National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Hollywood blacklist - time, ideology, and motion picture industry
Srch, Daniel ; Kovář, Martin (referee)
Hollywood blacklist - Time, Ideology and Motion Picture Industry (abstract) The Hollywood blacklist remains open chapter in the U.S. Cold War history. Popularity of this topic is proved by the relatively big interest of foreign historiography as well as amount of published memoirs writen by blacklistees. My thesis tries to cover whole issue in the widest context which could be devided to tree basic levels. Firstly, it is necessary to focus on the period which consist of presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. The text deals particularly with effects of the Great Depression and transformation of U.S. foreign policy. The american superpower changed from isolationistic state to active participant in the wartime alliance and then finally to the leader of the western world in the Cold War. The emergence of consumer society is also important aspect. The second part discuss a conflict on ideological level. After elementary definition of american thinking, attention has focused on its crisis and "renesance" in the thirties and forties. Following analyses of anti-communism talks about the First Red Scare, the most important members of the radical patriots and its specific rhetoric. Equally crucial point is description of the fact how did mass society perceive red menace....
On the Black List: Hollywood Reds and Witch Hunting in the American Motion Picture Industry (1947-1960)
Srch, Daniel ; Kovář, Martin (advisor) ; Koura, Jan (referee) ; Hnízdo, Bořivoj (referee)
On the Blacklist: Hollywood Reds and Witch Hunting in the American Motion Picture Industry (1947-1960) Abstract At the beginning of the Cold War, the American motion picture industry was struck with a "witch-hunt" that led to establishment of the so-called blacklist. Due to this controversial policy, three hundred "Reds" (actual or perceived members of the U.S. Communist Party) were shut out from work in Hollywood during 1947-1950. The first explanation of this phenomenon can be seen in the bipolarity of the post-war world where the United States took leadership in a crusade against the Soviet Union. One result of this seemingly international crusade was that it also became domestic-followers of the U.S. Communist Party became actual public enemies. A deeper analysis of whole issue, however, requires that other elements must be seriously taken into account. The microcosm of Hollywood, some principles of American thinking and the activities of the Reds themselves provide crucial insights into comprehensively understanding the complexity of blacklisting. Experience with the Hollywood blacklist included many different aspects. First of all, it was a political battle with the "inquisitors" from the House Committee on Un-American Activities who helped establish the anti-Communist policy in American motion...
Hollywood blacklist - time, ideology, and motion picture industry
Srch, Daniel ; Kovář, Martin (referee)
Hollywood blacklist - Time, Ideology and Motion Picture Industry (abstract) The Hollywood blacklist remains open chapter in the U.S. Cold War history. Popularity of this topic is proved by the relatively big interest of foreign historiography as well as amount of published memoirs writen by blacklistees. My thesis tries to cover whole issue in the widest context which could be devided to tree basic levels. Firstly, it is necessary to focus on the period which consist of presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. The text deals particularly with effects of the Great Depression and transformation of U.S. foreign policy. The american superpower changed from isolationistic state to active participant in the wartime alliance and then finally to the leader of the western world in the Cold War. The emergence of consumer society is also important aspect. The second part discuss a conflict on ideological level. After elementary definition of american thinking, attention has focused on its crisis and "renesance" in the thirties and forties. Following analyses of anti-communism talks about the First Red Scare, the most important members of the radical patriots and its specific rhetoric. Equally crucial point is description of the fact how did mass society perceive red menace....
Hollywood blacklist - time, ideology, and motion picture industry
Srch, Daniel ; Kovář, Martin (advisor) ; Tumis, Stanislav (referee)
Jedny z nejdůležitějších momentů tzv. "velkých dějin" v diskutované době souvisely se vznikem bipolarity a položením základů postmoderní společnosti. 1) Od konce 30. let prožily Spojené státy zásadní změnu svého postavení. Již po první světové válce zaujaly pozici hospodářsky nejsilnější země světa, ale míra zapojení do mezinárodněpolitických záležitostí tomu neodpovídala. Především díky Rooseveltovi a Trumanovi se USA dostaly do role klíčové globální supervelmoci. Všichni následující prezidenti včetně současného šéfa Bílého domu Baracka Obamy nastolený kurz přijali. 2) Velkou hospodářskou krizi definitivně vyřešil až světový konflikt. "Dobrá válka" připravila půdu pro pokračující nebývalý ekonomický a technologický rozvoj, v jehož centru na dlouho stanula severoamerická mocnost. Její společnost jako první dosáhla konzumního způsobu života, jenž dominuje dnešní západní civilizaci. Základy této přeměny byly položeny rovněž ve zmiňovaném období. Vedle nepopíratelných uspěchů však existovala i "odvrácená strana". Blacklist rozhodně nebyl nejzávažnějším excesem, ale o Spojených státech vypovídá více, než by se mohlo na první pohled zdát.
McCarthyism - phenomenon of American history. Contribution to history of Cold war
Srch, Daniel ; Kovář, Martin (advisor) ; Tumis, Stanislav (referee)
Práce se si neklade za cíl detailně prozkoumat celý fenomén mccarthismu ve všech jeho aspektech, snaží se pouze postihnout okolnosti, které stály u jeho zrodu a poskytly mu vnitřní dynamiku, jež mu umožnily čtyřleté fungování. Vzhledem k charakteru práce i složité dostupnosti a množství pramenů se studie opírá o edici dokumentů z inkriminovaného období Alberta Frieda (McCarthyism, The Great American Red Scare, A Documentary History, New York - Oxford 1997), dále o edici pramenů sledující Trumanovo prezidentství sestavenou Williamem Hillmanem (The first publication from the personal diaries, private letters papers and revealing interviws of Harry S. Truman, New York 1952) a o paměti George Kennana (Memoirs 1950-196, Boston 1972). V neposlední řadě autor čerpal z dokumentů dostupných na internetu (A brief news and editorial history od judge Joe McCarthy, regular Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate; Kennanův "Dlouhý telegram"; řeč George C. Marshall na Harvardově univerzitě).

See also: similar author names
1 Srch, David
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