National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Jaké je zdůvodnění restriktivní migrační politiky? Chtějí rozvinuté země omezovat migraci?
Tsybyktarov, Aldar ; Klosová, Anna (advisor) ; Coniglio, Nicola (referee)
What is the rationale behind immigration policies? Do developed countries really want to restrict immigration?
Analýza dopadu sankcí na obchod mezi Evropskou unií a Ruskem
Kolářová, Andrea ; Klosová, Anna (advisor) ; Coniglio, Nicola (referee)
This thesis is trying to assess the effects of sanctions imposed on Russia in 2014 by the European Union and other countries, with respect to the changes in the trade flows among the two participants (EU and Russia). Firstly, the theoretical background for sanctions is provided, explaining their meaning and instruments which they use. Secondly, the overview of the Ukrainian conflict is conducted together with a brief review of the economic restrictions which were implemented, as well as the Russian counter-sanctions. The empirical part is firstly explaining the effects of the restrictions on the both economies and then introducing the state of the bilateral trade flows between the EU and Russia before the imposition of the sanctions. The most important part of the thesis is the gravity model conducted in the third chapter, which is trying to estimate the effects of the sanctions on the EU-Russian trade flows using two approaches. One of them is conducted with the help of regression analysis and a dummy variable which controls for the sanctions effect. The other one is predicting the values of exports without the disturbance of the sanctions and then comparing the results with the real values of the export for the years examined. The results of these analyses have proven the expectations about the negative impact of the sanctions on the trade flows between the EU and Russia.
Clustering leteckého průmyslu a jeho role v hospodářské výkonnosti
Hladký, Ján ; Klosová, Anna (advisor) ; Coniglio, Nicola (referee)
This dissertation thesis evaluates the role of aerospace clustering in the economic output. The focus on the clusters is based on the already existing theory, namely Michael Porter's book The Competitive Advantage of Nations in which he named clustering as one of the four essential factors that define the economic competitiveness of a country. On the other hand, the aerospace industry shows a huge potential with growing markets in Asia and in the run of the next decades, space exploration has to be reckoned with. In order to give a support to this theory and apply it to aerospace, a two stage analysis has been conducted. Firstly, Leontief's Input-Output analysis has been conducted, to show the importance of exports from this industry. Secondly, a model proposed by Hausmann et al. in 2007 has been adjusted to observe the productivity of aerospace commodities. The results of these analyses are positive and they give evidence to the importance of aerospace clustering. Moreover, they give merits to policy-makers' actions in this area.
Ohodnotenie vplyvu sankcií na obchod medzi EU a Ruskom
Hašková, Barbara ; Klosová, Anna (advisor) ; Coniglio, Nicola (referee)
This thesis concerns about the effectiveness of sanctions imposed between Russia and the EU in 2014. Firstly are conducted theoretical foundations of sanctions and their imposition from the EU as well as Russian contra-sanctions. Secondly, the analysis is based on the gravity model in trade in log-linear form and further develop out-of-sample estimations about trade potentials. Although trade potentials did not proved the expected decrease in exports from EU to Russia, the Input-Output analysis of impacts on exports of food products did so. Results yielded calculated impacts on GDP of various countries due to food embargo that are more or less comparable with the actual evolution of GDP and trade flows. Thirdly, the indirect effects of sanctions of third country effect and re-exports are observed from trade patterns. There has been recorded increased exports of food related products from the EU towards members of Euroasian Customs Union as well as increased imports from these countries to Russia. Finally, the results points out decreased economic activity of Russia due to depreciation of domestic currency, capital flight, decline in oil prices and also sanctions adding up to the problems the economy deals with. The economic impacts of sanctions are present in both parties. However, from the political view sanctions did not proved to be effective so far. Russian intervention in Ukraine territory is continuing.
Měnová politika a ECB
Strejc, Daniel ; Klosová, Anna (advisor) ; Coniglio, Nicola (referee)
The thesis evaluates the ECB's monetary policy during the past decade by using policy rules and compares the suitability to particular members of the Eurozone. It examines the central bank's reaction function regarding the output and inflation. The work is divided into two main parts. First, gives the theoretical introduction of monetary policy and evaluation of the Eurozone regarding the theory of optimal currency area. In the second part it provides the econometric models and estimates. As a conclusion the results of two different OLS models show that, we cannot precisely decide to which variable the ECB reacted, as obtained two statistically significant models but with different results. For two models is used different variables GDP gap and IPI gap. The results have also shown that the ECB's monetary policy mostly suits to biggest economies within the Eurozone.

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