National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Influence of a Specific Location on the Price of a House in Brno - Kamenná kolonie
Pokorná, Sofie ; Vařechová, Martina (referee) ; Hlavinková, Vítězslava (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the Kamenna district with a specific area of housing. It describes its history, morphology, today's life and its virtues and shady pages. Approaching today's issues of this location and approach or view of stakeholders. In addition, eight properties are instantiated in the work. These properties are selected from the so-called „Upper Kamenka“ and „Lower Kamenka“ (four from each part) to ensure comparable technical advantages and disadvantages of individual parts. Technical disadvantages such as absence of sewerage and geological survey on the sloping slope in one of the mentioned objects. Comparing methodology to the comparison method according to Decree No. 441/2013 Coll. in current version, Comparison method-market price and cost method according to Decree No. 441/2013 Coll. in current version. At the end of the work, the author undertakes a discussion about negotiating the price and explains the great diversity of the results.
The Impact of Gentrification on the Price of Real Estates
Gábová, Věra ; Pokorná, Sofie (referee) ; Hlavinková, Vítězslava (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá procesem gentrifikace ve dvou katastrálních územích Brna – Židenice a Zábrdovice. Na základě teoretických poznatků o gentrifikaci předpokládáme, že tento proces byl v těchto dvou katastrálních územích zahájen v nedávné době. Tento předpoklad vychází z vlastního pozorování autorky. Teoretická část diplomové práce shrnuje, co je gentrifikace, kdy se poprvé objevila, jaká jsou její fáze a pozitivní i negativní důsledky. Praktická část se zaměřuje pouze na vybraná katastrální území, která jsou porovnána se srovnatelnými katastrálními územími Maloměřice a Trnitá. Výzkum se zaměřuje na vývoj cen nemovitých věcí, brownfieldy a rekonstrukce objektů na nich stojících, novostavby či úpravy pozemků, které nejsou označeny jako brownfieldy, sociodemografickou strukturu a vývoj kriminality ve vybraných oblastech. Cílem praktické části je dokázat, že proces gentrifikace již začal.
Test methodology for certification process of face product made from modified wood plastic composite (WPC)
Pokorná, Sofie ; Pospíšil,, Ladislav (referee) ; Vaněrek, Jan (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis is focused on the description of testing methodology of facade gladding tile made from WPC modified by the fly ash addition. In the first part of the thesis, the properties and standard utilization of commercially produced WPC are specified, together with the material composition and their processing technology to final product. Withal, the basic information of the modifying admixture, that should improve the physical and mechanical characteristics of the designed gladding element, are provided. Following, the criteria, procedures and conditions are described for this component, that are required for granting the certificate of conformity, which allows the partial market. In the final section of the thesis, simple and clear table is developed, as an example of the default type tests.
The advantage of investment in the construction of a new and renovation of an obsolete building at the same standard
Sedláček, Martin ; Čech, Josef (referee) ; Pokorná, Sofie (advisor)
In the diploma thesis, the author deals with the answer to the question whether it is more economically advantageous for a specific investor to renovate his current property or to demolish and build a new one. In the thesis, the author will analyze the real estate market in the given location, based on which he will compile a database of sold and advertised real estate. He will use the comparative and cost method of asset valuation to achieve the result, and at the end of the work he will discuss the results, which he will evaluate and summarize in the conclusion chapter.
The Impact of Gentrification on the Price of Real Estates
Gábová, Věra ; Pokorná, Sofie (referee) ; Hlavinková, Vítězslava (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá procesem gentrifikace ve dvou katastrálních územích Brna – Židenice a Zábrdovice. Na základě teoretických poznatků o gentrifikaci předpokládáme, že tento proces byl v těchto dvou katastrálních územích zahájen v nedávné době. Tento předpoklad vychází z vlastního pozorování autorky. Teoretická část diplomové práce shrnuje, co je gentrifikace, kdy se poprvé objevila, jaká jsou její fáze a pozitivní i negativní důsledky. Praktická část se zaměřuje pouze na vybraná katastrální území, která jsou porovnána se srovnatelnými katastrálními územími Maloměřice a Trnitá. Výzkum se zaměřuje na vývoj cen nemovitých věcí, brownfieldy a rekonstrukce objektů na nich stojících, novostavby či úpravy pozemků, které nejsou označeny jako brownfieldy, sociodemografickou strukturu a vývoj kriminality ve vybraných oblastech. Cílem praktické části je dokázat, že proces gentrifikace již začal.
Construction Development of Kamenná Čtvrť in Brno
Pokorná, Sofie
The article describes the development of the construction in former workers' colony Kamenná čtvrť in Brno. It explains the concept of gentrification, describes Kamenná čtvrť and its history. It analyzes the initial construction and its transformation over the years to the present. In the end, it discusses the possibility of development of construction in this type of locality, while it does not aim to propose direct solution but to point out possible direction of development. The methods used were history research, qualitative sociological research using the interview technique and questionnaire survey.
Influence of a Specific Location on the Price of a House in Brno - Kamenná kolonie
Pokorná, Sofie ; Vařechová, Martina (referee) ; Hlavinková, Vítězslava (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the Kamenna district with a specific area of housing. It describes its history, morphology, today's life and its virtues and shady pages. Approaching today's issues of this location and approach or view of stakeholders. In addition, eight properties are instantiated in the work. These properties are selected from the so-called „Upper Kamenka“ and „Lower Kamenka“ (four from each part) to ensure comparable technical advantages and disadvantages of individual parts. Technical disadvantages such as absence of sewerage and geological survey on the sloping slope in one of the mentioned objects. Comparing methodology to the comparison method according to Decree No. 441/2013 Coll. in current version, Comparison method-market price and cost method according to Decree No. 441/2013 Coll. in current version. At the end of the work, the author undertakes a discussion about negotiating the price and explains the great diversity of the results.
Test methodology for certification process of face product made from modified wood plastic composite (WPC)
Pokorná, Sofie ; Pospíšil,, Ladislav (referee) ; Vaněrek, Jan (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis is focused on the description of testing methodology of facade gladding tile made from WPC modified by the fly ash addition. In the first part of the thesis, the properties and standard utilization of commercially produced WPC are specified, together with the material composition and their processing technology to final product. Withal, the basic information of the modifying admixture, that should improve the physical and mechanical characteristics of the designed gladding element, are provided. Following, the criteria, procedures and conditions are described for this component, that are required for granting the certificate of conformity, which allows the partial market. In the final section of the thesis, simple and clear table is developed, as an example of the default type tests.

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7 POKORNÁ, Šárka
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1 Pokorná, Sylvie
3 Pokorná, Sára
6 Pokorná, Štěpánka
7 Pokorná, Šárka
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