National Repository of Grey Literature 189 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Name Change Process in the Czech Republic
Stuchlá, Anna ; Sherman, Tamah (advisor) ; Kopecký, Jakub (referee)
Personal names are one of the few areas of language regulated by law in the Czech Republic. Name change then represents an often complicated process that is dealt with on various levels of social interactions. Language Management Theory is based on differentiation between language and metalanguage activities. These metalanguage activities are the subject of study, and are often called language management (Nekvapil, 2009: p. 1, 2). In language management research, theory also considers processes happening on micro-level of daily interactions, on macro-level of language-planning institutions, the way these levels interact with each other and even the linguistic, communicative and sociocultural dimensions of metalanguage activities. This is why it was chosen as a research method to describe the name change process, which is the major aim of this thesis. My research is based on an analysis of current laws and interviews with seven respondents who changed their names. The comparison of these two levels showed that the current norms are not based on common communication and may cause problems in everyday interactions. These problems are more related to communicative and sociocultural management, and therefore discussion with experts from these fields seems to be appropriate.
Modulation of body fat content by targeting the lipid metabolism of adipose tissue
Šponarová, Jana ; Kopecký, Jan (advisor) ; Konvalinka, Jan (referee) ; Drahota, Zdeněk (referee)
CONCLUSIONS 1. Induction of obesiý resistance in mice by transgenic expression of UCP1 in white fat can be explained by a metabolic switch ínadipocýes, due to depressíon oť celluiar energy charge, in situ activaÍion of AMPK, down- regulation ofadipogenic genes and increase in lipid oxidation. 2. AMPK cascade is involved in the fat depot-specific metabolic responses in various fat depots to starvation. Activation of the cascade occurred in epididymal but not in subcutaneous fat in mice. The activation of AMPK in adipocytes might represent an important mechanism by which body fat stores are regulated and may contributes to regional differences in the metabolic properties ofadipose tissue depots. Dietary EPA and DHA reduce development of obesity induced in mice by high fat diets, in part due to counteracting increase in tissue cellularity, particularly in epididymal íat.Low EPA/DHA ratio potentiates the anti- adipogenic efíect. Dietary EPA and DHA induce a metabolic shift in white adipose tissue by up-regulating genes for mitochondrial proteins, including their regulatory genes PGCIa and NRF-I, and increase B-oxidation while depressing lipogenesis, preferentially in the epididymal fat in the abdomen. 3. 4. J. 21
Effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, rosiglitazone, low caloric diet and environmental pollutants: obesity and related disorders
Kuda, Ondřej ; Kopecký, Jan (advisor) ; Bendlová, Běla (referee) ; Pravenec, Michal (referee)
4. CONCLUSIONS Conceming the specific aims of the thesis, the following conclusions may be formulated: l.Additionalbeneficia|effectsofthecombinedfieatmentbyn_3PUFAof marine origin and anti-diabetic drug rosiglitazone on obesity and related disorders were proven in mice fed high-fed diet. In comparison with either n- 3 PUFA or TZD effects alone, the combined treatment was more potent in amelioration of the following adverse pheÍrotypes: a. body weight, body weight gain and body lipid content; b. dYsliPidaemia; c. muscle insulin resistance demonstrated as enhanced muscle glycogen synthesis; obesity-associated inflammation of adipose tissue; and inaddition,additiveinductionofadiponectinwasfound,especiallyits multimeric form, which induces insulin sansitivity' These results on mouse modet suggest possible application for human medicine, where fish oil concentrates may enhance efficacy ofthe treatment byTZD,and reduce the risk of the adverse effect of the TzD-therapy' 2. Relatively specific induction oflipid oxidation by n-3 PUFA in the intestine was found, which may be important for e'g' anti-obesity and hypolipidemic effects ofthese liPids. 3. Changes in adiponectin concentration as well as distribution of its multimeric forms as a result oflow caloric diet were found in human patients' 4. Association between...
Application of Management Control System in a Business
Čapková, Simona ; Kopecký, Jakub (referee) ; Žižlavský, Ondřej (advisor)
The thesis focuses on the optimization of the costing system in the selected company, analyzes cost deviations and identifies the main causes of increased costs for key products from the first serial production. Based on the conducted analysis, the author creates a tailor-made cost tracking tool. Furthermore, the thesis offers recommendations for controlling improvements that make the management of variances more effective and improve the financial performance of the company.
