová, Šárka ; Martin, Jan (advisor) ; Kašparová, Marie (referee)
Secondary metabolite production in explantate cultures of St. John's Wort Šárka Křížová Diploma thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Pharmacy Key words: St. John's Wort, elicitation, flavonoids, hydrogen peroxide, glutathion, neutral red. The goal of the diploma thesis was to influence the production of secondary metabolites (flavonoids) in explantate cultures of St. John's Wort. Method of elicitation was used. This method is based on adding of an elicitor (stressor) to the tissue culture. Suspensional and callus cultures of Hypericum Perforatum L. were used for experiments with potential elicitors: hydrogen peroxide, combination of hydrogen peroxide and Mg-ATP, glutathion and cellular pigment neutral red. Their effect to the production of flavonoids was evaluated after 4 and 24 hours. Cultures were cultivated on Murashige and Skoog medium with the addition of a growth hormone BAP and a growth stimulator α-NAO. HPLC method was used for analysis of the samples. Hydrogen peroxide raised the production of flavonoids, especially in suspensional cultures, in callus cultures the highest influence had glutathion (reduced form) and neutral red. The highest production of flavonoids was reached after 24 hours by addition of hydrogen peroxide in concentration 100 mg/l,...
Creating computer a game suitable for practice of nomenclature of inorganic chemistry
The thesis deals with creating educational computer game which means to be used as alternative didactic material for pupils on lower grades of grammar schools and higher grades of elementary schools at Chemistry. The adventure game is situated to the town of Třeboň. This adventure contains a set of tests that help to practice of inorganic nomenclature.
The Export Strategy of the Pilsner Urquell Company
Křížová, Šárka ; Průša, Přemysl (advisor) ; Vik, Zdeněk (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with the export strategy of the Pilsner Urquell brewery. In the theoretical part there are mentioned some steps, which are generally an important part of a company's preliminary before entering the international markets. The practical part is presented by the Pilsner Urquell Brewery and its activities abroad. The analysis of local beer markets and the strategy of the brand Pilsner Urquell is shown on the example of Spain and Sweden.
Geografická analýza toků portfolio investic (2001 - 2005)
Křížová, Šárka ; Lukáš, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Cupák, Patrik (referee)
Analýza toků portfoliových investic ve světě v letech 2001 - 2005, definování investičních center a periferií, výše toků portfoliových investic mezi nejvýznamnějšími regiony a zeměmi a podrobnější popis investičního postavení České republiky, srovnání s obchodem se zbožím a ověření hypotézy vzájemné vazby obchodu se zbožím a výměnou portfoliových investic s nejvýznamnějšími ekonomickými partnery ČR.

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