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The literal research summarizes water in the landscape. It also discusses the topic of retention capacity in the landscape. Basic information and history related to ponds are then provided. In the final part of this bachelor thesis, grant titles currently available in the Czech Republic, that address the issue of water retention in the landscape are listed. The practical part of this bachelor thesis focuses on the projects of Hydro & Kov company in the South Bohemian region over a span of thirteen years (2008-2021). The implementations were categorized according to the type of contract, budget and grant titles. The thesis includes a description of two selected constructions where the author of this bachelor's thesis was present. The findings from the research were transferred into 3 map outputs. A total of 97 implementations were examined in the selected area.
Seasonal accumulations using power-to-gas technology
Zavadil, Jan ; Martin Pešek (EGÚ Brno, a. s. ) (referee) ; Pospíšil, Jiří (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focusing on the seasonal energy storage in synthetic fuels and the Power to Gas system (P2G). The P2G enables the conversion of electrical energy in times of electricity surplus, for example by using the surplus from renewable energy sources to produce synthetic gas, particulary hydrogen and synthetic methane. The main focus is on the technical and economic assessment of P2G of the Gazela natural gas pipeline. Furthermore, it identifies the limits of production, transportation, and storage capacities of these synthetic gases. The technical analysis assumes the injection of hydrogen of a certain molar concentration, according to the four proposed scenarios, into the natural gas transmission system in the Gazela pipeline. The results have showen that an increase in the molar fraction of hydrogen in natural gas will cause problems in gas transport and will lead to an increase in the pressure losses, an increase in flow rate, and a decrease in the storage capacity of the pipeline. The economic analysis examines the use of P2G technology in Czech conditions. It demonstrates the amount of production costs for the production of 1 MWh of synthetic gas depending on the electricity price and the operating time of the production facility. The sensitivity analysis has shown that neither hydrogen nor synthetic methane is competitive next to cheap natural gas unless measures like an increased price of emission allowances or a carbon tax are taken.
Emissions of medium pressure steam boilers for gaseous fuel
Zavadil, Jan ; Milčák, Pavel (referee) ; Šnajdárek, Ladislav (advisor)
The aim of this the Bachelor Thesis is a description of a medium steam boiler for gas fuels, fuel's emissions created during the burning process of natural gas and following evaluation of measured pollutants in 5 years of operation. First part of the thesis describes types of steam boilers and most important parts of it. Following a brief comparison of burners for gas and liquid fuels and pollutants created during the burning process of natural gas and their impact on the environment. The last part focuses on measurements of pollutants in real device and a review of produced pollutants created during the long-term operation.
Seasonal accumulations using power-to-gas technology
Zavadil, Jan ; Martin Pešek (EGÚ Brno, a. s. ) (referee) ; Pospíšil, Jiří (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focusing on the seasonal energy storage in synthetic fuels and the Power to Gas system (P2G). The P2G enables the conversion of electrical energy in times of electricity surplus, for example by using the surplus from renewable energy sources to produce synthetic gas, particulary hydrogen and synthetic methane. The main focus is on the technical and economic assessment of P2G of the Gazela natural gas pipeline. Furthermore, it identifies the limits of production, transportation, and storage capacities of these synthetic gases. The technical analysis assumes the injection of hydrogen of a certain molar concentration, according to the four proposed scenarios, into the natural gas transmission system in the Gazela pipeline. The results have showen that an increase in the molar fraction of hydrogen in natural gas will cause problems in gas transport and will lead to an increase in the pressure losses, an increase in flow rate, and a decrease in the storage capacity of the pipeline. The economic analysis examines the use of P2G technology in Czech conditions. It demonstrates the amount of production costs for the production of 1 MWh of synthetic gas depending on the electricity price and the operating time of the production facility. The sensitivity analysis has shown that neither hydrogen nor synthetic methane is competitive next to cheap natural gas unless measures like an increased price of emission allowances or a carbon tax are taken.