Preparation of the population for the self-protection and mutual assistance during the occurrance of extraordinery event
The aim of this thesis is to describe the present preparedness of general population for extraordinary events and in relation to the results of my research to propose recommendations for improvement of this said preparedness. This thesis is drafted as both theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the current state of preparedness of general population for extraordinary events, including its legal definition, its understanding by general public and the description of some specific uncommon events. The practical part then focuses on my own quantitative research, the goal of which is to find out the actual preparedness for extraordinary events of the general public inhabiting the South Bohemia and Pardubice Districts. The research sample consisted of 115 respondents from the South Bohemia region and 82 respondents from Pardubice region. Results of the research show that the readiness is on a low level with marginal part of the respondents. This thesis includes suggestions to be implemented into practice.
Use of information technology in research-oriented teaching of probability and statistics
This dissertation focuses on the integration of random set simulations into the teaching of probability and statistics in high schools using an inquiry-based approach. The aim is to determine whether such integration can contribute to changing the perception of these subjects among high school students. The research question is: "How does the use of random set simulations in research-oriented teaching affect the perceptions and attitudes of grammar school students towards the subjects of probability and statistics?" The study involved an analysis of the responses of 52 respondents from the control and experimental groups who completed semantic differential questionnaires. The 110 t-tests conducted showed that there were statistically significant differences in the responses of the two groups in the perceptions within the semantic space of students for probability as faster and more varied and for statistics as more useful. In the didactic reconstruction of the content for the secondary level, learning objectives were set at three levels of sophistication. The results showed that more than half of the high school students were able to create simulations of random sets with clusters or regular sets and to detect and eliminate the most common errors. Research suggests that incorporating random set simulations into the classroom can be an effective tool for improving understanding and increasing interest in probability and statistics. Moreover, this method supports the development of digital competences and programming skills, which are increasingly important in today's educational environment. The work also shows that random set simulations can help high school students to better understand the basic concepts of statistics and probability, which is important in the context of their growing importance in the modern world.
Diagnosis sliding contact using practical applications "Methods particulate"
Kopecký, Jiří ; Mach, Martin (referee) ; Veselka, František (advisor)
This thesis deals with the sliding contact of electrical machines and its diagnostic methods. Namely, the dust-particles method for assessing the length decrease of brushes is deeply described. Then, usage of the method in industry is described. The comparison of accuracy between manual version and new automated version of the method using computer analysis is presented. The final section is devoted to the practical verification of the new automated version which was developed especially for large machines. Measurements were performed on a small machine.
Stochastic modeling of water consumption in the water supply network
Kopecký, Josef ; Tureček,, Jan (referee) ; Ručka, Jan (advisor)
This thesis deals with stochastic water demand modellling in the water supply network. In the opening section, a research is created, where two different approaches to stochastic modelling of water consumption are presented. The practical part describes the creation of a deterministic hydraulic model and its calibration. Generated stochastic water demand patterns with a small time step of 1 minute, are then inserted into this model. Each household is assigned with a unique water demand pattern. Then a hydraulic analysis was done. A comparison of deterministic and stochastic approaches is presented at the end of the thesis. The comparison shows, that small-time step modelling does not have a big impact on the pressure ratios in the water supply network, but has a huge impact on the maximum flows and speeds occurring in links of the hydraulic model.
Control circuits of railway lift
Kopecký, Jan ; Lažek, Tomáš (referee) ; Huták, Petr (advisor)
This master thesis deals with the mechanical and electrical design of the drive of the inclined construction lift. Individual components are selected in the design. Furthermore, a theoretical research is carried out regarding wireless modules and logic controllers. The selection of sensors is made and the method of retrieving signals from sensors and converting them into iputs the control circuits is also outlined. A program is written in Arduino IDE that wirelessly controls the motion of a motor via variable frequency drive.
Preparation of binary intermetallic material by melting of powder mixture by electron beam
Kopecký, Jan ; Krajňáková, Petra (referee) ; Jan, Vít (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with system Fe-Al. Thesis is divided into two parts. Literature analysis contains a brief characterization of intermetallic materials, especially is focused on iron aluminides. Thesis also contains a brief description of processes of powder metallurgy. In experimental part metal powders of aluminium and iron were used to create samples with different composition, which were melted by electron beam. Samples was studied by metallographic analysis.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 189 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
7 KOPECKÝ, Jakub
18 KOPECKÝ, Jiří
7 Kopecký, Jakub
32 Kopecký, Jan
1 Kopecký, Jaroslav
2 Kopecký, Jindřich
1 Kopecký, Jindřich Bc.
18 Kopecký, Jiří
6 Kopecký, Josef
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