National Repository of Grey Literature 12 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Evolution of dowry
Pokorný, Daniel ; Kuběna, Aleš (advisor) ; Houdek, Petr (referee)
The topic of marriage markets is solved mainly by economics scientists so far (Tertilt 2002, 2005, Botticini and Siow 2003). Much less attention about this issue is paid by biologists. It is still unclear how variant types of marriage transactios influence the shape of societies. However, the importace is not negligible. Uderstanding of these questions may help us at least partly answer to some of the problems current societies face to. keywords: dowry, brideprice, marriage transactions, social structure
Competion in service of altruism - what the healthy competiton brings to the sellers of Novy Prostor magazine
Šafařík, Michal ; Kuběna, Aleš (advisor) ; Báťa, Karel (referee)
Behavioral study based on observations of 30 street newspaper sellers from Prague (about 50% of all Prague sellers) observed at the time of offering the "Nový Prostor" street newspaper (below just "NP") and their interactions with a total of 140 customers. Street newspaper sale project is primarily intended as a social program.The sellers participating take in many self-restraints resulting from accepting the "Novy Prostor" rules. In the alternative ways of asking for financial support from the passerby people there is an obvious absence of a rules similar. Theoretical basis of research assume that there is a signal produced by a street newspaper sale, through which the sellers communicate their ability of money donated meaningful use to the passing by people and potential customers. In this context a meaningful use includes also the overnight expenses (housing for 1 night). The above mentioned self-restraints represent the costs expended for this signal. One of the confirmation aspects to assess the suitability of the sale of NP through the lens of Signaling Game Theory is the existence of a counterfeiters (in a NP slang so called "poachers"). Empirical experiment has proved that the sellers giving clear signals actively, are waiting for a customer less then those who are not active (survival...
Competion in service of altruism
Šafařík, Michal ; Kuběna, Aleš (advisor) ; Lindová, Jitka (referee)
2 ABSTRACT Behavioral study based on observations of 30 street newspaper sellers from Prague (about 50% of all Prague sellers) observed at the time of offering the "Nový Prostor" street newspaper (below just "NP") and their interactions with a total of 140 customers. Street newspaper sale project is primarily intended as a social program.The sellers participating take in many self-restraints resulting from accepting the "Novy Prostor" rules. In the alternative ways of asking for financial support from the passerby people there is an obvious absence of a rules similar. Theoretical basis of research assume that there is a signal produced by a street newspaper sale, through which the sellers communicate their ability of money donated meaningful use to the passing by people and potential customers. In this context a meaningful use includes also the overnight expenses (housing for 1 night). The above mentioned selfrestraints represent the costs expended for this signal. One of the confirmation aspects to assess the suitability of the sale of NP through the lens of Signaling Game Theory is the existence of a counterfeiters (in a NP slang so called "poachers"). Empirical experiment has proved that the sellers giving clear signals actively, are waiting for a customer less then those who are not active (survival...
The selection drift against perfect rationality
Kuběna, Aleš ; Šmíd, Martin (advisor) ; Vlach, Milan (referee) ; Šizling, Arnošt Leoš (referee)
A direct application of game theory to conflicts and cooperation of organisms gives different theoretical predictions for their behaviour than economic models, even if the economic models are based on game theory themselves. These direct predictions are in better accordance with empirical data than the economic models. A difference is observed even if we analyse how organisms deal with sources and how they compete for sources, a problem of apparently economic nature. My thesis shows that these contradictions cannot be removed in a plausible way, even not via introducing new biological restrictions in the "economic" decision model applied to organisms, and not even via enriching the utility functions by evolutionary goals. Thus it is not satisfactory to assume rational agents who replaced a utility maximisation by the maximisation of offspring numbers. In my model, gathering of sources is used in a game-theoretical analysis as a necessary condition, but not as a sufficient condition of evolutionary sustainability. Analýza predicts that the fact whether a rational, collectively rational, altruistic, or different strategy wins in some population, is a matter of random fluctuation. In this model, agents will, with non-neglectable probability, behave in a way that contradicts perfect rationality. This...
The selection drift against perfect rationality
Kuběna, Aleš ; Šmíd, Martin (advisor) ; Vlach, Milan (referee) ; Šizling, Arnošt Leoš (referee)
A direct application of game theory to conflicts and cooperation of organisms gives different theoretical predictions for their behaviour than economic models, even if the economic models are based on game theory themselves. These direct predictions are in better accordance with empirical data than the economic models. A difference is observed even if we analyse how organisms deal with sources and how they compete for sources, a problem of apparently economic nature. My thesis shows that these contradictions cannot be removed in a plausible way, even not via introducing new biological restrictions in the "economic" decision model applied to organisms, and not even via enriching the utility functions by evolutionary goals. Thus it is not satisfactory to assume rational agents who replaced a utility maximisation by the maximisation of offspring numbers. In my model, gathering of sources is used in a game-theoretical analysis as a necessary condition, but not as a sufficient condition of evolutionary sustainability. Analýza predicts that the fact whether a rational, collectively rational, altruistic, or different strategy wins in some population, is a matter of random fluctuation. In this model, agents will, with non-neglectable probability, behave in a way that contradicts perfect rationality. This...
