National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Funding of Law Consulting Room Renovation by EU Grants
Mitrengová, Anna ; Tomášková, Jana (referee) ; Kopřiva, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on gaining on financial resources from EU grants. It deals particulary with financing material and technical equipment for law consulting room of non-profit making organisation Enviromental Law Service. This thesis is dedicated to the detachment of suitable financial resources for this project, their comparing and final decision for the right one to apply.
Freedom and Public Health in a Pandemic
Tomášková, Jana ; Guasti, Petra (advisor) ; Franěk, Jakub (referee)
Bakalářská práce se věnuje kalibraci demokratických svobod a jejich instrumentalizaci v době pandemického vládnutí. Problematika je demonstrována na příkladu České republiky nacházející se v nouzovém stavu a nahlížena skrze korektivní úlohu ÚS ČR, který je garantem proporcionálního vyvažování ochrany veřejného zdraví a rovněž ochrany demokratických svobod. Panující tenze bezesporu testuje právní stát i funkčnost systému brzd a protiváh, jehož existence přímo chrání povahu demokratičnosti zřízení. Ukazuje se, že i v nouzovém stavu existuje oblast občanských práv a svobod, jejíž faktické narušení zůstává předmětem legitimního sporu mezi exekutivou a judikativou.
The Ouestion of Accession of Trukey to the EU
The aim of this work is to compose history of a Turkish entering process to EU. Therefore we need to pay a special attention to the Turkish modern history. In the next part of the work we will come over some of the main topics discussed through the European policy while speaking about the Turkish issue. It is to be especially the country's Islamic character, then human rights'question and last not the least we will consider Turkish economic problems. At the December's summit of EU representative, it was decided to open European gate to Turkey by October 2005. It was also confirmed by the official beginning of the negotiation talks on the 3rd October 2005. It is to say that this process is going to last for years, decades maybe. Meanwhile we can witness revolutionary changes both in EU alone and in Turkish society. The aim of this work is to compose history of a Turkish entering process to EU. Therefore we need to pay a special attention to the Turkish modern history. In the next part of the work we will come over some of the main topics discussed through the European policy while speaking about the Turkish issue. It is to be especially the country's Islamic character, then human rights'question and last not the least we will consider Turkish economic problems. At the December's summit of EU representative, it was decided to open European gate to Turkey by October 2005. It was also confirmed by the official beginning of the negotiation talks on the 3rd October 2005. It is to say that this process is going to last for years, decades maybe. Meanwhile we can witness revolutionary changes both in EU alone and in Turkish society.
Ageing in horses and related problems
Tomašková, Jana ; Hofmanová, Barbora (advisor) ; Majzlík, Ivan (referee)
SUMMARY This bachelor thesis includes general informations about process of aging in horses and related problems. Very good question is how we can define an old horse, however without definitive answer. At the beginning, there are knowledges about when aging occurs in horses by various authors. Then there are mentioned changes at feeding old horses and diseases that afflict horses with increasing age. With growing number of equine geriatric population abroad some surveys and studies of aged horses were made and brought important results. At the conclusion, ethic issues can´t be leave out and what an euthanasia means for horse´s owners and veterinarians. Approach a situation in our region, a number of registered aged horses in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany are published.
Funding of Law Consulting Room Renovation by EU Grants
Mitrengová, Anna ; Tomášková, Jana (referee) ; Kopřiva, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on gaining on financial resources from EU grants. It deals particulary with financing material and technical equipment for law consulting room of non-profit making organisation Enviromental Law Service. This thesis is dedicated to the detachment of suitable financial resources for this project, their comparing and final decision for the right one to apply.
The academic orchestras creation with emphasis on the HAMU Academy Orchestra marketing strategy
Tomášková, Jana ; BĚLOR, Roman (advisor) ; ŠTILEC, Jiří (referee)
The goal of this thesis is the evaluation of tradicional established orchestras at music high schools and universities in the Czech Republic. This thesis includes of course the comparison of the czech academic orchestras and the music-university orchestras in Austria, Germany and Slovakia.Suggested conception of the HAMU university orchestra contains the opportunities of the alternative funding and the inside survey of opinions on the HAMU-orchestra functioning.
The copyright protection in Europe
Tomášková, Jana ; Štilec, Jiří (advisor) ; Bělor, Roman (referee)
The goal of this thesis is the description of czech and also foreign material about the copyright and their correlation with reference to the european copyright developement, correlation between czech and global collective administrators of author´s right. This work includes some chapters about controversial themes, especially illegal download of the author´s crafts with reference to the music industry. The objective target analysis of the historical as well as present situation of copyright, comparation of the national conceptions, analysis of copyright and the critical attitude to existing copyright protection in Europe against global technological developement is the best effort ofthis work. Key words: copyright, collective administrators, illegal download, music industry
The topic I chose for my bachelor essay is very timely, because today, the number of kindergarten classes where foreign (german) language is being taught is increasing. Today a child has the opportunity to start learning a foreign language since the early childhood, with the help of games. In my bachelor essay, I will emphasize on the objectives, content and methods of the early education process of the German language. I will be also dealing with the pronounciation and sound of the language, because pre-school children don{\crq}t know how to read or write yet, their education is entirely dependent on what they can hear and remember from the instructor. In the practical section, I will describe the way I used to teach the German language in the kindergarten located in Nové Hrady.
Mezinárodní obchod hudebního vydavatelství Supraphon a hudebního nakladatelství ProVox music publishing
Paulů, Lukáš ; Halík, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Tomášková, Jana (referee)
Přes popis vývoje hudebního průmyslu, jak na domácí scéně, tak v zahraničí, se práce dostává k historii společnosti Supraphon, a. s. a k jejímu současnému působení v rámci České republiky i v mezinárodním obchodě. Charakterizuje současný trend v oblasti mezinárodního obchodu s hudebními nahrávkami a způsob jejich prodeje do zahraničí. Dále pak líčí vznik a vývoj hudebního nakladatelství ProVox music publishing, s. r. o., věnuje se hlavní nakladatelské činnosti, objasňuje terminologii a charakterizuje domácí a zahraniční činnost tohoto nakladatelství.

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2 TOMÁŠKOVÁ, Jindřiška
7 Tomášková, Jana
1 Tomášková, Jarmila
1 Tomášková, Jaroslava
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