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Návrh učebního textu pro obor Bankovnictví a pojišťovnictví SOŠ
Stejskalová, Jana
This Bachelor's thesis describes creating didactic aids for secondary schools which provide, conditional and improve course of the teaching process. Objective of the theoretic part is to classify and characterize didactic tools, describes the latest trends and demands for creating didactic aids and their subsequent use in teaching process. Sub-objective is to characterize and define demands for the ac-quisition of key competences of school graduates, especially communicative com-petences. Processing method of the theoretic part is study of specialized litera-ture, analysis, synthesis and comparison of these specialized literary sources fo-cused on material didactic resources, teaching documents and competences in education. The main objective of the practical part is creating teaching aid into practical teaching which provides students learning text for acquisition and con-solidation of communication skills and business communication. Part of the aid is also material for leading the teaching of the communication skills.
Genesis of Russian propaganda as a serious security threat of the 21st century from the perspective of NATO and EU
Stejskalová, Jana ; Kučera, Tomáš (advisor) ; Střítecký, Vít (referee)
The thesis entitled "Genesis of Russian propaganda as a serious security threat of the 21st century from the perspective of NATO and EU" examines the phenomenon of contemporary Russian propaganda. Russia commonly uses propaganda as a tool of promoting its interests. Russian propaganda is very sophisticated, aggressive, and massive. Mainly due to the effective use of the internet and social networks, Russian online actors are able, in a short space of time, to successfully generate an information chaos, which is difficult to navigate in. Contemporary Russian propaganda has several key aspects, namely the anti-American and anti-European orientation, attacks on Western democratic values, and the mixing of truth with fiction. Thus, propaganda becomes an effective weapon in the information war that the Kremlin has initiated. The West is aware of these alarming issues and tries to respond. The thesis analyzes the development of the perception of the Kremlin propaganda by the Western international security organizations NATO and EU. At the same time, it attempts to identify the moment when Russian propaganda began to be perceived as a serious security threat. Whereas the key of the analysis is to interpret the perception of Russian propaganda, the concept of securitization was chosen as the theoretical...
Analýza chovu moravského teplokrevníka v České republice
Stejskalová, Jana
The bachelor´s thesis with the topic Analysis of breeding of moravian warmblood in the Czech republic deals with the evolution and development of population of the bre-ed up to the present. At first, the work is focused on history and origin of the breed. Within the history, the bachelor´s thesis gives informations about the most important sires participating in evolution of current breed of moravian warmblood. The work afterwards continues with nowadays situation of the breeding of moravian warmblood and within this chapter there is briefly described also the aim of the bree-ding and characterization of the breed which is required today. Moreover, the chapter concentrated on current situation of the breeding includes contemporary sires and their breeding centers overview. The individual sires are in this work desribed primarily from the point of view of their membership in foundation stocks, character and exterior. The bachelor´s thesis contains also the chapter focused on the testing of basic performance of the horses which is very important for breeding of moravian warmblood. The last part of this work deals with nowadays use of theese horses in equestrian sport.
Zhodnocení kvality hřebečků chladnokrevných plemen koní v odchovnách
Stejskalová, Jana
This diploma work focuses on quality evaluation of young stallions in rearing houses for young stallions from 2001 to the present (2018). We concentrated on analysis of differences of young stallions of cold-blooded breeds from the point of view of body measurements, final mark and quality of the paces based on specific factors (breed, year of beginning or ending of the rearing period and rearing house). In the beginning of the rearing period the young stallions of Czech-Moravian Belgian horse (CMB) statistically highly conclusively differ from Silesian noriker (SN) in height at withers measured with stick (KVH), height at withers measured with tape (KVP) and chest circumference. CMB young stallions had KVH 138.10 cm and SN young stallions had KVH 136.00 cm. In iKOST CMB young stallions (14.53) statistically highly conclusively differ from SN (14.72) and noriker (N) (14.94). In cannon bone circumference CMB young stallions (20.06) statistically highly conclusively differ from N (20.55) and statistically conclusively N differ from SN (20.01). The chapter of results contains also growth curves of cold-blooded breeds created on the base of data from every single selection. In the end of the rearing period CMB young stallions (160.59 cm) reached the highest KVH and they statistically highly conclusively differ from SN (158.44 cm) and statistically conclusively from N (158.76 cm). Measure of cannon bone circumference was in the end of the rearing period the biggest at young stallions SN (24.52 cm), then N (24.17 cm) and the smallest at CMB (23.96 cm). The difference of CMB and N is statistically highly conclusive. The statistical evaluation of final mark and quality of the paces did not show any differences between young stallions of compared breeds. This result emphasizes stability and comparable quality of all of them.
