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Family business
Prchalová, Lenka ; Svobodová, Ivana (advisor) ; Janů, Petra (referee)
The thesis deals with the phenomenon of "Family business". The first part involves theory aimed at the global importance of family businesses, their specifics, definition, strong and weak sides and potential difficulties. The process of succession and its strategy is described in more detailed way enabling future success of family businesses. The second part shows analyses of Czech family companies. There is a comparison with German family companies which might serve for some improvement of the Czech family entrepreneurs. At the end of this thesis, there are three case studies of three Czech family companies. On the basis of their analysis is provided a recommendation of potential solutions of their problematic areas.
Local Agenda 21 and its impact to the municipality development
Janů, Petra ; Khendriche Trhlínová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Havlíčková, Daniela (referee)
This thesis deals with the Local Agenda 21 (MA21) and its impact to the municipality development. The Local Agenda 21 was derived from The Agenda 21, the main document of sustainable development agreed by UN in 1992. It is generally known that society development, population growth and growing peoples needs meet the limited quantities of the resources. Exactly this conflict between unlimited peoples wants and the limited amount of the resources has led to creating the Agenda 21 which was the reaction to unreasonable wastage of the resources and to environment deterioration. Local Agenda 21 is a blueprint paper for local authorities and its main aim is to achieve sustainable development in the particular area. Efficient usage of the resources may be seen as a proper solution. International project Healthy cities (WHO) operates with principles of sustainable development. The theoretical recourse may be found in the first part of the thesis. The practical implementation of MA21 principles (they are derived from principles of sustainable development) in Pelhřimov may be found in the following part. Pelhřimov joined the mentioned project Healthy cities in 2005. It means that these municipalities should respect sustainable development, environment and citizens opinions. Healthy cities also should preserve the environment for future generation.
Vztahy občanů a zastupitelů ve vybrané obci - konflikt rolí
Janů, Petra Bc. ; Hiršová, Miloslava (advisor) ; Syrovátka, Oldřich (referee)
Práce zjišťuje a analyzuje, jak občané v menších obcích vnímají různé role svých zastupitelů (role spoluobčana x role reprezentanta obce). Zda při výkonu funce starosty vidí občané v zastupiteli opravdu zastupitele (percepce role) a na základě čeho tak soudí (atribuce role).

See also: similar author names
11 Janů, Petr
1 Janů, Petra Bc.
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