Evolution of dowry
Pokorný, Daniel ; Kuběna, Aleš (advisor) ; Houdek, Petr (referee)
The topic of marriage markets is solved mainly by economics scientists so far (Tertilt 2002, 2005, Botticini and Siow 2003). Much less attention about this issue is paid by biologists. It is still unclear how variant types of marriage transactios influence the shape of societies. However, the importace is not negligible. Uderstanding of these questions may help us at least partly answer to some of the problems current societies face to. keywords: dowry, brideprice, marriage transactions, social structure
Competion in service of altruism - what the healthy competiton brings to the sellers of Novy Prostor magazine
Šafařík, Michal ; Kuběna, Aleš (advisor) ; Báťa, Karel (referee)
Behavioral study based on observations of 30 street newspaper sellers from Prague (about 50% of all Prague sellers) observed at the time of offering the "Nový Prostor" street newspaper (below just "NP") and their interactions with a total of 140 customers. Street newspaper sale project is primarily intended as a social program.The sellers participating take in many self-restraints resulting from accepting the "Novy Prostor" rules. In the alternative ways of asking for financial support from the passerby people there is an obvious absence of a rules similar. Theoretical basis of research assume that there is a signal produced by a street newspaper sale, through which the sellers communicate their ability of money donated meaningful use to the passing by people and potential customers. In this context a meaningful use includes also the overnight expenses (housing for 1 night). The above mentioned self-restraints represent the costs expended for this signal. One of the confirmation aspects to assess the suitability of the sale of NP through the lens of Signaling Game Theory is the existence of a counterfeiters (in a NP slang so called "poachers"). Empirical experiment has proved that the sellers giving clear signals actively, are waiting for a customer less then those who are not active (survival...
Competion in service of altruism
Šafařík, Michal ; Kuběna, Aleš (advisor) ; Lindová, Jitka (referee)
2 ABSTRACT Behavioral study based on observations of 30 street newspaper sellers from Prague (about 50% of all Prague sellers) observed at the time of offering the "Nový Prostor" street newspaper (below just "NP") and their interactions with a total of 140 customers. Street newspaper sale project is primarily intended as a social program.The sellers participating take in many self-restraints resulting from accepting the "Novy Prostor" rules. In the alternative ways of asking for financial support from the passerby people there is an obvious absence of a rules similar. Theoretical basis of research assume that there is a signal produced by a street newspaper sale, through which the sellers communicate their ability of money donated meaningful use to the passing by people and potential customers. In this context a meaningful use includes also the overnight expenses (housing for 1 night). The above mentioned selfrestraints represent the costs expended for this signal. One of the confirmation aspects to assess the suitability of the sale of NP through the lens of Signaling Game Theory is the existence of a counterfeiters (in a NP slang so called "poachers"). Empirical experiment has proved that the sellers giving clear signals actively, are waiting for a customer less then those who are not active (survival...
Competion in service of altruism
Šafařík, Michal ; Kuběna, Aleš (advisor) ; Lindová, Jitka (referee)
Poďakovanie školiteľovi Na tomto mieste by som chcel vyjadriť svoju úprimnú vďaku môjmu školiteľovi a vedúcemu tejto práce Mgr.Alešovi Antonínovi Kuběnovi, za jeho usmerňovanie, neoceniteľné rady, všetky rozhovory, množstvo sms správ a mailov, ktoré musel jednak prečítať a potom na ne pri všetkých svojich povinnostiach reagovať. To, že to celé pritom nebral ako povinnosť, potvrdzuje nielen rýchlosť, ale aj ochota, s akou na moje otázky akoukoľvek formou odpovedal. Jeho živelné nadšenie pre vec a celkový priateľský prístup, mi umožnilo pred ním premýšľať nahlas a v úplnej slobode, čo si osobne veľmi vážim. Neoceniteľná bola pre mňa tiež jeho pomoc so štatistickým spracovaním dát. Za jeho vedenie a všetky tieto nesamozrejmé láskavosti mu týmto ešte raz srdečne ďakujem.
Determinants of Stocks' Choice in Portfolio Competitions
Šmíd, Martin ; Kuběna, Aleš Antonín
We study investment competitions in which the players invest a virtual amount of money into financial asset and those with highest returns, measured by the actual prices, are rewarded by fixed prizes. We show that the competition, seen as a game, lacks a pure equilibrium and that the ``max-min'' solution of the game lies in the extremal point of the feasible set having maximal probability of victory. We show further that if a mixed equilibrium exists then its atoms lie exactly in the extremal points with a non-zero probability of victory and its weights are close to corresponding probabilities of victory. We analyse empirically a portfolio competition held recently by the Czech portal ``''; we find that the majority of people do not behave according to the game-theoretic conclusions. Consequently, searching for factors influencing a choice of particular stocks, we find that the participants' choice may be explained by several stock traits to a certain extent. We also show that participants tend to choose negatively diversified portfolios.

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3 Kuběna, Aleš Antonín
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