National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Issues of geriatric palliative care
ŘÍHOVÁ, Marcela
Introduction: As the number of elderly people increases, so do the demands for specialized palliative care. Therefore, this bachelor thesis deals with the issue of palliative care in geriatric individuals. Objectives of the thesis: This thesis aims to find out what knowledge nurses, in selected wards, have about geriatric palliative care and what is the continuity, of geriatric palliative care, between hospitals and nursing homes. Methodology: The qualitative research technique of the semi-structured interview method was used. Using the snowball sampling method, the research population consisted of nurses selected based on specified criteria. A total of 11 interviews were conducted with general nurses working in the South Bohemia and West Bohemia regions. The results were processed using the "pencil paper" method. Within the framework of open coding, 6 categories, 18 subcategories, and 154 codes were identified. Results: Nurses in selected departments are informed about geriatric palliative care issues and are still interested in further education. The results also indicate deficiencies in the amount of information being conveyed. Sending patients/clients in inappropriate conditions was repeatedly mentioned. Communication among nurses takes place through transfer messages or, if necessary, minimal telephone contact. Nurses provide standard care for geriatric palliative patients, but in some areas, they have an individual approach based on the needs and desires of the patient. Conclusion: The research results once again underscore the necessity of paying greater attention to the quality and organization of handover between hospital facilities and senior care homes.
The influence of training on the lungs functional capacity in gymnasts
Říhová, Marcela ; Šteffl, Michal (advisor) ; Krištofič, Jaroslav (referee)
Title: The effect of training exercise on lung functional capacity in gymnasts Objectives: The objectives of this work is to find out the influence of gymnastic exercise on forced vital capacity (FVC), heart rate and blood LA. Methods: Nine female top-level artistic gymnasts participated in the study. The age ranged between 18-25 years. FVC was measured by a personal spirometer, heart rate by a sportester, and blood lactate level by a blood LA analyzer Statistical analysis: Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationships between variables. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test was used to test normality in our dependent variables. Regression models were used to estimate associations between variables. Non-parametric Friedman test was used to test the differences between measurements and Wilcoxon test was used for post-hoc analysis. Results: A statistically significant increasing (p <0.05) was found in the blood LA as well as in heart rate. A statistically significant relationship (p <0.05) was confirmed between resting LA level and percentage changes in FVC and LA. Keywords: spirometer, sporttester, blood lactate, burpee test, LA, artistic gymnastics

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2 ŘÍHOVÁ, Marcela
2 ŘÍHOVÁ, Markéta
10 ŘÍHOVÁ, Martina
4 ŘÍHOVÁ, Michala
1 ŘÍHOVÁ, Miloslava
6 ŘÍHOVÁ, Monika
2 Říhová, Marie
2 Říhová, Markéta
10 Říhová, Martina
4 Říhová, Michaela
4 Říhová, Michala
4 Říhová, Miroslava
6 Říhová, Monika
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