National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Construction technology project of new annexe building of rehabilitation Center in Brandýs nad Orlicí
Jansová, Markéta ; Mohapl, Martin (referee) ; Šlanhof, Jiří (advisor)
My diploma thesis solves an extension of rehabilitation centre. The building technological project in this diploma thesis contains primarily technology procedure, model of the building site accessories, time schedule, check and test plan and budget for this extension. Specialization is drawn from the field of structural engineering - thermal and technical assessment of the building.
Analysis of Diffractive Open Charm Photoproduction with a Leading Proton at HERA
Jansová, Markéta ; Černý, Karel (advisor) ; Kepka, Oldřich (referee)
The diffractive open charm production is studied using data from 2006-2007, when the leading proton measurement by H1 Very Forward Proton Spectrometer was provided. The charm production is tagged by the decay products of D∗ meson. The cross section of e+ p → e+ D∗ X p in photoproduction regime defined by the value of virtuality Q2 < 2 GeV is determined and corrected for the detector effects. The diffractive D∗ meson photoproduction cross section is compared with the hadron level MC Rapgap prediction based on diffractive parton distribution functions extracted from inclusive ep DIS measurements. Measurement of leading proton provides a unique opportunity to investigate the response of forward detectors for the diffractive events. Using such events, the performance of the large rapidity gap selection is examined.
Studium difrakčních ep interakcí na hadron-elektronovém collideru
Jansová, Markéta ; Valkárová, Alice (advisor) ; Žáček, Josef (referee)
A new ep collider LHeC is currently planned at CERN. LHeC should comple- ment the physics program of former ep collider HERA and existing hadron-hadron collider LHC. In the LHeC project the collisions of electrons with energy 60 GeV and protons with energy 7 TeV should be studied. The thesis is focused on the study of diffractive charged current deep inelastic scattering interactions, which had already been investigated at HERA collider (H1 experiment), but with un- satisfying statistics. This thesis reproduce Monte Carlo predictions obtained by H1 collaboration for this process and its main goal is calculation of diffractive charged current DIS cross section for future LHeC project.
Construction technology project of new annexe building of rehabilitation Center in Brandýs nad Orlicí
Jansová, Markéta ; Mohapl, Martin (referee) ; Šlanhof, Jiří (advisor)
My diploma thesis solves an extension of rehabilitation centre. The building technological project in this diploma thesis contains primarily technology procedure, model of the building site accessories, time schedule, check and test plan and budget for this extension. Specialization is drawn from the field of structural engineering - thermal and technical assessment of the building.
Utilizing nurse counsellor in the care of incurably ill
JANSOVÁ, Markéta
The care of incurable ill seems to be a current topic because of modernization of health care curing today the states and diseases from which people used to die much earlier than today. From this reason, there is more and more incurably ill people and the role of nurse counsellor for the incurably ill is more and more significant. The nurse counsellor´ s task should be especially to be near the incurable ill and their families, to help them to orient themselves in this demanding situation, to provide important information and as the case may be to help them in the provision of more suitable care. Goals C1 have been set for this work ``To find out the idea the laic public has about the care in the situations after having found out that they would have been incurably ill``; C2: ``To find out the care assistant staff opinion on the possibility of utilizing the nurse counsellor in the care of incurably ill``; C3: ``To find out the possibilities of utilizing the nurse counsellor in the care of incurably ill`` and C4: `` To find out who should be the provider of counselling care after the client finds out that he is incurable ill``. Furthermore, hypotheses have been set H1: The counsellor nurse is able to intervene based on the problematic of the care being expressed by laic public in case of finding out an incurable illness``. H2: ``The care assistant staff does not consider the counsellor nurse´s role real because of not specified competences in the relevant legislation``. H3: ``The care assistant staff confuses the educator nurse´s role and the counsellor nurse´s role``. Qualitative-quantitative investigation has been conducted. In the qualitative part, the research set for the interview consisted of 4 nurses from oncological, surgical, out-patient and neurological department and 4 lays. The research set of the research investigation quantitative part consisted of 116 respondents: nurses from the subsequent care, out-patient, surgical, neurological and oncological department at the hospital Nemocnice České Budějovice, a. s. and at the St. J.N.Neumanna hospice in Prachatice; and further 112 respondents-lays. From the evaluated results, it can be concluded that both the nurses and lays are interested in a counsellor nurse whose utilization would be, however, problematic because of not specified competences in the legislation. Further on it is necessary to emphasise the dominant value ensued from the research investigation {--} the family``.
Nursing care as provided to ante finem patients
JANSOVÁ, Markéta
The subject of death and dying is still considered a taboo in our society. It is awkward and anachronistic since our times require people full of life and vigor. The terminally ill are often snubbed by the society. Though being well aware of the unfavorable prognosis, many a doctor tries to treat the patients to the very last moment, and he or she perceives the death as a personal defeat. In 1967 Cicely Saunders, an English doctor familiar with the dismal conditions of dying in the then society, founded in London the St. Christopher's Hospice, the first modern facility of this kind. The philosophy of this effort has been perpetuated in the Hospice of the Agnes of Bohemia established in 1995 as the first hospice in the Czech Republic. The Bachelor Paper aimed to assess the possibilities of providing the ante finem care by health-care personnel at a hospital and a hospice. The Paper investigated these hypotheses: H1 - Health-care workers provide the ante finem patients with health care in conformity to the standards applicable to both types of the facilities; H2 - Approach of the personnel to the care is dependent on their emotional stability; H3 - Health-care personnel in hospitals are not aware that the art of accompanying is a part of the nursing process. The surveyed sample was compiled of nurses on the staff of the Internal Medicine Ward and the Post-Treatment Ward of hospitals in České Budějovice, Jihlava and Třebíč and the hospices in Prachatice, Červený Kostelec and Brno. The data were gathered through a questionnaire. Altogether 170 questionnaires were distributed and 136 out of them were processed in the final assessment. As follows from the assessment results, the care provided to the terminally ill patients in hospitals is affected primarily by time pressures and by the fact that the nursing staff are not fully aware of the possibilities that palliative care offers, while in hospices the conditions available for the palliative care have a quality basis. Results of the Paper will be given to one of the hospitals and two hospices specified above, where they can inspire some new ideas about possible improvement in providing the palliative care.

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6 JANSOVÁ, Markéta
1 JANSOVÁ, Martina
4 JANSOVÁ, Miroslava
4 Jansová, Miroslava
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