Genesis of Russian propaganda as a serious security threat of the 21st century from the perspective of NATO and EU
Stejskalová, Jana ; Kučera, Tomáš (advisor) ; Střítecký, Vít (referee)
The thesis entitled "Genesis of Russian propaganda as a serious security threat of the 21st century from the perspective of NATO and EU" examines the phenomenon of contemporary Russian propaganda. Russia commonly uses propaganda as a tool of promoting its interests. Russian propaganda is very sophisticated, aggressive, and massive. Mainly due to the effective use of the internet and social networks, Russian online actors are able, in a short space of time, to successfully generate an information chaos, which is difficult to navigate in. Contemporary Russian propaganda has several key aspects, namely the anti-American and anti-European orientation, attacks on Western democratic values, and the mixing of truth with fiction. Thus, propaganda becomes an effective weapon in the information war that the Kremlin has initiated. The West is aware of these alarming issues and tries to respond. The thesis analyzes the development of the perception of the Kremlin propaganda by the Western international security organizations NATO and EU. At the same time, it attempts to identify the moment when Russian propaganda began to be perceived as a serious security threat. Whereas the key of the analysis is to interpret the perception of Russian propaganda, the concept of securitization was chosen as the theoretical...
M. S. Gorbachev's concept of Common European Home
Stejskalová, Jana ; Svoboda, Karel (advisor) ; Litera, Bohuslav (referee)
The bachelor study "M. S. Gorbachev's concept of Common European Home" highlights the pro-European oriented idea of Soviet Foreign Policy, which became popular in the middle 80's. The concept was a peaceful vision and a new Soviet openness towards the policy of the United States and the West in an era of the Cold War. This period was characterized by mutual distrust of two ideologically different blocks and by the real threat of nuclear conflict. There were many politicians who engaged with the European Policy in the past. The expansion of European ideas has a considerable historical background. And the expression of the Common European Home was already part of the external policy of Leonid I. Brezhnev. The Soviet concept, however, was first actively promoted by Mikhail S. Gorbachev, who is also attributed with its authorship. This bachelor study presents the origin, development and disappearance of this Soviet Policy. The work analyses the content of the idea in detail and also discusses its territorial legacy; including accompanying events and the attitude of Western countries. In addition to other key aspects, Gorbachev's Common European Home is associated with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
Financial analysis and financial plan Svitap J. H. J. spol. s r.o.
Stejskalová, Jana ; Marek, Petr (advisor) ; Škerlíková, Tatiana (referee)
This bachelor thesis "Financial analysis and financial plan Svitap J. H. J. spol. s r.o." analyses a financial situation of the company in the period 2007-2012. The financial plan for 2013 is outlined on the basis of this analysis. Methodical introduction represents the first of three parts of this thesis. We could find there described methods, ratio indicators and models used as the basis for a practical part. Second part introduces analysed company and subsequently the results of the analysis are evaluated. These results were obtained from the application of stated methods to the data of the company. Selected ratio indicators were compared with three Czech companies running their business in the same field and similar average values in a textile industry. The final part outline the financial plan for the year 2013, which is consisted of the planned statement of profit and loss account and a planned balance sheet.
Narrative Strategies in the Television Series. Adaptations of Classic Novel Types.
The thesis deals with the issue of narrative practices in television series, focusing on the adaptation of original novels of classic and canonized literary authors. In this context, the thesis focuses on the study of adaptation and narrative procedures used in movies and television series. Based on the comparison and analysis of the adaptation of a certain work, it focuses on specific issues concerning the serial narratives as compared to the original, and on features which are different in the adaptation of the television series from other serial or cinematographic works.
Versions of the legend about Oldřich and Božena in Czech chronicles
The objective of the thesis is to compare the various forms of rumors about Oldřich and Božena in selected Czech chronicles. The primary focus is the transformation of the legend in the Kosmas Chronicle, the so-called Dalimil Chronicle, and the popular Czech Chronicle of Václav Hájek of Libočany. We will also try to further highlight certain themes in relation to the given community and the culturally historical environment. Finally, we will compare the individual data from the rumors with documented historical facts, and we will also highlight speculations that arose around the rumors.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 12 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
2 Stejskalová, Jaroslava
6 Stejskalová, Jitka
1 Stejskalová, Johana
2 Stejskalová, Johanka
3 Stejskalová, Jolana
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