Emissions of medium pressure steam boilers for gaseous fuel
Zavadil, Jan ; Milčák, Pavel (referee) ; Šnajdárek, Ladislav (advisor)
The aim of this the Bachelor Thesis is a description of a medium steam boiler for gas fuels, fuel's emissions created during the burning process of natural gas and following evaluation of measured pollutants in 5 years of operation. First part of the thesis describes types of steam boilers and most important parts of it. Following a brief comparison of burners for gas and liquid fuels and pollutants created during the burning process of natural gas and their impact on the environment. The last part focuses on measurements of pollutants in real device and a review of produced pollutants created during the long-term operation.
Kinesiological analysis of tachi-waza technique in judo
Zavadil, Jan ; Pavelka, Radim (advisor) ; Smolík, Petr (referee)
Title: Kinesiological analysis of tachi-waza technique in judo Objectives: The aim of this work is to measure activity of selected back muscles and oblique abdominal muscle using surface EMG. At the same time, determine the load with comparison with the maximum free contraction for musculus erector spinae with selected judo techniques tai otoshi, o goshi and uchi mata. Then perform intra- individual comparisons between different techniques and comparisons between measured probands. Methods: To determine the muscle chain in a motion cycle in techniques tai otoshi, o goshi and uchi mata by surface EMG method and kinetic analysis. Six probands with several years of experience in judo were selected to measure. The measurements were four muscles on both sides: musculus trapezius, musculus erector spinae, musculus latissimus dorsi a musculus obliquus externus abdominis. Results: There was some similarity for intra-individual comparison. Three probands between the technique tai otoshi and o goshi, two between tai otoshi and uchi mata. Can be assumed, that techniques tai otoshi is basic technique with which the probants began in their youth. In the inter-individual comparison, the results showed, that the technique is very individual. Most muscles involved 80% of the average motion cycle. Most often at the...
Profile of judo competitors qualified for the Olympic Games 2012
Zavadil, Jan ; Coufalová, Klára (advisor) ; Smolík, Petr (referee)
Title: Profile of judo competitors qualified for the Olympic Games 2012 Objectives: The aim of this work was to create a profile of Czech judo athletes who were qualified for the Olympic Games in London 2012 - to document their four-year Olympic qualification and Compaq each other. Methods: As method for collection of data was used a guided interview and analysis of training plans and records of four years long Olympic qualification. Then, by comparison, I compared the success and growth of condition in each year for each athlete in Olympic qualifying in 2009 and 2012. Results: I found that in the tracked years best results showed Lukas Krpálek, who also scored best in the world ranking list and reached best place at the Olympic games in London. While watching the rise of condition I found that the increase throughout the qualification had only Lukas Krpálek. Keywords: Judo, Olympic games, olympic qualification, annual training plan.
Analysis of managerial styles within a business
Zavadil, Jan ; Hron, Jan (advisor) ; Karel, Karel (referee)
This thesis focuses on analysis of the managerial styles. The main aim of the thesis is to identify and analyze different managerial styles and approaches to leadership of a selected managers. Evaluate them and make recommendations to increase effectiveness of those managers. The work is divided into two parts. The first section is theoretical part and describes fundamental terms, managerial work and managerial styles classification. The second section is practical part. At the beginning contains basic characteristics of chosen business and managers. In the next part the managerial styles are examined through GRID and MBTI questionnaires as well as individual interviews with the managers. The conclusion of the thesis contains the summary of the findings and recommendations for improving the work of managers.
Možnosti rovoje českého družstevnictví v kontextu EU a států s dlouhodobou tradicí v tomto oboru
Zavadil, Jan ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Svoboda, Jiří (referee)
Diplomová práce zaměřená na rozvoj českého družstevnictví v kontextu družstevně vyspělých států ve své teoretické části vymezuje legislativní problematiku družstev a porovnává ji s legislativou EU. Praktická část se zabývá ekonomickými ukazateli vybraných družstevních svazů Japonska, Švýcarska a Itálie a naznačuje směr dalšího vývoje družstevnictví ČR. Dílčí část výzkumu je zaměřena na meziválečné období družstevnictví ČSR a komparaci s jeho současným stavem.

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3 Zavadil, Jakub
10 Zavadil, Jan
6 Zavadil, Jaroslav
5 Zavadil, Jiří
1 Zavadil, Josef
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