National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
PPension - technological phase coarse upper construction
Řihák, Pavel ; Henek, Vladan (referee) ; Henková, Svatava (advisor)
The thesis is focused on construction srubového pension. It deals with issues of selected technological part of the project, which are: technical report biotic pests of wood, wood protection, technological process timber harvester, log walls, ceilings, roof, site facilities, the construction schedule, naazení machines, inspection and test plan, safety and health protection at work.
Construction technology project of production facility of Brno papermill s.c.
Pavlíček, Jan ; Henek, Vladan (referee) ; Novotný, Michal (advisor)
Master´s thesis named Construction technology project of production facility of Brno papermill s.c. is focused od technological preparation and realization of production facility itself. Main goal is to design time, financial, human and material sources. All these aspects were designed according to project documentation for construction permit.
Construction technology project of multifunctional building in the Česká Skalice
Hanuš, Jakub ; Henek, Vladan (referee) ; Novotný, Michal (advisor)
This master´s thesis discusses the construction technological project of the newly built multifunctional building in the Česká Skalice focusing on the selected technological phases. Speciffically it is the implementation of the earthworks and the bricklaying using the TRESK brick system. For these technological steps are processed all documents that is necessary for their implementation. There are detailed elaboration of the timescales and financial plans for construction of the main building structure in this project.
Production and storage hall Hodonín- Construction Technological Project
Klimánek, Tomáš ; Henek, Vladan (referee) ; Henková, Svatava (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the constructive-technological project of production and storage hall. Thesis includes the study of main part of technology phases ot the building, time schedule, financial plans, technology procedure for piles and micropiles, design of main mechanisms, concept of building site, quality control and test plans, assesses risks during the realization.
Production and storage hall Hodonín- Construction Technological Project
Klimánek, Tomáš ; Henek, Vladan (referee) ; Henková, Svatava (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the constructive-technological project of production and storage hall. Thesis includes the study of main part of technology phases ot the building, time schedule, financial plans, technology procedure for piles and micropiles, design of main mechanisms, concept of building site, quality control and test plans, assesses risks during the realization.
Construction technology project of multifunctional building in the Česká Skalice
Hanuš, Jakub ; Henek, Vladan (referee) ; Novotný, Michal (advisor)
This master´s thesis discusses the construction technological project of the newly built multifunctional building in the Česká Skalice focusing on the selected technological phases. Speciffically it is the implementation of the earthworks and the bricklaying using the TRESK brick system. For these technological steps are processed all documents that is necessary for their implementation. There are detailed elaboration of the timescales and financial plans for construction of the main building structure in this project.
Construction technology project of production facility of Brno papermill s.c.
Pavlíček, Jan ; Henek, Vladan (referee) ; Novotný, Michal (advisor)
Master´s thesis named Construction technology project of production facility of Brno papermill s.c. is focused od technological preparation and realization of production facility itself. Main goal is to design time, financial, human and material sources. All these aspects were designed according to project documentation for construction permit.
PPension - technological phase coarse upper construction
Řihák, Pavel ; Henek, Vladan (referee) ; Henková, Svatava (advisor)
The thesis is focused on construction srubového pension. It deals with issues of selected technological part of the project, which are: technical report biotic pests of wood, wood protection, technological process timber harvester, log walls, ceilings, roof, site facilities, the construction schedule, naazení machines, inspection and test plan, safety and health protection at work.

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